The Strange Charm was in orbit around Noventa, drifting just inside one of the denser sections of the debris field overhead. Farkas sat at the scanning terminal in the cockpit, to which he had connected his datapad. After initiating some custom routines he had programmed to improve the efficiency of the scans he passed off the datapad to Sharn so that he wouldn't have to hover. The technician didn't mind when folks hovered, but Sharn preferred his own personal space. "I've updated the interface with the preferences you gave me. When you identify salvage that is of particular interest during the scan you can tag it for me and I'll pivot the scan scan to it's coordinates. If an item is tagged, scanned and shows promise it will send a green alert with it's coordinates to the pilot's console."
He turns to look to Syzygy. "That'll be your cue to find a safe approach through the debris to that particular point of interest. Once you've got the path locked in we'll execute the maneuver and collect before returning to a safe area. While the maneuver is being executed the scanner will be finding the nearest safe zone from the point of interest and once located you'll get a blue alert on your console. You can plan your next maneuver to the safe zone during collection. The scanners will restart the search for salvage immediately after the blue alert is confirmed by you Syzygy."
He turns back to his console. "I'm ready."