"Fine! Have it your-" a gunshot rung out from beside Cal, where Chiwu stood. Beside the Chiss one of the security forces fell over backward, dead. The woman held her relic of a rifle up against her shoulder and had the iron sights aimed down. With the strong scent of gunpowder clinging to the air.
The Chiss Mercenary ducked down and used the other one for cover as he retreated among his men. Chiwu grabbed Cal's shoulder and directed him with her toward the center of town, beyond the positions where the others lay waiting. They would function as the bait that would drive the majority of the forces into the towns center.
[Some of the forces will be held in "Reserve" as they will be fighting the villagers, occupying them until such a time as progress may be made.]
Cool Initiative:
1eP 2 successesInitiative X3:
3#1eA 1 success 1 success, 1 advantage 0 successes, 2 advantageInitiative: Captain:
2eA 0 successes, 1 advantage[CAPTAIN will have ADVERSARY ONE, and CHISS MERCENARY will have ADVERSARY TWO, this upgrades all checks against them per rank of Adversary. CHISS MERCENARY will also have DEFENSE 1 for ranged and Melee.]
All Targets are currently at LONG Range. Chiss Difficulty Pool is modded by Two Upgrades and One Setback. Captain is modded by one upgrade. Minions aren't upgraded in difficulty.
I will likely pull up a map when we get into it further to help us all keep tabs on things. Furthest any PC is from one another is Short.
Initiative List: