by Ender » Tue Oct 23, 2018 5:48 pm
Soren's blast finds it's mark, sending one of the farmers into another, as they slammed back into a panel, electricity coursing through their bodies as they slumped to the ground. His sharp eyes are able to pick out... CREWMEMBERS. Still alive, in binders, and on their knees in the cockpit as the firefight continued.
The lone remaining 'farmer' turned to look at his commander, and she looked at him. She reached behind her, hitting the controls. "You have a choice! Go after us, or save the town and this crew!" She called back in a howl of shrill delight. She turned to face the transparisteel wind screen, and fired her blaster, before issuing a command for the trooper to tall back. She laughed, and leapt out, both the farmer and her kicking on rocket boots to escape...
(Destiny point spent from 12 parsecs to have the gun blast out the window of the craft).
Looking ahead, she was not bluffing. A collection of farms and craft, with the out of control hauler careening towards it. The remaining crew as hostages.
What will you do? Save the crew and the homestead? Or go after the escaping Imperials...
GM - The Ashla and the Bogan, The Bendu - "All Is As The Force Wills It"