This Begins Session 2. Once Per Session abilities refresh. Any XP Expenditures take effect immediately.
Important News: Two very localized Earthquakes were felt by local scientists. One in the Northern Hemisphere, one in the Southern.
Northern Hemisphere (Noventa City, Providence Town, The forest and plains): A storm rages, lightning and thunder fill the sky. Heavy Rainfall. All checks outdoors suffer 2 setback dice.
Southern Hemisphere (Charnel Gulch): The air is frigid. Ice forms on everything. 2 setback dice from frozen conditions.
Near-Orbit: There is an unnatural calm in space, as looking down at Noventa, one can see the massive storms rocking the northern hemisphere. Conditions in space normal.
Today's Events:
EE - The Charnel Gulch Classic (Will post After Work)
Disturbances in the Force:
Darkness. Fear. It permeates everything. Something Dark has Awakened. Noventa acts as a Dark Side Vergeance. Every Force Check generates one automatic dark side pip.