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(D8 EM) Farewell, For Now

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 3:18 am
by Jelna Vawn
Jelna took a sip of her morning caf and sat down on the floor next to the ship's main computer database. She placed a box with a clear label saying, "For Jelna's Eyes Only" and slid it next to it. Inside were datachips containing copies of every single recording containing Zerra in them. Of course, these were already backed up on the ship already. There were other boxes scattered around the ship. She even planned on delivering one for safe keeping at the Twelve Parsecs later in case something happened to the ship.

She recognized she was being paranoid but it was the only way she felt comfortable doing the next part.


The blonde pulled up a recording of them back in their homely loft. Then, Jelna had been wearing her ISB uniform while Zerra had worn her favorite green gown. It had been a complicated ensemble, with feathery lace to go with the layered skirt following long behind the bodice. The design had been inspired by some sort of magnificent bird.

Worse than the disparate differences between their clothes was the fact that Jelna had cancelled their evening plans then. "I understand. Duty calls," the redhead had said with a genuine smile. There was an unmistakable pain and disappointment welling up in her eyes that Jelna noticed this time and thousands of times before.

Jelna had noticed even then. Though now it seemed like not enough, she had gone in for a quick embrace and a peck on the lips. "I will return to you shortly," Jelna had promised, and at the very least, it had indeed been true. The next kiss was warmer and the runaway agent made sure to keep herself from becoming lost in it. From going back on her goal.

"I already said I understand," Zerra had teased. The pain in her eyes had been replaced with love. If there was one image Jelna wanted to be ingrained in her mind forever, it was that one. "I know you will finish up your duties quickly. You are far too efficient to dally." She had planted a kiss on the cheek before lightly shoving her partner to the door. "Now go on, if you hurry, we may be able to spend the night out instead of staying in again.

"But if we do have to stay here, then at least I will have your company. I love you."

"I love you too, Zerra," Jelna said, both in the past and present. But her next words were heard only by the walls of the Ivory Phoenix. "Please, forgive me. This time, my departure may be a bit longer, but I will come back to you. It's just that I need to focus if I am going to overcome the opposition." She closed her eyes and felt the darkness permeating around her still. "If you felt this dreadful feeling, then I know you would do everything in your power to stop it. You already know I spent too much time with you yesterday."

Jelna pulled up the UI for the neural recorder and highlighted the giant folder containing the most important woman in the galaxy. She pressed through her damn, rapid-beating heart and her damn, hurried breaths and deleted them for the first time. And though she expected tears, none came out.

After all, she had a job to do.


D8 EM Discipline for Neural Recorder: 1eP+2eA+1eD 1 success, 3 advantage