Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

The Primary Spaceport of Noventa. Always busy. Always open.

Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:10 am

Shooting off into the sky was a lone transport, having delivered it's cargo and taken on new it continued it's grind to get enough money to someday earn retirement. Just as, from the exit to the Spaceport, a robed woman and a child exited into the streets of the city of Noventa. Carrying naught but a few necessary items for their travels. The child, a young Pantoran female who looked confidently out onto the world around them.
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Temra Zol » Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:17 am

Temra had come out tyo see to the new shipment of supplies for the clinic and was headed back to get a speeder ride back to the clinic when he nearly tripped over the young girl.

"My deepest apologies Miss, I didn't see you there,"
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Fri Oct 19, 2018 2:03 am

Eagerly the young child bowed to the Iktotchi, "You have nothing to apologize for, I am small and easily unnoticed." she said with a smile. "It is good to see an Iktotchi out here, I haven't seen one yet but.." she pauses, glancing back over her shoulder to the woman that stood beside her. ".. but I have heard many things about your race!"

Upon the attention drawn to her the robed woman lay down her hood, revealing the horns of a Zabrak. Brown hair with grayed strands flowed down to her shoulders and then stopped. Bowing to the man she offered a kind look, "Greetings. Please excuse us, we do not wish to trouble you," she said, her voice was humble. Laying a passive hand on the girls shoulder to remind her of such things.
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Temra Zol » Fri Oct 19, 2018 2:30 am

Temra smiled and tousled the young girls hair.

"No trouble at all ma'am. If I may offer an observation, it would seem you are newcomers to Noventa. Might I help direct you to your destination?"
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Fri Oct 19, 2018 2:36 am

"Our ultimate destination is clouded, but perhaps you might direct us to a place that we might acquire food? If you are a local there must be some place you prefer to frequent?" asked the older Zabrak. At the question the young Pantoran appeared to beam with excitement although she did an impressive job of containing herself.
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Temra Zol » Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:21 am

"Only if you will allow me the singular pleasure of escorting you there personally." Temra insists, not intending to take no for an answer.

He leans a little closer to the Zabrak, trying to hide his words from the young Pantoran.

"You arrive at an inauspicious time there is...something in the air, I would not feel right for two ladies to walk the streets by themselves."
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Fri Oct 19, 2018 4:08 am

"You are most kind to offer such help to travelers you have barely met," the woman responded. Patting the young girl on the shoulder once more and as if on command the young girl retrieved the small bag she had deposited on the ground before. Speaking softly then to mirror his own approach, "Your warning is appreciated."

"Shall we be off then?" she asked.
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Temra Zol » Fri Oct 19, 2018 4:23 am

"Depending on your desires, there are a few places I could recommend, depending on whether you wanted sit down dining or walking around food? My preference lies with the fresher produce from the farmers market. There's always a fine selection of merchandise at prices you can't beat." Temra stops suddenly in his tracks and curses softly in the language of his people.

"Where ARE my manners? I'm Temra Zol, aide to Dr Suhr at the Neda Ulaby Medical Centre."
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Fri Oct 19, 2018 4:38 am

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Temra Zol," a smile comes to the older woman's face. Bowing to the man humbly. "I am Daen, and this young one with me is Mirri."

Mirri, too, bowed to the Iktotchi known as Temra Zol.
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Temra Zol » Fri Oct 19, 2018 4:59 am

Temra returned the smile and glance down to little Mirri as they began walking again.

"And what are you hoping to find to eat? You seemed rather excited at the prospect of real food rather than that MRE stuff they normally have on the ships."
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Fri Oct 19, 2018 5:12 am

"What kind of food do they frequently make here?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. "I would like something home made. It's been a long time since I've had something home made."
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Temra Zol » Fri Oct 19, 2018 5:44 am

"Well the trouble there Mirri, is that there's not exactly a large community of your people here on Noventa. Ms Daen would be more likely to find something from her culture, I think I've seen a few other Zabrak's around these parts. Perhaps you might take it upon yourself to try something new, open yourself up to new experiences."

Taking a pause for a second he thinks to himself. "After all, the greatest heroes and galaxy hoppers have to travel far from home and try all sorts of new things. I can recommend a local delicacy derived from the Manka cat if you're not predisposed against proteins and meat products?"
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Fri Oct 19, 2018 6:23 am

"Not like that, Temra! Home made, like, when someone brings you to their home and makes something fresh. Or," she places a curled finger under her chin, "When someone makes something, just for you. Where it has that care in it. Do you know what I mean?"
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Temra Zol » Fri Oct 19, 2018 7:02 am

Temra nods appreciatively. "I do, I recently was blessed with a nice family style home cooked breakfast by a farmer friend of mine. Until then though, not for a long while. There is definitely something....soul warming about that sort of care going into a meal's preparation is there not?"

"In a galaxy of mass production and conveyor belt, cookie cutter, convenience first mentality, such meals are a scarcity."

Despite that scarcity, Temra wracks his brain to try and recall something suitable.

D4 EA Raw Intell (Remeber a restaurant): 4eA 2 successes, 3 advantage
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Fri Oct 19, 2018 8:47 pm

It wasn't something so crazy that Temra needed some vast knowledge of memory to remember a few sites. There was a couple mom and pop shops that still held onto their business' in the bustling city of Noventa. Temra, having lived her plenty long enough, knew just the way to get to a few close by. Often as it was they were a bit too out of the way for a day to day for someone working in a Clinic. It should be fun!

"Exactly!" said Mirri.

Daen, in the meantime, drifted from this moment to another.
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Temra Zol » Fri Oct 19, 2018 8:57 pm

"A credit for your thoughts Miss Daen?" Temra asked as he led them through the most acceptable paths to a restaurant owned by an aging Mirialan couple who were occasional visitors to the clinic for their checkups.
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Sat Oct 20, 2018 1:19 am

"I thank you for your concern Temra, but it is nothing that you need concern yourself with. My mind drifts to the task that I have come here for," she said with a light smile coming upon her lips. Inclining her head toward the Iktotchi.

Seeing her chance, Mirri spoke up, "Daen and I are here for some important work. She's helped me understand a lot about people and things, and we're gonna help the people here. We just need to figure out what the people here need most and then we will know how best to help them."
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Temra Zol » Sat Oct 20, 2018 1:58 am

"Well as someone who tries to help people every day, I think it's a very noble and commendable course of action for you to be so devoted to at such a young age. Just keep in mind that my offers of help don't just extend to acting as a tour guide for visitors. If you need anything while you're here, you can always call on me at the Neda Ulaby Medical Center, even if it's not a medical problem. Truth be told I'm more of a tinkerer with machines than people."

Pointing at a brightly colored awning jutting out from a very nondescript building, Temra announces that they've reached the restaurant. "There's a menu out the front Mirri, why don't you check it out?"
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Honorordeath » Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:38 am

"it is the duty of everyone to do best what we can do for other people," the girl recited, looking up to Daen. Then, at the suggestion, she smiled and nodded. Looking to Daen once for confirmation before walking off toward the sign and browsing their selections.

When they were alone, Daen spoke, "You may not be a healer of people, Temra Zol, but you are one who has a good heart and can deal with them well. I can see how it is your good heart that must have brought you to that clinic you now work in. You have a desire to help others that is plain to see. I hope you continue to nourish that trait with the goodness of your heart. The galaxy needs more spirits like yours in this time."
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Re: Migrant Life [Day 4, Early Afternoon]

Postby Temra Zol » Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:44 am

"And it's refreshing to see a kindred soul who bears the same self imposed duty and obligations that I do. Just don't let the weight of the galaxy fall too squarely upon your shoulders, there's always others to help you carry your load." Temra replied as his eyes kept watch over Mirri's activities, she wasn't too far away, but in this weather and this crowd, it was always a challenge to keep an eye on a youngling.

"I'm sorry if Mirri said more than you were comfortable sharing with a stranger. They don't usually take to me so well, kids I mean, or people of most any sort. I wasn't trying to pry or pump her for information."
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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