by Dartris Ribmatt » Fri Oct 26, 2018 10:11 pm
"Of course. Good luck, Kai. Enjoy your lunch." He nods at Kai before beginning to make his way out of the ship. It was sort of a low bridge moment, but getting thru it ended up being fairly easy. As he's at the door, he pauses and looks at Fey for a few moments, trying to find the right word for something. "Listen..." He looks at her, losing his twang accent and went towards his Corellian one, though the flow of the words remain. "I'm not really good at this whole serious talk, without the charm." Taking a deep breath, he smiled at her. "Just don't forget what I told you that night at the casino. Those upper floors are quite the minefield. So be careful, alright?"
NPC (Played by Flession) |
Underboss of Noventa City |