Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

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Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Oct 22, 2018 6:26 pm

Even if the weather wasn't as terrible today as the day before, Fey saw no reason to spend too much time outdoors... so she had been killing time doing chores on the ship since she got up. Breakfast had been fixed for everyone to grab once they lumbered out from their rooms, and she'd finally fixed the issue with the refresher. For the time being.

So she was lazying it up in the lounge-area, watching the day-time holo-shows that were only good for wasting time. Right now some Chiss was stoicly denying he was the father of a blue-skinned baby while a human-woman argued that he was. Fey rolled her eyes as she half-heartedly went through her stretching exercises. "Aw, come on, even a Miraluka could see they're related!"
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Flession » Mon Oct 22, 2018 7:01 pm

The Chiss proceeded to make his logical case of the situation, pointing out the inferiority of the woman's intellect would prevent him from giving over to his inner carnal desires, choosing to claim his fidelity to his Arkanian wife due to the superior offspring they could produce, to the jeers of the audience.

Nearby, Cefey's commlink goes off over on the otherside of the lounge. Unfortunately, that would have to require her to get off of the lounge chair, which was surprisingly comfortable. This might be the moment she may regret not learning how to use the Force to move objects to her.
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Oct 22, 2018 7:11 pm

The tirade earned another eyeroll from the twi'lek. Most men liked to claim superiority one way or another, but she knew when it got down to it, a lot of men were just perverts. Stars knew a lot of the officers she had met had been married...

At least that train of thought was interrupted as the commlink beeped. Annoyingly. She stretched out her hands for a few seconds, trying to will the object to come to her... to no avail. "Ugh, fine." Like an agile blue-skinned sloth, she rolled off the lounge chair. "Gimme a second!"

Finally reaching the comm, she pressed to accept the call. "Hello...?"
Rutian Twi'lek | Honey | Former Slave | Performer | Clever Girl | Force Sensitive | Ivory Phoenix crew
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:02 pm

"Ahh, Fey. Good morning." The man said over the comms. "I don't suppose you let a nice man come in from over the comms now, could you?" A drawl on his accent left it little doubt who it could be but the man from the casino the other night. "Rather wet, and water is never good for my arm. I'll gladly pay you in some juice and Shesharilian vodka I brought over for some shelter from this weather."
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:30 pm

Uhhh... was the first reaction in the complicated twi'lek-brain, nearly crossing her lekku as she connected the dots. "Ah... monsieur. You braved the weather for a meeting?" she said with a hint of flirtation as she quickly pulled on a button-up shirt so she wouldn't greet Dartris wearing just yoga-pants and a sports-bra. "Give me un second, s'il vous plaît." At least she was fast with doing the buttons.

Muting the call on her end, Fey quickly turned off the holo, just as the crowd was gasping in shock when it was revealed that the Chiss was the father. "Guuuuys, company's at the door. The one I told you about." She wasn't quite sure who was still asleep and who was out right now, but it was the usual standard warning to give when there was someone at the door.

And it was a good thing too that she had actually spend a couple of months making the ship actually rather welcoming to visitors. Well in truth it had been to make the Phoenix much more cozy and comfortable for them to live in, but the idea had also been to give a good impression to potential employers.

It didn't take long before the door to the Ivory Phoenix opened and Fey greeted Dartris with her usual charming smile. "Bienvenue, please come in from the rain."
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Mon Oct 22, 2018 9:24 pm

His outfit was always refined and postured, showing class no matter wher he came in. The ship entrance was sort of a low bridge for him entering, not exactly being short either.
"Ahh, a bright sun on a rainy day."
Ducking his head to enter the rain, he smiles at Fey and hands her the vodka. Hopefully you it, like Fey. Can't say I'm a fan of it myself, but I figure some juice and that would make it easier to deal with this weather."
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Mon Oct 22, 2018 9:29 pm

Kai meanwhile was dealing with other business elsewhere in the ship, and while he didn't exactly ignore Cefey, he put it from his mind. Probably some oy she had purposefully given the wrong idea or something like that. Coming out when not invited would likely just spoil matters.

So instead he lounged in his bed in his room, waiting for a call to arrive. It should be any time now. Well probably.
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Oct 22, 2018 9:40 pm

Must be nice to have money to dress rich all the time, she thought briefly. "It's not often someone has given me vodka so early in a day," she chuckled and pressed the door to close once he was inside.

"You know, monsieur, you did not have to go into this horrible weather. But it is very sweet. Merci." Taking a few steps back, she gestured for him to follow along through the circular passageway of the ship. "Welcome to the Ivory Phoenix. A bit cramped, but she is a good ship."

At least it seemed to be a ship in working order and with a crew that kept it clean and tidy to make it welcoming. Probably not unexpected for a group who made the ship their home.
Rutian Twi'lek | Honey | Former Slave | Performer | Clever Girl | Force Sensitive | Ivory Phoenix crew
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"Theft, it is an especially sweet vice. More elegant than vandalism and more complex than simple robbery."
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:04 pm

He nodded. "Drinking in the morning helps the day go by faster, I feel. Taken me years to find the right balance between smashed drunk in the morning and that right buzz to make it thru the day."

"Well, as much as I would love to offer such devotion and praise, saying that you're worth coming all the way out here in the rain, it would sadly not be the whole story. A few of my imports had arrived earlier this morning, so I had to do my job this morning. After that, I figured why not stop by, bring a drink, and hammer out the details of what we discussed the other day."
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:12 pm

"How thoughtful," she smirked playfully as she lead him to the lounge-area of the ship, which had comfortable seats and a couch, a stocked bar, holo-screens, and a short trip to the kitchen. There was even some fruit on the table to snack on. "Je will have to keep that in mind - keeping the buzz through the day. Though not recommended often on the job in mon case."

She'd be terrible at her job if she was lightly tipsy throughout the day.

"Please, make yourself comfortable as we spoke of these details."
Rutian Twi'lek | Honey | Former Slave | Performer | Clever Girl | Force Sensitive | Ivory Phoenix crew
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:43 pm

He placed himself down on the table, giving the ship a proper look over. It was kind of small for him to have to deal with on a regular basis, but it was nice. "Yes, when it's important, you shouldn't drink." He laughed as he plopped himself on the table."

"Spent most of my time on these sort of ships growing up; I like how pleasant you've made it." He looks around for a few moments before nodding. "Shows you actually care about your crew, as well as the people you're trying to convince to hire you. Wouldn't believe how many pilots leave their ship looking like crap on the inside. "

He paused, giving it a moment. "How does she fly? I was born on Corellia; you didn't get to live there and not know your CEC ships. It's..." He snapped his fingers a few times, thinking back. "It's a 560, I believe."
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Oct 22, 2018 10:51 pm

"Well, for us it is home. Je can't speak too much about how Phoenix flies, as I am only the co-pilot. Dear won't let me pilot it yet on my own, but she is very good at it!"

She did raise an eyebrow to learning that he was in fact from Corellia, and it masked her initial reaction of slight panic. Hopefully he'd been away from there to not know any of the others... or the ones they've been trying to avoid. "Ah, yes it's a YV-560 from Corellia," she nodded with surprise in her tone, "I did not know tu was from Corellia. I mistook you for a Noventa native, to be honest."
Rutian Twi'lek | Honey | Former Slave | Performer | Clever Girl | Force Sensitive | Ivory Phoenix crew
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"Theft, it is an especially sweet vice. More elegant than vandalism and more complex than simple robbery."
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:03 pm

"Co-Pilot's still pretty important. Got a lot to handle in that second seat. Suppose your former situation wouldn't leave you much time to learn much of the pilot seat.. " He looked on as she continued, mentioning his home.

He didn't make it immediately known his opinion on the sudden shocked look at the mention of his home planet. If he caught it, he didn't let it known outwardly. "I'm not surprised. I've been here so long my accent has been adapted. Hear people talk a certain way for so many years, it catches on in your head and you it starts to go along their way. Eventually it just takes over you." He shakes his head. "Though if I concentrate enough I can speak like I used to." His voice turned to a more distinctive Corellian flare. "Besides, people trust you more when you're speaking their language, using their tone and their mannerisms. Make them feel like you're one of them. For someone who deals in trade here, it certainly does not hurt when you're dealing with the locals." The drawl returned back over once again, and a smile popped up. "But I haven't been there since I was 10. It's a boring place, really. I think they honestly just build their ships so their citizenry can use them to get the hell outta there."
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 23, 2018 1:05 am

Kai Wryssald wrote:Kai meanwhile was dealing with other business elsewhere in the ship, and while he didn't exactly ignore Cefey, he put it from his mind. Probably some oy she had purposefully given the wrong idea or something like that. Coming out when not invited would likely just spoil matters.

So instead he lounged in his bed in his room, waiting for a call to arrive. It should be any time now. Well probably.

At exactly the appointed time Kal's communicator went off, just like before.
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Oct 23, 2018 2:01 am

"'Ello." Kai offered in a easy going manner. No reason to be nervous after all.
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 23, 2018 2:38 am

"You talk to your friends?" the distorted voice came over on the communicator, beyond the sound of that voice the call was perfectly silent.
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Oct 23, 2018 2:44 am

"Yeah, they can help." Kai offered evenly, though that likely meant they would be taking the majority of the risks.
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 23, 2018 2:49 am

"Excellent," there was a pause, "If you have a slicer..."

"Package will be delivered to the Twelve Parsecs. Enter from the front, find the third table to your right. Underneath that table there will be a box secured at the center. Once you have it you will need to proceed to the Government center and find a way to access their computer systems without being caught. Once you've done that, insert my little package into their system and we'll be set. Easy."

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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Oct 23, 2018 3:37 am

"I could ask about your former employer, but I'm pretty sure you wont give me many details." Other then that, I'll have to think of them for a moment.

"I suppose we will be expected to provide our own tools for the slicing, is the first that comes up."
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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 23, 2018 3:53 am

"My package is fire and forget," the distorted voice came. "If you want to go poking around in their systems though..."

"As for my employer, all you need to know is they're the kind of person to send an assassin to end a contract. Nasty business. Won't come back on you."
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