Jozk started with the routine inspections for the automated drills, droids and other machinery that were used in the extraction before the operations began again for the day. He noticed that one of the conveyor belts that moved the raw ores had a small failure so he devoted some time into repairing it.
[OOC - Rolls]
D1 - MA; Salt Mines! Roll n°1 Average Dif; Mechanics;: 2eA+2eP+2eD 5 successes, 1 threat, 1 Triumph
Successes: 5
- Using Eye for Detail taking 1 strain to transform 1 success into 1 advantage and cancel the threat.
- Using 3 sucesses to increase the efficiency of the Belt Conveyor
Triumph: 1
- Using the Triumph to increase the capacity of the Belt Conveyor in order to transport more ore
Threat: 1
- Annulled with Eye for Detail
Strain: 12/13* [Session Obligation -1 Strain]
Wounds: 12/12