There have been some whispers lately from the shadier parts of town. With the Imperials showing up to do battle, the criminal underworld have begun to rise up, and seeing a opportunity to strike, they would do so fervently. Control of the planet was at stake; why not take a gamble with a chance to make a profit?
PCs: Unlimited at Entry
Finger on the Pulse: The Underworld is a dangerous, yet profitable place. The Black Sun always are on the lookout for new talent to utilize, and yet maybe they have been scouting for it for some time. A smart man always keeps his ear out for opportunity and you are no exception.
Make a Underworld Knowledge or Skulduggery check with a Hard Difficulty, upgraded once due to the sensitive nature of the dealings. On a success, you are given a location and a phrase and my continue on to the next portion of the event. On a failure, you are completely in the dark for this and are unable to continue on. On a Despair, you are given false information about the meet-up location and code word and are led to where the Sector Rangers are currently setting up a ambush for potential criminals. You receive the Obligation: Criminal (5) and released due to their inability to hold prisoners at this time. If you still succeeded on your roll, you may still proceed to your next part of the event, having found someone eventually who leads you to the right place.
A Destiny Point may be used to bypass this check entirely even if you failed the roll allowing fate to intervene in your behalf. However, it will be considered used up for the event and no Destiny points may be applied to any of your checks for the remainder of the event. This cannot be done if the roll results were a failure and a Despair was rolled. Anyone having worked for the Black Sun on a successful job in any way may add two bonus dice due to them wanting to ensure you know about the job.
Advantages and threats on this check will be used to boost or hinder your roll on the next part as per standard advantage/threat rules.
Farkas Lowca may skip this step entirely, should he choose to.
"I Didn't Mean It Literally!"
Entering into the shop, you find yourself with lots of fine quality herbal remedies. But with the smells and the good deals, there lies a dark underbelly. You come to the counter and utter the phrase you were given: "I've come for my dose of Sleeppack." You are then led to a back room to get your 'sleeping aid'. As you wait in the back room, the lights go out and you are assaulted by someone with a injector in their hands. A Brawl attack is made against you with a Brawl attack (made at 2 Proficiency, 2 Ability Attack) at a hard (◆◆◆) difficulty. This is considered a attack against yourself, so you may add any benefits you may against melee or brawn attacks. The attack also gains two bonus dice due to darkness in the room. Any natural means you character has to negate darkness setbacks may be used to negate the bonus dice. On a Success, make another Hard (◆◆◆) Resilience check against the sedatives. Any bonuses to poisons may be applied to this check.
If the Resilience check is failed, take 10 strain damage and you are considered to be knocked out. This is considered poison so soak will not apply. If either check is successful, the assaulter gives up and asks that you just wear a bag over your head, not wanting to start any trouble. This impresses the Black Sun and grants you two free bonus dice for the next portion of the event to use on any singular check. Whether you are succeed or fail at this junction, proceed to the next part. Advantages rolled on the first roll may be used to boost the second roll as per normal rules.
A Despair on the first roll (if you can manage to have one) or a Triumph on the second roll are considered to be a complete pass on this test and no further rolls are required, regardless if the roll is passed or failed. Gain two bonus dice as if you had passed the the second part of the test.
"What Would You Say Is Your Greatest Weakness?"
The lights come in to a blank room, with a man with a robe and a darkness field surrounding him sitting patiently for your awakening (or bag remove). "I want the best for the job; prove to me that you are what I seek."
You can make a optional Daunting (◆◆◆◆) Perception check to determine the identity of the man behind the Shadowcloak. On a success, I will send a PM about the looks of the individual.
The man, known only to you as "The Mastermind" is looking for 6 exceptional people to pull off a dangerous job in Providencetown and with those willing to risk themselves. You may apply for multiple roles, so long as you remain conscious, but may only choose one at the end. The roles are as follows:
The Hacker: You are given a datapad that he wants you to pull information from. There are many levels of difficulty of encrypted files on it, and he wants you to show him what you're truly capable of. He's also got a blaster pointed at you to give you a taste of the exactly sort of pressure you'll be dealing with. Make a Computers Choose a difficulty Ranging From Average to Daunting. Flip one Destiny to upgrade the difficulty and make the roll with two setbacks. On a success, you manage to open the encrypted file with. Add your total number of successes to the amount of dice you rolled for the check while adding the number of dice you rolled for the check itself. For every 2 advantages you roll, add 1 to the overall total. On a Despair, a alarm goes off and you are shot with the blaster. Take 8 Strain damage (soak applies). If you are still conscious you and were still successful in the attempt, you may try again, adding a additional 2 setback dice to the roll. Destiny will not be flipped in this second attempt. Triumphs will count as 2 successes for these rolls or may be used to prevent yourself from getting shot at if a Despair is also rolled.
The Distraction:This job might require a bit of convincing that doesn't involve violence. Show off your skills by getting him to give you a keycard on the table. Roll a Charm and a Deception check against a Hard (◆◆◆) difficulty, flipping a Destiny point to upgrade the difficulty of one of them (your choice). On a success, you manage to come up with a good motivation to take it. Add the total successes together of each one. That is your running total. Advantages and threats may be used to boost or add a setback dice at the other roll at a 2:1 ratio and in case of a tie will the total will used to determine the winner. Triumphs will count as 2 successes for these rolls. A Despair will reduce the total by 2.
The Muscle: Show how well you can take a shot and keep going. Carry a large box over your head and shots. Make a Athletics check at a Average Difficulty (◆◆) and hold up a box over your head. After that, make a Coercion check using Brawn as the your modifier at a Average to Daunting difficulty, flipping one Destiny to upgrade the difficulty and make the roll with two setbacks due to the physical strain, to give off a proper intimidation to not have the man shoot you. Add your total number of successes to while adding the number of dice you rolled for the check itself. Triumphs will count as 2 successes for these rolls. For every 2 advantages you roll, add 1 to the overall total. Threats will negate your results on a 2:1 basis as well. On a failure with either the Athletics or Coercion check, you are shot for your efforts, taking 8 Strain damage (Soak Applies). On a Despair, you will be shot twice. You may try again as many times you are able to while remaining conscious, adding 2 setback dice for the next attempt.
The Partner In Crime This job needs a leader on the field. Someone who knows how to command the troops, so to speak, and what to do when the stakes are raised. The robed man will ask you a series of questions and what you would do in the situation. For each question, make a Leadership check at each ascending difficulty. (Easy, Average, Hard, Daunting), with the Daunting question having a Destiny flip. Add the total number of successes to the end of question. Advantages and Threats will be used to boost or add setbacks to the next roll as appropriate and will be used to determine the winner in case of a tie. Triumphs will count as 2 successes for these rolls. Despairs will reduce the total by 2.
The Gunman: When the chips are down, it helps to have a straight shooter on your back. Hop into a holo-simulator and do some target practice. Make 4 ranged attacks using either Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy), or Gunnery. Each Attack will increase in distance at every turn. (Short, Medium, Long, Extreme). Apply whatever difficulties are required to these shots and whatever bonuses you or your gun has to negate them. Count the total successes you received. Advantages can be used to boost a dice roll or add to the total score at a 2:1 ratio. Threats will be used to add setback dice at a 2:1 ratio.
The Thief: Guns and hands are important to use, but who's going to be able to break into a safe when you need it? There is a safe to the side and a gun pointed at you to open it. Make a stealth check to see if you're able to make your way to a safe on the side of the room at a Average difficulty. If you are not caught, you make a Skulduggery or Computers check at a Average Difficulty, or a Mechanics check at a hard difficulty to break into the safe with two setbacks on each check, upgraded once due to a Destiny flip. Successes will be determined how fast you were able to open the safe. Advantages will be used to determine the winner in case of a tie. Triumphs will be used to add 2 to your success. If you are caught or if you roll any Despairs, you will be shot, regardless of your successes, taking 8 Strain damage (soak applies). You may try again if you still conscious, adding 2 additional setback dice for the attempt, returning to the beginning with the stealth check. Destiny will not be flipped for any further attempts.
Force Abilities may be used where appropriate on all checks.
If you make it to the interview but are not able to get any position, you will be compensated for your time and your silence with 1000 credits. If you are knocked unconscious at any point, you will be removed from the event and given the same compensation. If there are no successful attempts in any of these rolls or everyone who applied for the job is unconscious, the person who failed the least at the task will be given the roll at a reduced cut pay, as you did not prove to be the best, but the Mastermind is on a bit of a time crunch to fill the roll.
After which, the job will be made apparent and you may decide if you wish to continue. The reward for this job will be 5000 credits each.