The farmer's market is quiet and emptier than usual today--many farmers have taken the occupation as a cue to stay home, but others were already enroute with their trucks of produce before they heard the news, or need the business enough to come anyway, or possibly don't fear the occupiers. The same can be said of the Noventa City residents who've come out as usual with shopping bags for their home kitchens or hover pallets for their restaurants; some people may be too frightened to come out, but others seem to think stocking up is more important.
Based on the handful of Imp troopers patrolling the market, the stockers-up may not be wrong, Yara reflects as she picks out some long-keeping root vegetables. The invading force might have its eye primarily on Noventa's mineral and fuel resources, but starship crews and troop complements need to eat as well.
Dressed in an innocuous nerf-wool coat and scarf against the cool autumn air, Yara actually does need some staples for her kitchen, but to be honest she's more interested in taking the temperature of the people here, checking in with farmers she knows, asking townsfolk about their families. A lot of these people hid dissidents or participated in the planet's liberation back in the day, and their innocuous conversations have a subtext that doesn't need speaking out loud: Are you ready? What are we getting ready for?
((Open thread!))