After a short break for rehydration, he got back to work, this time installing reinforced armour plates scrapped for ARC-170 onto the starfighter. However, Force-powered passions had a similar effect as drugs on Sharn's brain. In the psychoactive trance he painted the Cloakshade in various shades of purple, red, indigo and violet, and christened it PheroStar.
But he was not satisfied. PheroStar had no shields, so the armour was all it had. Hence he decided to use a regenerative alloy as a filler between outer layers.
EE5. Superior Hull Modding. Manipulate. 2 Ads from equipment.:
3eA+2eP+1eF+3eD 4 successes, 1 advantage, 2 Light SideHis mostly altruistic care for Sy's safety fuelled his effort. [Pips for +2 Advantages, for a grand sum of 5 if it matters for scrapping costs.]
But he might or might not run out of steam eventually.
ME5. Superior Hull Modding #2. Manipulate. 2 Ads from equipment.:
3eA+2eP+1eF+4eD 2 failures, 1 advantage, 2 Light Side[Dunno if intensive modding is allowed, but if it is, it is a fail even after Light Pips for successes unless I have Destiny to flip the Vergence Pip.]
Chiss | Scientist | Shipwright | Soresu | Cerebral | Superior | Dark Blue Devotee | Atrocious as Fuck | Strange Charm
Curved-hilt Lightfoil 'Ruin', Intelligent Toolbox, "Breaker" Hydrospanner, Multi-Goo Gun