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Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:49 pm
by Kai Wryssald
When one thought rustic cuisine Chatt's grill was what came to find. Making hearty portions of simple meals for every day workers was his motto.
Which wasn't to say the food was bad, the ingredients were top notch, and the spices spot on. It was cosine like this that Kai had been raised on and what brought him there for lunch. Stepping inside he glanced around, hoping to find a empty table in the crowded restaurant.
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:50 pm
by Yara Suhr
Yara thinks guiltily of the farmer's market greens in her refrigerator, waiting to be cooked, as she waits for her order in the busy restaurant. But there's the party she's committed to this evening, and inventory to do later, and somehow it just never seems like there's time to cook. Besides, last night's midnight emergency surgery left her short on sleep, and when that happens she always craves a certain kind of food...
The restaurant is fairly crowded but, in keeping with its farm-style atmosphere, has community seating at some of the bigger tables. Yara sits at one; a few other empty chairs are nearby as well.
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Tue Oct 16, 2018 10:59 pm
by Kai Wryssald
It took a few moments, but he finally landed on the type of seating the establishment had, and so the young man started strolling over to what looked to be a bit less crowded area of the the resturant.
"This seat taken?" Kai asked as he arrived across from the older woman, a easy smile on his face. It was important to smile around strangers after all.
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Wed Oct 17, 2018 3:33 am
by Yara Suhr
"Not at all," the woman says with a quiet but warm smile, sliding her datapad off the table and out of the way. Before she blanks the screen, he'd be able to see (if he looked) that she's been reading some kind of journal article, the dense blocks of text broken up by a few very technical-looking anatomical diagrams. "Help yourself."
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:25 pm
by Kai Wryssald
"thanks." He took the seat of across from from her, having only given a cursory glance at the datapad.
"I'm not disturbing your work, am I?" He asked a moment later, such was often the case when Jelna brought a datapad to the table.
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:25 pm
by Kai Wryssald
"Thanks." He took the seat of across from from her, having only given a cursory glance at the datapad.
"I'm not disturbing your work, am I?" He asked a moment later, such was often the case when Jelna brought a datapad to the table.
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Wed Oct 17, 2018 10:37 pm
by Yara Suhr
"No, no." She waves off the suggestion. "Not what most people would consider proper dinner reading in any case. You've done me a favor by reminding me to put it away, I should say." She has a crisp Core Worlds sort of accent--the kind he'd almost certainly recognize--just slightly rounded at the corners by exposure to the Noventan drawl.
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:15 am
by Kai Wryssald
His was a bit more baxkwater, he definitely wasn't from the Core Worlds likely someplace in the Outer Rims. The type of accent that fir fairly well on Noventa, even if the vocabulary was a bit off. "I don't think there is any wrong type of reading when you're dining on your own." Kai replied as he glanced over his shoulder for a member of the staff. "as long as you think it's interesting, it all that really matters in my book."
His lips spread into that easy smile once again. "I suppose I should be polite enough to introduce myself about now though. "I'm Kai."
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Thu Oct 18, 2018 2:00 am
by Yara Suhr
"Kai," she repeats, reaching across the table for a handshake. "I'm Yara. You're not from around here, are you? Noventa City's a remarkably small town, and I don't think I've ever seen you about." He looks striking enough that she's reasonably certain she'd remember if she had, too.
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Thu Oct 18, 2018 3:26 am
by Kai Wryssald
"Nice to meet you, Yara." He offered easily, his hand reaching out to take hers. The was followed by a rueful smile and a shake of his head.
"I'd hope not to stand out too much. You're right though, I'm not from around here. Came in a couple nights ago on the Ivory Phoenix."
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Thu Oct 18, 2018 7:47 pm
by Yara Suhr
"I wouldn't worry. This planet has any number of drifters and new arrivals." Yara settles back into her seat with a slight shrug. "Stay a few months and everyone gets used to you rather quickly." As if to emphasize this point, she briefly breaks off talking to wave back at someone who's just come in as part of a large group of off-duty workers and apparently recognized her. After this quick greeting the stranger goes off to sit with her crew, though, and Yara returns her attention to Kai.
"The Ivory Phoenix? I haven't heard of that ship yet, but it's a pretty name."
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:14 pm
by Kai Wryssald
"Not sure how long we will be staying." Kai mused, a amused smile on his lips as the woman waved to her friends. "Seems like you e been here for more then a few months though."
His drink arrived along with a menu and kai picked up the glass to take a sip. "Yeah, it's a nice one. A good ship too, though the paint isn't what it used to be. She's still home though."
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Fri Oct 19, 2018 1:40 am
by Yara Suhr
"Only about a year, but I do meet rather a lot of people through my work." She has a glass of water herself, and drinks some of it now. "I could never entirely adapt to shipboard life. Too much recycled air and dull food. But it must be different when it's your own ship." The slight upward curve of her mouth is friendly, echoed by faint lines at the corners of her eyes.
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Fri Oct 19, 2018 2:20 am
by Kai Wryssald
"That almost makes you sound like a sales person. The part about meeting a lot of people that is. " he looked her over for a moment. "You dont have the look of one though."
"You're right about life on a ship though, it can be rough." Especially the food. "And the ship isnt really mine, but it's a small crew and we all have space of our own"
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Fri Oct 19, 2018 2:58 am
by Yara Suhr
Yara shakes her head, chuckling. "A salesperson? I'd be an awful one, I suspect. No, actually, I'm a physician. General practice, at the moment. But I've done enough tours on hospital ships to have an opinion about them." A movement at the corner of her vision catches her attention, and she glances over, spotting the server approaching across the room with what might be Yara's meal. "Those were big ships, though, generally, with dozens of people in your elbow space. Couldn't always choose whom, either."
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Fri Oct 19, 2018 5:05 am
by Kai Wryssald
"Maybe." He agreed. "At the very least you don't have the smile of a sales person, yours comes off a lot more sweet." This was followed by a few moments pause. "Which might make you better at selling now that I think about it." His eyes drifted towards the menu as he caught sight of the approaching server, best to pick somethign before they got here.
"Still a physician though? That's impressive. I suppose I'll know who to look for if I run into any trouble down here on Noventa." Having decided on a meal he glanced back up at Yara. "Big ships are like that, but they do have some benefits, even if they don't always have much room or privacy. Still could be you'd like a little one like I'm on a lot better."
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Sat Oct 20, 2018 1:44 am
by Yara Suhr
"We're equipped to handle anything short of catastrophic injury or Class Aurek infectious disease, so we can take care of you," Yara says, lips still quirking. "The facility's officially the Neda Ulaby Medical Center, but nearly everyone just calls it the Clinic, if you need to find us. Ideally you and your friends will stay in good health instead."
She thanks the server who drops off her plate. "With the right crew it would be better, I'm sure. With the wrong crew.." She grimaces slightly at that mental image. "So what brings your ship to Noventa?"
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:35 am
by Kai Wryssald
"I'll keep that in mind then, Doctor." The same easy smile was still on Kai's lips as he placed his own order, though the motion of his hand indicated he didn't mind if the doctor went ahead and started. "Though I would prefer to keep out meetings less professional in nature. As I don't generally enjoy visiting medical facilities. Though I think that's true of most people."
"Luckily I have the right crew." Though they could be a gallon of trouble. "Mostly? We're passing through, thought we mind find some work while we were here as well. Things haven't turned out too good in that regard though."
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Sun Oct 21, 2018 1:40 am
by Yara Suhr
"That's the problem with being a doctor, nobody is ever really happy to see you," Yara chuckles, picking up her utensils. "Only when they're leaving, and that's if you're lucky."
She stabs at a vegetable on her plate. "Hm. What sort of work? I can't say you look much like a farm hand or a nerf herder to me."
Re: Reverie (Day 3 Early Evening Chatt's Grill)
Sun Oct 21, 2018 2:45 am
by Kai Wryssald
"Oh, I'm certain that can't be entirely true." Kai replied a little bit of mischievousness behind his eyes. "A pretty woman like yourself must have your fair share of admirers. Even if none of them have been quite prepared to break a leg to see you."
"Oh a bit of this and that really. The ship takes jobs as couriers, as well as bounty hunters, or even guards on occasion. We aren't really all that picky, though we like to keep on the good side of the law." They weren't the type to try and make waves as it were.