Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

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Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Tewzada Star'Ti » Sun Oct 07, 2018 2:13 pm

"The New Order? Hm. I mean, sure. They're not exactly easy to find lately, at least without a lot of trouble. But that's the sort of trouble that could be worth it. I don't think I'm going to find anything like that here on Noventa though, unless there's something really juicy that is hiding here."

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Sat Oct 06, 2018 7:02 pm

Fey gave a shrug. "There are still many criminels in the galaxy, still fighting a war to fly l'impérial flags to a dead old man. Somehwere where your voice might serve, hm?" she suggested. Fey had no love for the Empire, after all.

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Tewzada Star'Ti » Fri Oct 05, 2018 11:01 pm

She nodded enthusiastically, "That's right; One day I want to be doing the big stuff. You know; Crime, politics, war... that kind of thing. The stuff where you expose corruption, call out lies, help catch criminals. I mean, it's not the same sort of thing as bounty hunting, but I see it similar in a way; Rather than catching those everyone knows are criminals, it's about showing people who the criminals are that hide amongst us. Well, and talking about the important decisions and words that those who get to decide who is a criminal and who is not use."

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:56 pm

"Is reporting on le criminels something tu aspire to, instead of gossip?" Fey asked with some curiosity, since Tew seemed to be digging around for something.

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Tewzada Star'Ti » Thu Oct 04, 2018 11:42 pm

"True. It's usually those who have the bounties on their heads who are newsworthy; At least the big timers. I mean, no one cares about someone not paying a debt or evading taxes, but bank robbers or murderers get peoples' blood pumping."

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:46 pm

"Uh, I don't know...?" she sounded a little uncertain. Bounty hunting work had never been something she had considered to be news-worthy... most people seemed to want to be quiet about it, at least when it came to hiring for the job.

And then... oh no, we really can't be news worthy. It felt like Jelna was mentally kicking her in the shin for even having edged near the possibility of thinking it. "Do not think I've heard of bounty hunters being in the news. We're not... the camera-types."

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Tewzada Star'Ti » Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:07 pm

"Nice to meet you. ...I don't suppose any bounty hunting here is news worthy per chance? Not that I mean you would need to tell me any trade secrets or anything if there's any sensitive information, of course."

Honestly, it was one of the better leads she'd not managed to think of since she'd gotten here.

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Thu Oct 04, 2018 8:28 pm

It was a wide galaxy with all sorts of news outlets available on the holo, though Fey didn't really pay attention to the gossip news. Gossip channels rarely covered what was important for her and the crew. "Je m'appelle Fey, part of the Ivory Phoenix crew - bounty hunters."

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Tewzada Star'Ti » Thu Oct 04, 2018 5:13 pm

"Well, if by hunting you mean hunting for news; I'm a reporter. All-be-it for a gossip holo-news network, but it's just a career starter, I like to think. That's why I made my way out to the spaceport here to find out about this wreck; Not that it seems like there's much to it that I could make something out of. Less so than you could use it for parts, as you alluded to earlier. My name's Tewzada, by the way; Tewzada Star'Ti."

She took it that the other Twi'lek didn't follow her segments on GNN then. Fair enough, really; The further she got out here into the rim, the more she realized just how many news sources there were out there.

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Thu Oct 04, 2018 4:40 pm

"Oho?" Fey chuckled a little, putting down her tools for now in her lap. "Tu also hunts for credits then?"

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Tewzada Star'Ti » Thu Oct 04, 2018 3:49 pm

Tew gave a little snort from her nose and sat back, "Same thing that would bring anyone I suppose; Business. Not that strange of business, I imagine, in this case. No more so than most that is. No more so than yours, likely."

Not that she was going to ask someone cleaning a gun what their business was; One could usually imagine such things, and it wasn't any of her business anyways.

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Thu Oct 04, 2018 1:57 pm

So a pervert then.

"Hum, everyone is étrange," Fey shrugged, not bothered by the woman inviting herself so far. Well... she had to admit that she didn't own the bench, so she couldn't say that she needed an invitation to sit. "Tu might be more than some others. What brings someone in their lingerie to Noventa?"

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Tewzada Star'Ti » Thu Oct 04, 2018 12:12 am

Tew tilted her head, "Well, maybe I would be if I ever turned this thing off; It doesn't exactly shut off on it's own you know. And we're all naked beneath our clothes. Besides, I wasn't the only person I knew who wore holo-clothes back on Danon, especially in the heat of the under-city..."

Stepping forward, she plopped on the bench next to Fey, looking at her, "Do you find me odd then, hm? As a point of curiosity."

She was leaning in towards the other Twi'lek a little, green eyes curious.

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Wed Oct 03, 2018 6:44 pm

"Only underclothes?" Fey's nose wrinled slightly, but she wasn't quite sure if the orange one was serious or just pulling her leg. "Are you an exhibitionist of sorts?"

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Tewzada Star'Ti » Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:20 pm


Tew nodded, "Something under here, sure. Underclothes. But not so much that I want to stay out in a damp breezy evening."

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:18 pm

How strange, Fey thought. "Why isn't tu wearing real clothes?"

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Tewzada Star'Ti » Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:15 pm

"I can certainly agree with both those points. And it's a bit chilly outside, compared to in the terminal like this..."

Tew poke some fingers through her skirt to show it was just a hologram, despite it following her legs.

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:01 pm

Fey chuckled. "If undressing outside of my room, je prefers locales that pay me."

Looking down at her gun, she gave a shrug. "Enough time in le hyperspace... is nice to be outside of the ship when planetside."

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Tewzada Star'Ti » Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:15 pm

Tew had actually travelled quite a bit. She just wasn't the brightest bantha in the barn. As it were.

"Naw. Not that new. Still; Despite that, your the first I've seen stripping down in such a place. Your gun, that is. Not yourself. Or the wreck."

Re: Tinker Tinker Little Star (D0, Night)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Wed Oct 03, 2018 10:19 am

Fey rose a tattooed eyebrow at that. "Tu must be new to travel, non? Spaceports are mostly occupied with travellers... locals have homes to go to." She sighed and looked up at the ship.

"It's impériale, I think. Heap of junk - good for parts."
