It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

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Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:51 am

"I'll be there." she nodded.

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Flession » Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:26 am

"I will accept these terms, but know if something is leaked, blame will first be led here. If you're okay with that. Meet at The Green Thumb tomorrow morning at dawn. We have a plan to go thru and not a whole lot of time to set it off."

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:32 am

She shrugged. "If you want to speak to all of us together, you'll need to do it here. If you insist on giving details elsewhere. Then I will be the messenger. I appreciate that you have your ways. But, so do we."

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Flession » Mon Nov 05, 2018 10:34 pm

"So, what, you all want to come in on the task itself? If the Chiss can offer something to the field work, I have no problem including him directly. Though...if you tell him, his personality type gives me confidence he will not" He gives a large shrug, not responding to the 1000 credit comment. 5000 credits would be enough for most people to jump on this sort of job. "I'd prefer you all be there together, so voices don't carry. So long as you limit yourself on where you speak of this matter, I see no reason why this will be a problem."

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Mon Nov 05, 2018 3:37 pm

"You should have mentioned the 1,000 earlier." she rolled her eyes. "I'll attend the meeting for our team. We are a team, though, to be clear."

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Flession » Mon Nov 05, 2018 2:27 pm

"As I said, miss, you come to the location and the job is explained. I've done this job hundreds of times, and each time, I follow my employers request. This is his request, to only speak of the details of the job at a secure location of his choosing. He will pay you for your time, at least. 1000 credits for hearing him out and your silence on the matter, should you not choose to do rhis. If this is not enough for you, then I am sorry that we have both wasted our time here this morning and I wish you the best of luck on your next podrace, whenever that will happen."

There is no malice or sarcasm in his voice, just calmness and a collective feeling. These sort of talks came with the territory, as well as dealing with these sorts of people.

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Mon Nov 05, 2018 1:22 pm

"I am still not hearing a reason to consider a job I know nothing about over more profitable and less secretive alternatives, especially when there are implied dangers." she folded her arms. "Usually, more would be offered, with something given up front. Are you new at this?"

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Sharn » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:41 am

There was no-one better to build the damn thing, but after being called a 'mechanic' and 'less reasonable' there was no further room for discussion with that inept messenger. Sharn shut the door loudly. It would be up to Sy to convince him to take up the job should she even care. But if she was putting her life on the line, she just might well knowing that whatever part depended on the engineering acumen letting it be done by Sharn was decreasing the overall risk.

/exit, perhaps temporary

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Flession » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:29 am

"The results of the pay are if you complete the task you are assigned, regardless of the overall success of the operation."

The figure pause and shrugged "Whether or not the operation is a success or a failure, all you will be expected to do is make it from point A to point B. If you fail, not getting your credits will be the least of your worries. The point I'm trying to say is that your pay will not be wrapped up among the others on the task."

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:14 am

"Guaranteed? I thought payment was contingent on success? Like a podrace."

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Flession » Mon Nov 05, 2018 6:04 am

"Perhaps, but unlike podracing, you're guaranteed to get the money. Plus with the Imperials running around, your chances of earning those 'easy credits' are gone. Not to mention it wouldn't hurt to have some money on the side for a rainy day. Seems like those days are coming."

He gives her words some thought, but ultimately shakes his head. "I'm sorry, but I am unable to reveal more. My employer has been most specific about who hears what and where. I will tell you, though, those of whom I represent are people who take such favors seriously. They will consider your participation a favor worthy of being returned in kind, so if credits are not something you are eager to obtain, then there are other things that could be done for you in compensation, should you wish. Unlike the Chiss, you seem to be more reasonable, but for now, all I have been authorized to reveal is to give the request and inform both you and Farkras the location of the meeting and the price of your services, as well as the request for the item. If that does not meet your satisfaction, I must move on and find another mechanic who will be more reasonable."

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:29 pm

"No details?" Her nose wrinkled. "With nothing up front? That's not an offer. It's barely a request. I made double that podracing, with full knowledge of the dangers involved."

She offered a smile. "Surely, you can share something."

- - -
It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8], Charm, Zeltron Advantage: 2eA+1eP 3 successes, 2 advantage
3 Successes, 3 Advantages

Say no to the pretty lady who smells nice: 1eC+2eD 3 failures, 2 threat

(0 suxx, 0 advantages)

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Flession » Sun Nov 04, 2018 3:38 pm

"Need a driver. Can't talk about the details here, but I need someone who can make a fast exit from somewhere. I can give you a location for the proper meetup, which is why I was here. To ensure someone of your skills avoids the usual trails we make our employees go thru. If we are successful, you earn 5000 credits. A sizable profit for a job of this nature, and can more than compensate for the risks involved."

He turns over to the Chiss. "Some people are better suited for field work than others, though I am willing to be proved wrong."

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Sun Nov 04, 2018 2:54 pm

"So, what is the offer?" she asked. "A few details, please."

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Flession » Sun Nov 04, 2018 1:00 pm

He rolls his eyes as he watches the Chiss leave, though that is not apparent. "When doing a neogiation, Chiss, you come back to a counter-offer rather than leave." He turns to the pilot, shaking his head.

"I think I understand why you keep him on the ship."

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Sharn » Sun Nov 04, 2018 12:29 pm

Sharn was apparently misassessed by the cloakman.

"Hello, Sy. There's some anon man trying to talk business. But since I've just been insulted I think I'll let you decide what to do with his offer for you on your own and do something worth my time and genius instead." And with that, he started to walk away. "Once the business here is finished, show him the door."

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Flession » Sun Nov 04, 2018 11:13 am

"What you heard was me offering them a job. It's their choice, as you say, to come or not. Yours as well. They will be paid separately, if they choose to and can prove their merit. As for your pay, this object is another merit. I will not, however, be pressured to paying more than I need to, though. I will pay 4000 for the rush job. There are other options, but surely that I have come to a Chiss, I want nothing but the best."

If all else fails, go for the ego.

The figured man looks over to at Syzygy with a stair. "What of you. Are you interested in getting paid for some possibly risky work? I am need of a pilot, and the pay is 5000 a head. I...heard of your skills against the pirates. I have no doubt you can do what needs to be done."

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Sat Nov 03, 2018 11:30 pm

"There you are." Syzygy appeared. "I finished with the inventory. What else needs to be done?"

She offered a smile to the stranger. "Hello there."

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Sharn » Sat Nov 03, 2018 4:09 pm

"What I am hearing is that you are willing to put high-quality expertise in harm's way." Sharn remarked. "The decision about their part of participation is theirs, but we are not economically desperate, so the payoffs must be significant for us to bother. And they must offset such variables like physical danger, illicit nature of the intrusion as well as our discretion." The Chiss paused. "They need not be entirely monetary if you have access to goods or technology of special desirability."

Re: It Ain't Perfect Till It's Perfect [Strange Charm, EM8]

Post by Flession » Sat Nov 03, 2018 7:37 am

"They would not just in its construction, obviously." He nods. "But what it would be used for. I have been informed that your computer specialist is quite good in his abilities. I am also in need of a driver. What I plan on using it for requires both sorts of skills. Farkras specifically is who I seek in this task, but the Zeltron girl would be of use as well."
