by Cefey Raneth » Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:24 pm
"Pudding is defensless against my power. Ha ha ha ha," she adopted a rather dramatic pose as she put on her most fake villanous laughter. "No power in the 'verse can stop me from getting my puddin'."
Clearing her throat, she reached for a small spoon to eat the pudding with. After all, it was opened now, so there was no point in wasting it. Besides, the little act distracted from the fact that she did eat yoghurt herself.
Wait... had she had the 'bright' idea to disguise her pudding as yoghurt to make sure the others didn't take it? It... would make sense, considering some ideas she did come up with during their late night drinkings.
"So, weather's still pretty miserable today too. Not as bad as yesterday though, but still meh."
"Pudding is defensless against my power. Ha ha ha ha," she adopted a rather dramatic pose as she put on her most fake villanous laughter. "No power in the 'verse can stop me from getting my puddin'."
Clearing her throat, she reached for a small spoon to eat the pudding with. After all, it was opened now, so there was no point in wasting it. Besides, the little act distracted from the fact that she did eat yoghurt herself.
Wait... had she had the 'bright' idea to disguise her pudding as yoghurt to make sure the others didn't take it? It... would make sense, considering some ideas she did come up with during their late night drinkings.
"So, weather's still pretty miserable today too. Not as bad as yesterday though, but still meh."