Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

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Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Sharn » Sat Oct 06, 2018 6:49 am

"Show me the numbers first. On principle, however, top-down algorithmic programming is inferior to allowing the A.I. to learn on its own, so it should not be divested of responsive receptors. The vessels can be test-released without payloads to let them figure out efficient staying on target through trial and error. In the end, you're likely to conclude you need both systems hybridised. And then you'll come to me to figure out the energy-side of the equation to add up." Sharn said dismissively.

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Aja Fenn » Thu Oct 04, 2018 4:44 pm

Aja merely gave an enthusiastic set of nods as she kept at her breakfast. She wasn't the theorist or ideas person of the ship, but she got enough from Farkas' talk that explosions were imminent, and that took testing.

Oh, and there'd been something about reconnaissance. Not her field, but she'd try anything once.

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Thu Oct 04, 2018 10:53 am

"I'll be happy to help." she nodded. "Whatever you need."

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Farkas Lowca » Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:49 am

"I intend to build a few models to test the theory out. There are a few concerns I have regarding them. The PNN has a lot of advantages over the MPN, but it takes more resources. I want to figure out if the resource consumption of the system is outweighed by the improved performance of the weapons system. If the net energy usage between them turns out to be negligible then I think on our next weapons project I'll move away from the industry standard MPN and use a centralized remote PNN and install remote receivers in place of a missile or torpedo guidance system. My theory is that with a more powerful, though slightly more resource intensive remote guidance system, individual warheads could have their cost and weight reduced, which could improve speed of production and individual weapon performance," Farkas explains.

"Just a working theory right now, but I'm still studying. Not ready to build the models or test systems quite yet, but I don't imagine it will take too long. I'll need your expertise on the weapon flight systems and Aja's expertise on the explosives payload. I'll also want to pick Syzygy's brain on effective flight patterns as well. So I may come to you three in coming days when I build models and blueprints, if you don't mind."

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Sharn » Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:37 am

Sharn perked up. "And your hypothesis on the sharpness of bottom-up learning curve in either system is...?"

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Farkas Lowca » Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:32 am

Farkas continues to sip from his cup. The two seemed to want to sling their barbs this morning. Perhaps bringing up a boring subject might cool that down?

"I've been doing some intensive study of probabilistic neural networks versus multilayer perceptron networks for use in artificial intelligence guided weapons systems. It's been an interesting topic so far."

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Sharn » Thu Oct 04, 2018 12:46 am

"I find your collective resolve to deal with obnoxious things in the way of my intellectual work relieving." He commented, meaning Carmine's schmoozing with any local authorities in the package. He had no respect or patience for officials and politicians. Funding-wasting and -withholding fools. "The sooner factory dockyard restoration can proceed, the sooner you will benefit from my enlightened - what was it? - compassion."

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Carmine Serthis » Thu Oct 04, 2018 12:40 am

"That sounds like a perfect little project for you two. Run off and do some reconnaissance." She gave a quirk of the lips that looked more like a smile now, and nodded into her cuppa.

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Wed Oct 03, 2018 11:59 pm

"We can always go take a look." Zygy suggested. "See who's there and get a sense of the facilities."

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Aja Fenn » Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:39 pm

The Aleena perked up. Cleaning up usually seemed to involve her area of expertise. "Do you have any numbers on the squatters? I'd prefer getting them away before I have to do any work..."

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Carmine Serthis » Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:31 pm

"Indeed, Lowca," the red snake acknowledge the accuracy of his claim, and then cast a short half-uplift of her lips that could be construed as a smile towards Aja.

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Sharn » Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:17 pm

"We can begin with cleaning up the squatters and mine-trapping entries." The sentence was meant a acknowledgement of Aja's presence. It took Sharn some willpower to not lash back at Carmine, but he resolved to simply delay the barb.

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Farkas Lowca » Wed Oct 03, 2018 3:57 pm

This could turn into a pasive-aggressive pissing match pretty quickly, so Farkas tried to turn the conversation towards something more goal oriented.

"If we're looking to try and claim the old factory, it might behoove us to learn if any other parties are interested. But we also want to do so without tipping our hand and letting others know we are. I assume that's well within your wheelhouse Carmine? I could provide slicing support, if necessary, for any records."

He waves to the small one when she gets into view.

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Aja Fenn » Wed Oct 03, 2018 3:56 pm

Aja's cheeks were puffed out with a huge bite of flapjacks, but she waved a forked hand with a toothy smile at young Zeltron, taking a big swallow before offering a squeaky, gravely, "Mornin' Syz!"

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Wed Oct 03, 2018 3:51 pm

"Good morning, Aja." Zygy smiled.

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Aja Fenn » Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:53 pm

It would be easy to miss Aja entering late as usual, if it weren't for the hiss of the doors. Anyone on the other side of the counter would be forgiven for missing the barely over 2' tall (.6m) Aleena for obstruction as well. Not that she was silent or stealthy. Indeed, she wore one of her favorite jersey that morning, a gaudy pod racer's merchandise piece complete with official 'seal of approval' badge. Pushing a box up to one of the chairs. Aja used it as a boost to hop on up and take a seat. She had to hop onto the table first and drag over a plate with breakfast on it and hop with it over to the chair before sitting, but she was soon settled, munching away with a grin.

She wasn't going to interrupt. Besides, she loved listening, and breakfast had to come first!

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Carmine Serthis » Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:28 pm

"That's just fine, Sharn. You do the labour. I'll make nice with the authorities and assure them we're here to cause no waves. I appreciate your compassion regarding our desires and well-being," she chipped in dryly, looking over the rim of her mug with a pointed gaze at the Chiss.

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Wed Oct 03, 2018 8:54 am

"Ambitious, but I like it." she smiled. "Especially the potential to test some of the product."

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Farkas Lowca » Wed Oct 03, 2018 6:25 am

"Reparable is a relative term, based on available inventory and tools. If that is the route we want to go then I should get started on a database for tracking and logging inventory. And, yes, you know I'm going to encrypt it.". Farkas starts back up on his fruit and hotcakes.

Re: Morning Routine [D0, Morning, Strange Charm]

Post by Sharn » Wed Oct 03, 2018 3:53 am

Sharn had no patience for persuasion, or any other social interaction for the record. The introduction had already run lengthy. He swang back to sitting straight.

"I want to appropriate the abandoned Sienar facility and restart it. Everything there should be familiar, they built their TIE program on KDY technology and personnel. Hence I want to haul down some reparable light craft from the orbit, fix them, improve them and marketise them for initial capital injection. In the process we ought to obtain a strategic investor and an approval from authorities as entrepreneurs bringing jobs to the planet. All the while working on the next generation of whatever craft is in investor's demand, civilian or military."

He paused. "In the end, it's all means to an end for me. I want a well-equipped research facility and steady funding with enough clout attached to it that I am no longer bothered by trivialities. The condition I enjoyed as the executive in KSE. I tentatively assume you are all intelligent enough to see your own aspirations finding fulfilment via this endeavour."
