Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

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Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Sun Oct 28, 2018 11:39 pm

"Yeah, I can feel that." He replied with a sigh. Everything out here was so expensive, ridiculously so at that. "Honestly I'm still a bit sad they put those guard robots around that factory, figured we might be able to liberate some things worth some money from it. Maybe enough to even pay for some of those mods."

"The risk really doesn't seem all that worth it anymore though."

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Sun Oct 28, 2018 11:34 pm

She nodded, having been wanting to do some upgrades to those paired blasters. "Mm, well, need money first for that, and we've ran into the problem of getting too far out on the fringes that everything we used to be able to get for reasonable prices before are now ramped up to double the price we're used to paying for these things."

Maybe she should just steal some fancy blaster instead. Not like she didn't steal a lot of things from the Moff when they ran away.

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Sun Oct 28, 2018 11:25 pm

He stepped closer as he polished off his sandwich to do his own dishes, no reason to make the Twi'lek do all the work after all.

"That would be nice, we need to see about getting you a few upgrades for your blaster as well though. Well, that is if you're interested." For some simple was the way to go when it case to these things after all. "Lena could use a few upgrades as well, now that I think of it too,"

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Sun Oct 28, 2018 11:20 pm

"Heh, I like that picture you're painting of me there. But... you're right, we're all long ways away from that."

Likewise, she adopted the silence of eating - him working on his sandwich and her with her pudding.

Finishing it off quickly, she turned to the sink to rinse the spoon before it would go in the washer. "I'll see about doing some upgrades to your rifle tomorrow. Been a while since I've worked on our weapons."

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:36 pm

"I always like to see you in new fancy clothes." Kai mused, a smile on his lips. "It's too bad that most of the stuff they sell down here on Noventa is pretty rugged" There probably wasn't much of a call for fancy clothes after all. He paused thoughtfully taking a bite from his sandwich, and chewing slowly.

"I can see you as a elegant master thief too, only stealing the things that caught your fancy. Then gambling it away only to steal it again." His lips curled into a amused smirk. "I suppose we're all a long ways away from that though."

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Sun Oct 28, 2018 7:46 pm

"Maybe?" she chuckled, looking down at her pudding in thought.

"Some nice place to live would be nice. With a pool. Fancy clothes, jewelry... cool gadgets and tools too, I guess." Her lips pursed slightly. "But, I'd probably get bored eventually too and would have to pick up something, like you. Maybe I'd become some sort of elegant master thief, to add more pretty stuff to my collection."

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:45 pm

"Probably a bunch of silly things." He offered after a moment. "Like buying stuff I don't need, a beach house, a fancy speeder. All kinds of different blasters, that sort of thing. " He leaned against the kitchen counter. "Course I'd make sure you three had rooms in the beach house if you wanted, we're all friends after all. After that, I dunno? I'd have to do something to keep busy, so maybe I would pick up mountain climbing, or hunting ot something?"

"Things to keep me busy. since I don' think I'd need to work."

"What about you? Lifetime supply of puddin?"

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Sun Oct 28, 2018 2:06 pm

"Yeah, you're right," she said thoughtfully as the spoon pushed the pudding around in its cup.

"If you had lots of money, what would you do with it?"

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Sun Oct 28, 2018 12:06 am

"Mmm... That does sound nice. I'm almost curious if they have any cabins we can rent up in the mountains for that reason. Well if this job pans out at least."

He smirked and shook his head. "Shoukdnt count the credits before we earn then though."

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Sat Oct 27, 2018 11:36 pm

"Hmm, yeah," she nodded and helped herself to a mouthful of pudding.

"... A fireplace would be nice, no? Drink something hot, and cuddle up before the fireplace?"

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Sat Oct 27, 2018 11:29 pm

So they were on weather then, that sounded like she was trying to mask over the fact that she had just been chatting with her pudding. Or rather at her pudding.

"True, does make it fairly good cuddling weather though " Cool weather and a bit of rain, it was excellent condition for cuddles.

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Sat Oct 27, 2018 9:24 pm

"Pudding is defensless against my power. Ha ha ha ha," she adopted a rather dramatic pose as she put on her most fake villanous laughter. "No power in the 'verse can stop me from getting my puddin'."

Clearing her throat, she reached for a small spoon to eat the pudding with. After all, it was opened now, so there was no point in wasting it. Besides, the little act distracted from the fact that she did eat yoghurt herself.

Wait... had she had the 'bright' idea to disguise her pudding as yoghurt to make sure the others didn't take it? It... would make sense, considering some ideas she did come up with during their late night drinkings.

"So, weather's still pretty miserable today too. Not as bad as yesterday though, but still meh."

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Sat Oct 27, 2018 1:29 pm

"Nah, I havent heard Babe complain about the indignity of the Captain cleaning out the fridge in weeks... plus we had leftover surprise last week." The dish Lena called her specialty.

He smiled at her relief. "Maybe, maybe it's one of the most nefastous pranks out there. Or maybe it's a pudding defense system!" He grinned. "I mean who eats yogurt anyways?"

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Sat Oct 27, 2018 1:19 pm

"Is it? I thought it was Dear's turn..." or was it her turn? It was hard to keep track sometimes.

Maybe they should get a note-board to keep track of these things.

At least the sight of pudding made her very very relieved, so much that Kai could see the tension visibly leave her body as she sighed with relief. "Oh... phew. That's a horrible prank to pull!"

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Sat Oct 27, 2018 1:16 pm

Kai eyed the dangerous twi'lek careful, taking a bite from his sandwich as she strolled towards the refrigerator. "It's Babe's turn. We should remind her."

In the container the Twi'lek would find all that she desired. Sweet creamy pudding, enough for dessert.

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:02 pm

"Mmmrr..." she seemed slightly appeased and irritated at the same time of the idea of pie instead of pudding. Still, she moved over to the kitchen to check the fridge for herself.

Was that take-out box that smelled strongly of noodles Lena's? "Ugh... we need to clean this out again."

Finding the yoghurt, the twi'lek hurriedly opened the lid to check the contents.

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Sat Oct 27, 2018 2:33 am

"I'd never take your pudding. Honey." Kai confessed the twi'lek pouty face breaking his resolve a little. "Anyways I still have pie left in my room."

He glanced towards the fridge, then back to Cefey. "Someone may have made a yogurt label to go over the Pudding label though."

"You'd have to check to be sure though."

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Fri Oct 26, 2018 11:52 pm

There was a slight twitch to her eye as her lips pressed together into a pitiful pout.

"But..." yoghurt wasn't the same as pudding. She couldn't have boring bland yoghurt as dessert. "... Did you take it, Kai...?"

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Kai Wryssald » Fri Oct 26, 2018 11:45 pm

Kai had to repress a giggle, the Twi'lek certainly took her sweets personally, so personal in fact that no one would dare take it.

"Well, I think someone might have replaced it with their yogurt." Kai offered defensively, the smile of his lips an unconscious one.

Re: Hello, hello baby you called... (D5, LM, Ivory Phoenix)

Post by Cefey Raneth » Fri Oct 26, 2018 10:57 pm

"Have a good day, monsieur Ribmatt," Fey said in a chipper tone, waving goodbye to the man before closing the door again to avoid the rain getting inside.

Turning her back to the door, she took a deep breath. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY PUDDING IS GONE?!"

Stomp stomp stomp!
