Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

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Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Runi Vizsla » Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:12 am

"I think we both need a bit of practical experimentation," she noted, pulling him down to her, closing the distance into a deep kiss.


Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Sharn » Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:07 am

He took the rim of her chair and rotated it a little bit further so that her back was to the table. He supported with his hand against it and leaned over, his gaze transfixed on hers. "Mere spectation is boring. Let's meet the need empirically."

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Runi Vizsla » Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:45 am

She turned her chair toward him and leaned back, smile playing across her lips as she waited for him to come to her. "I think I need a greater illustration of your way of nailing things."

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Sharn » Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:55 pm

"I have a way of nailing like that." He rose from his seat and walked toward her side of the table.

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Runi Vizsla » Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:35 pm

She grinned at him, leaning back. "If you think puns are an appropriate seduction method... well, you're not wrong."

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Sharn » Wed Oct 24, 2018 6:01 am

"My claims possess strength that makes them embedded rather than debunked." His ruby gaze held hers from up close with nigh on palpable intensity. His blueberry lips curved up at the corners. "Getting to the bottom of the deep purple conception is laid bare right on the table."

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Runi Vizsla » Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:23 am

"I suppose not, though I don't know that she ever met any to have been," she noted. At the comment about their crossbreeding, she chuckled. "You make an excellent point... Though a deep purple could be interesting."

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Sharn » Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:02 am

Sharn found himself instantly attracted to the woman on the picture and leaned over to study her face. "The loss of some secondary features like ossous facial ridges is an expected consequence of crossbreading. You are as aesthetic and desirable as you would have been with them. The recessive gene is still in you and may manifest in your children. Fenotype is far less important than the quality of symbiosis with the Force. Was your mother ever recognised as a worthy student of an ancient Sith Lord? If not, it may indicate that you are already surpassing her."

He looked up from the photo, into her blue eyes. "I am a bastard, an accidental child of my mother's unknown lover. But randomising gene pool often brings better results than amplifying a recessive bloodline, as showcased by how superior I am in great many things. Were you and I to ever crossbreed, our progeny might turn out deep purple, but their mental prowess and Force-sensitivity might be unparalleled. I know I would be ready to gamble with my blue pigmentation toward that outcome."

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Runi Vizsla » Wed Oct 24, 2018 2:33 am

She chuckled, but then shook her head, smile turning rueful. "Not so great. Eventually anything left of them will become nothing but a minor genetic anomaly in humans. Mom looked... much different than I." She took out her datapad and pulled up a picture of her mother, handing it over to Sharn.

52.jpg (30.7 KiB) Viewed 1532 times

"The True Sith have all but died out. If they lose that much in just one generation."

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Sharn » Wed Oct 24, 2018 2:06 am

He smirked and nodded. "If there is a conscious medichlorians preference for manifesting their energy dissemination in this dimension via sentients, it presupposes those sentients multiplying and being capable of interstellar dispersal lest they could perish in any regular mass extinction, war, or some other black Swan event." He looked at her. "Whatever the True Sith have been or was, the memory of their heritage is almost lost, but their genes an the medichlorian symbiosis that made them powerful has prevailed in you across millenia. This is a sound survival strategy at work."

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Runi Vizsla » Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:51 am

She chuckled at his summary. "I like that. You could also put it as, 'it's all about the fucking lasers'," she replied, grinning warmly. "Still, I see what you're saying. The Force affects living and nonliving matter, so the former being able to use the latter creatively is probably relevant."

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Sharn » Mon Oct 22, 2018 9:08 pm

"I may have, in how I perceive and attribute value. With greater consequence, I suppose. It may be an enhancement, though it's too early to tell." He patted the table. "It's about the shift, from subatomic to astronomic, when you look at things. It has become more seamless for me, to zoom in and zoom out. Along the long spectrum for sapience to exist at this particular level of aggregation, measured in centimetres and kilograms, is quite peculiar. Our complexity increases the risk of failure of functions, but also can bypass those failures to an extent, through non-conscious mitotic regeneration, conscious meiotic reproduction and conscious technological augmentation." He chuckled. "It may all be about breeding and starships that makes us favoured medichlorian hosts."

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Runi Vizsla » Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:48 pm

"Myself? No, not really. Still the same Runi," she replied curiously. "Have you?"

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Sharn » Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:12 pm

"So we're like-minded on this." He mused, then tapped the table with his finger for a moment of pause. "Have you noticed any changes in yourself ever since our joint quest to free him began?"

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Runi Vizsla » Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:02 pm

"Yeah... I mean, he clearly has a ton of knowledge and power, and he might be willing to share, though I'm more focused on the former."

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Sharn » Sun Oct 21, 2018 5:30 am

He went about preparing the caf for them both. "The question remains how we can meaningfully benefit from his release."

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Runi Vizsla » Sat Oct 20, 2018 10:51 pm

"Yeah, please," she agreed, flopping down into a seat.

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Sharn » Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:43 am

"Stay with me as long as you need then. My psychological and biochemical processes are not indifferent to your presence either." He said after swallowing, just as they were entering common area from the cargo load, just past the nooks of the engines. "Caf?"

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Runi Vizsla » Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:32 am

"Or you might just be easing the cognitive dissonance that comes from wanting to think well of myself but then going and releasing a massively powerful Dark Side being for the sake of satisfying my own curiosity," she said, chuckling a little. "In any case, I guess I shouldn't knock it. It works. I'm glad you're here."

Re: Shorn Ashore [LE4, Strange Charm, Closed]

Post by Sharn » Fri Oct 19, 2018 6:25 pm

For some reason this drew a gentler smile out of him that was there just for a second of stealing her glance before the deadpan mask returned.

"One reason for this might be that some sub-particles that make you and me up are quantum-entangled and form a single extra dimensional wave-function that collapses only when we choose to... consider it. When something shifts in me, something shifts in you..." He sighed. "Or it may just be the magnetism of my brain that reassures you. Either way, it's good that it does. Clarity is important."
