by Sharn » Mon Oct 15, 2018 3:17 am
Strange Charm had suffered some bad damage from concussion missiles, and while Sharn could have outsourced repairs he trusted no-one else to do it as well as him, so despite having other pressing matters to deal with he took out his accessories and got down to work. While some distant whispers of taking magic shortcuts passed through his brain, he side-lined them and did it by the calculations.
[url=]ME2. Superior decritting of Charm. 2 Advantages from Goo-gun and Hydrospanner. Fatigue Setback.[/url]: [u]2eP+3eA+1eF+3eD+1eS[/u] [b]3 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Dark Side[/b]
[3 successes, 3 advantages, using the latter to reduce cost by additional 15%, applying Farkas' replicator and Dockyard Expertise - down to 10%, so 50 credits]
And it paid off handsomely as the investment to bring the system back was minimal.