Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

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Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:05 pm

"So much to study." she smiled, continuing to pull away his clothes.


Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Sharn » Mon Oct 08, 2018 2:58 pm

As she began to pull off his top, he concluded that reciprocating would be too cumbersome in the position, so on the bunk they landed, him on top of her. "Let learning commence." He said, unzipping more of her layers, tracing her curves with intense precision of detecting defining lines with his touch. "Followed by rehearsals."


Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Mon Oct 08, 2018 2:53 pm

"I don't think there's much more of that data to be collected, anyway." she replied, breathlessly. "Nothing reliable, at least. But, there are other things to learn."

With a hungry grin, she kissed him again, as her hands moved to undress him.

Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Sharn » Mon Oct 08, 2018 2:31 pm

Having opened the touchlock with his hip, Sharn spun inside with a small smile reshaping his usually serious and reserved expression. His compulsive drive to be with her matched what he managed to discern from her expecting eyes. The moment later she was against the wall, a leap toward the bunk they could take anytime. "How about we sideline the rest of the research for after the first time? Right now my judgement is compromised by unstoppable arousal, and I want to focus on driving you incomprehensibly orgasmic." He kissed her mandible. "And I want a real taste of your copulines."

Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Mon Oct 08, 2018 2:09 pm

Relief washed over her as they moved to more privacy. With that last vestige of concern eliminated, she became emboldened, clinging to him as they kissed. She playfully nibbled at his lip as she finally pulled back to look in his eyes again. One by one, he had addressed each emotional variable, reducing it all into one dominant feeling. Desire.

Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Sharn » Mon Oct 08, 2018 1:56 pm

Something of that fear may or may not have registered with him. He could interpret her reaction as either encouragement to be bold, or a hint of desperation. For the record, he wouldn't mind anyone seeing them as long as they wouldn't try to interfere, and he controlled the options for his own preference and ultimately concluding that she wanted to be taken away from exposure. Her top was as much as he would remove from her in this place as their lips sealed each other and melted together again. Leaving it behind on the table as a token of their carnal intent, a jacket amid equations, he picked her up wrapped around him and began walking toward the nearest empty room, not letting their lips separate.

Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Mon Oct 08, 2018 9:13 am

There was some thrill in the potential exposure, but the embarassment that would come with it was an overwhelming thought. The spontaneity of it all had an appeal, too, here with him suroinded by his calculations. Ultimately, however, she wanted them to take their time and didn't want to be interupted.

This might never happen again or it might become common for them, but Syzygy preferred it be a positive and satisfying experience and not a humiliation she'd want to forget. That fear was predominate in her mind as she silently pulled him into another passionate kiss.

Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Sharn » Mon Oct 08, 2018 7:06 am

Sharn was not empathetic, not by the standard understanding of it. His discernment of sentients, and all life for the record, was cool, cynical and analytic. By this factor alone, he might have been the worst and the best volunteer for the experiment, for her pheromones either might have little to connect to, or cast their imprint on a blank slate. But nothing in the world was so simple, as there were intervening variables that could easily throw away this particular rationale.

First, his arrogance and egotism that often led him to ignoring the needs of others as irrelevant to his pursuits. Here, it played a far lesser role than usual, however. He well-recognised the principles of consensuality and mutual gain in sexual contacts as they ensured retaining post-coital ties, potential repeatability as well as cooperating in other fields. Estranging Sy was a folly in the current state of affairs, as she had been familiar to him and proven reliable in her area of expertise, as well as eager to assist and generally amiably useful. He was not too far removed from his body's biochemistry to ignore how visually pleasing was to have her around, if only as an inspiration for quick pre-sleep moments of self-satisfaction. But especially now that she seemed willing to be more than that. So, there were good reasons to accommodate her needs, claiming her alluring body as reward.

Even before considering quite genuine ambition to actually learn how her pheromones worked. For him, knowing was never a trifle, and his greatest aphrodisiac. The complexity of her sexuality was a powerful draw, not because he expected any potence of sensations in particular but because he wanted to experience the difference, to single out her variables. Their verbal foreplay was not an excuse, it was a profound reason, more so than just releasing the tension or scoring. She was interesting, and he wanted interesting, just like he didn't want dull and pedestrian. So he was willing to throw his mind into action, and compute the answer by matching raw sensual data with his xenobiological expertise. He actually struggled not to do it, however, even if it seemed like an SOP, as this would defeat the experiment profoundly. He could solve the question of her current needs as a routine exercise in algorithm-cracking, and that was in fact the very first thing his mind was compelled to do when asked. Gentle, caring, moderately-paced, decisive was a string of output his mind offered. But had it been facilitated by her pheromones anyhow? it was likely, as his previous mental images of taking her had been quicker, dynamic and subjected to autosexual logic of their prior application.

But there still was the ultimate experiment buster - the Force. The extraplanar quantum loops that were impossible to observe but still at work. His kind of awakening into Force had hardly been as an opening to the discernment of mindsets of other sentients, and more like specced toward cold cosmic-level realisations and attunement. Still, he had little doubt that his connection to the Force had some premonitive properties, a failsafe that tended to have delivered him from costly mistakes and danger, cushioning his progress through life. Mistreating Sy was very suboptimal, so was the Force at work? That he couldn't tell, so he decided not to discount for this internal externality, almost chuckling at the paradox of it.

But instead he kissed her slower than before, taking wafts of her untraceable pheromonal molecules, running his hands into her recently unzipped top toward her shoulders in order to peel the layer off her rather than just tear it off. "We can be walked on here." He whispered, setting himself on detecting whether than would spike cortisol or add excitement. He tentatively bet on the former, and her thought of trading their place for the privacy and comfort of a bedroom, even if he would lean toward the fervent table scenario, as her being spread for him amid mathematical equations appealed toh his sense of aesthetics.

Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Sun Oct 07, 2018 7:22 pm

She gave a nod. Locking her eyes with his, she began to imagine what might come next. Part of her wanted to see what he would do on his own. How would his deliberate and meticulous manner guide his passions? But, that wasn't the experiment and she was legitimately curious as to how her pheromones could affect him. Could he be led against his nature. In her mind, she envisioned Sharn pleasing her affectionately, with soft kisses as he undressed her. He was slow and gentle, mindful of her comfort as she encouraged him to continue.

Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Sharn » Sun Oct 07, 2018 6:43 am

"But what part do the pheromones play?" He went for the zippers of her top. "It's very plausible that I'd want you without them. Still, let's try the other way around. Focus on what you want me to do to you and we'll see if I can read it."

Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Sat Oct 06, 2018 9:23 pm

"Well, the stimuli are definitely having an effect, for both of us."

Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Sharn » Sat Oct 06, 2018 6:59 pm

"Then let's get down to them." He uttered after he had run out of air and briefly let her lips slip away. Not for long, as his body was responding to her carnal beckoning and aligned closely, pressing her further onto the holomat, straight into the line accounting for spontaneous symmetry breaking in tachyonic field. "And keep reporting,"

Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Sat Oct 06, 2018 6:03 pm

"It's all in the details." she suggested just before his lips met hers. Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled his body close against hers.

Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Sharn » Sat Oct 06, 2018 5:10 pm

"Obviously, but this is not satisfactory. If possible, causality must be delineated." Now that she was facing him, he lifted her slightly and seated on the holomat, her bottom squashing Planck constant out of the long chain. "Until now, you haven't been getting the details. So let's try this." Blue lips advanced, catching the rim of the purple ones before spreading them for a fuller kiss, letting their salivas mix.

Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Sat Oct 06, 2018 3:12 pm

"Mmm..." She turned in his arms, looking back at him. "It depends on different variables, I suppose. Different stimuli."

Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Sharn » Sat Oct 06, 2018 12:54 am

"To know if information you can gather about my earlier visualisation is proportional to our proximity." His hips pressed against her lower body, locking it between him and the table as his lips journeyed to the side of her neck just below her ear. "Now that my amygdala has triggered the hypothalamus to effect a testosterone spike and the respective endocrine reaction. I wonder if your emittable hormone molecules act as free radicals that engage directly those I produce."

Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:13 pm

She giggled softly and leaned back into him. "Let's take this experiment one step at a time, Sharn. What do you want first?"

Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Sharn » Fri Oct 05, 2018 5:43 pm

Trust was a dangerous sensation Sharn didn't fully understand but decided not to challenge as it facilitated contact he was quite eager to initiate. He sidestepped her and embraced from behind, twining hands on her stomach and pressing his nose against her hairline, exposed by the high bun. He inhaled whatever scents her skin exuded, though he realised that pheromones often bypassed receptors and targeted hormone controllers directly. Feeling the tingling in his body, he let the biochemistry of her pheromones affect him in ways they were capable of.

"It seems that whatever you exude is closer to axillary steroids or copulins than to vomeronasal stimulators. Some are known to heighten empathy or synchronise reproductive cycles, but those affecting ovulation amid other females usually are not received favourably by males, nor should they be effective across species. Yours are rather effective on me, and not unpleasant. The feedback is limited, but correct. I want you. If you're ready to indulge in my sexual drive and see if quality of feedback improves via contact of secretions, I'll claim you." He whispered with lips soft-pressed against her nape.

Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Syzygy Anion » Fri Oct 05, 2018 3:11 pm

"I'm not sure of what's in your mind." she responded after watching for a moment. "But, I think you want me to step closer. I mean, I want to. That could be because it's what you want. Or, you may want it, because I want it."

She stepped closer. "Zeltron are taught to be careful in regard to emotions. They shouldn't always be trusted, as they may not be your own. But, sometimes it's best to indulge in them, before they become too intense. Regardless, I do trust in you."

Re: Exotic Equations [Night, Pregame, Strange Charm]

Post by Sharn » Fri Oct 05, 2018 2:51 pm

"You are not uninteresting." He expanded his nostrils. "For example, I wonder if your pheromones are simple molecular chemistry or are actually governed by quantum mechanics in their operation." He smiled smugly. "Let's do some preliminary survey. I'll project an image in my mind of what I will do to you if you take one step closer, and you will describe the feedback, if any."

He went silent and let his imagination depict a tight, intense carnal match of pink and blue on the table amid the pale glow of holomat-projected astrophysical equations. He put his prolific brain to good use by adding much detail, simulating the way her hair would scatter and her toes would curl with mathematical accuracy. Shame or restraint were not among his emotional templates.
