by Yara Suhr » Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:41 pm
"Yes, exactly," she says, smiling at him. "Noventa will do for now. Later on, who knows?"
She glances over her shoulder toward the register, where patrons swipe their cards or pay for their meals in the more primitive, untraceable, but also malfunction-proof credit chits that are still the main medium of exchange on Noventa. Not much of a line at the moment.
"I really should be getting on, though. I have a commitment later this evening... if you're on-planet more than a few days, perhaps we'll cross paths again?"
"Yes, exactly," she says, smiling at him. "Noventa will do for now. Later on, who knows?"
She glances over her shoulder toward the register, where patrons swipe their cards or pay for their meals in the more primitive, untraceable, but also malfunction-proof credit chits that are still the main medium of exchange on Noventa. Not much of a line at the moment.
"I really should be getting on, though. I have a commitment later this evening... if you're on-planet more than a few days, perhaps we'll cross paths again?"