[D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

A magnificent mountain range that extends to the north from Noventa City, passing the Duskeen Forest to the west and up to the northern pole of Noventa.

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Jelna Vawn » Thu Nov 08, 2018 8:28 pm

(Can't be assed to fluff a failure like this at work.)


D9 LM Streetwise for Ritual, Destiny to do so, Upgrade from Free/Past Jelna Roll/Temra, Boost from Cefey, Street Smarts to reduce Setback: 4eP+1eA+1eB+4eC 2 failures, 1 advantage, 1 Despair
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Thu Nov 08, 2018 9:13 pm

Kaneesa crawls over toward the where the ritual was taking place. His eyes dance over the setup in place and tries to reach in and pry something out. From his crawl,he can't quite reach.

Skullduggery-Hack da Powa-3 challenge-3 setback: 2eA+1eP+3eC+3eS 2 failures
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Ender » Fri Nov 09, 2018 2:00 am

Correction: Earlier Nygmus hit Kaneesa with Force Lightning. It actually required two pips to just activate. Subtract 3 wounds suffered, as there were not enough pips for that.

Despair: The Ritual begins to fluctuate and stutter, before shaking the planet again, lightning coalescing around Jelna as she attempts to tease out the power. Her next check will have an upgraded difficulty.

Nygmus breathes heavily, looking about the ritual space. The wound painfully impacting him, he beats on it with his open fist, as the conjurations disappear. "You.... You meddlesome child!" He howled, feeling his concentration being broken. The storm above the mountain began to rage out of control. Seething with anger, the Seneschal, looked about. "Your interference will not be forgotten!" Stepped back, holding his side, rain hissing away from his lightsaber, before leaping away, far into the Distance.

Incidental: Uncommit Force Die to Conjure. The Conjurations disappear
Maneuver: Move to Medium Range away from the group.
Action: FORCE JUMP! 1 pip to activate, 2 available dark side pips to activate range upgrades, extending leap out to long. Nygmus is at Extreme Range from the group.

Force Jump Away from the fight! Current FR: 3, +2 Dark Side Points: 3eF 3 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Ender » Fri Nov 09, 2018 12:27 pm

The battlefield itself glows as tremors increase in magnitude, making standing difficult. Lightning cracks into stones all over the area, as the catalyst for the arcane power is thrown off balance. Unholy green energy arcs from stone to stone, as the battlefield shifts and is disrupted.

The ritual itself begins to break down, raw, untamed power beginning to spiral out of control, threatening to crack the spine of the mountain itself, the clouds turning a dark, crimson hue.

Something must be done to regain control, to stop the ritual from turning into a massive superstorm that could harm more than just the mountain.

Or you can try and chase down the Seneschal. =

To try and contain/stop the ritual at this point:

Knowledge (Lore) or Discipline, against a Hard check, upgraded once. You may add your Force Dice to the roll. Pips can be used for successes or advantages.
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Fri Nov 09, 2018 2:24 pm

Kaneesa is still on his belly as he watches Jelna rush in to where he has been trying to pry out a fancy looking piece. Suddenly, the entire ritual seems to be going crazy, with horrible portents appearing in the sky, and the entire ground beginning to shake. The weirdo seemed to leave as well, which meant no longer needing to hide.

"We'z gotta sit-u-ation here people!"

I have no idea how to stop this.

Kaneesa grabs at the portion he was trying to swipe earlier, gripping it deftly with two hands. Kaneesa can feel the Force the moment he gets a solid grip, something of the same that is happening to Jelna.

But I know how to steal it...I think.

Stop, no STEAL the ritual :P-Skullduggery-Hard, with Upgrade-Destiny upgrade on both sides (stays the same)-terrain setback: 1eA+2eP+1eD+2eC+1eD+3eS+1eF 4 failures, 3 advantage, 1 Dark Side

But Kaneesa's guess seems off. But even if he can't steal it, gaining nothing and walking away was still the better option. He looks back at the others and shouts.

"This piece is here is a focal point! The others parts are sending energy int'a it!"

(Passing one Boost to the group trying to stop the ritual, Boost to try again)
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Quinn Largo » Fri Nov 09, 2018 3:56 pm

She had been ready to follow up with another attack when he used his leaping ability to get the hell out of there. She *had* to learn how to do that some time... but now was not the moment to marvel at that ability, things were turning into a right mess around her. *Somehow* he had lost control of the ritual... and Quinn had no time to ponder whose fault that was. She had to figure out a way to fix this...

She backed up, coming up next to Cefey.

"The Pantoran told me about something like this, the ritual's going haywire, we need to do something fast!"

Maybe Quinn's limited knowledge would give others some ideas.

[maneuver to move into engaged with Cefey so she can use Quinn's Lore 1 to figure something out]
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Cefey Raneth » Fri Nov 09, 2018 4:03 pm

Fey was looking at what Kaneesa was pointing out, trying to make sense of it all. This wasn't like a computer's network or anything else that had order and made sense...

"What Pantoran?" And where was that handy-dandy Pantoran now who knew about this?!

She thought she saw an opening, but not something that could stop it...


D9 LM Stopping the ritual. Skilled assist from Quinn. Boost from Kaneesa. Thermal ignores weather: 1eP+3eA+1eB+1eF+1eC+2eD 3 failures, 3 advantage, 1 Dark Side

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

1 Advantage to boost next roller
2 Advantages to boost Temra
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Temra Zol » Fri Nov 09, 2018 4:16 pm

As shocked as he was at the sudden disappearance of the trolls, talk of the Pantoran, put Temra in mind of the only Pantoran he'd met recently, little Mirri. His thoughts then swirled to all the innocents on the planet, and the death and disruption he assumed this cataclysm would lead to. He could not allow that, he had to try something.

He wasn't sure how he did it, and if asked he couldn't say, seeming to be one of those heat of the moment situations. He assumed it was a counterbalance of light to the darkness that began it, but Temra waded forth toward the source of the green energy chanting some words that seemed to have been locked away in the back corners of his mind from his time with Shazziq, almost as if his mentor had prepared him for this very moment in Noventa's history.

D9 LM Stop the ritual Lor/Int, boosts, fear, weather, force: 4eA+2eB+1eF+2eD+1eC+3eS 2 successes, 2 threat, 1 Light Side

LS to reduce threat
2 success, 1 threat
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Ender » Sat Nov 10, 2018 3:47 am

The storms above began to coalesce into a cyclone, electricity arcing down, focusing on the spot where Nygmus had been standing originally. A wall of power slammed up through the ground, aiming directly towards Temra, falling just shore, but enough that the stress of the situation did get to him. And the, it was calm. The rain continued, but the storm seemed to abate.

In the Distance, the Seneschal watched, disappointment present on his features, yet the belief that it wasn't over. There was still plenty of work to do, even if it wasn't here.

"Only delays. Never an end." Before he took another massive leap, disappearing from view.

The ritual was broken, but Nygmus had gotten away. What would this mean for the system? For the Galaxy? As of now, a sense of calm. The darkness that was present in the planet was still there, but it felt as though it would slowly begin to weaken.

Outcome: The Ritual was stopped. As of D10, Noventa will no longer act as a Dark Side Vergeance.

Reward: Each PC who worked against the ritual gains one rank of Knowledge (Lore) or Discipline.
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Temra Zol » Sat Nov 10, 2018 3:56 am

Temra slumped to his knees as the exertions of the last few minutes caught up to him, but the smile on his face would remain for much longer.

"Good riddance to bad influences." He mumbled before turning to see if anyone was seriously injured now that the major threat was defeated, however temporarily.

"Are there any who were seriously wounded and in need of attention before we head back to Noventa City?"
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Jelna Vawn » Sat Nov 10, 2018 5:15 am

Jelna shoved her pistol back in its holster and looked back at Cefey. "We ain't ever goin' on one of these Force hoggity ventures again, ya hear me? Where'd this varmint even come from?" She let out a harsh sigh. "Least I saw what he looks like. We ought to tell the whole galaxy to look out for him."

She looked over at Quinn. "Where did ya come across one of those things? Ya even look like ya know how to use it but ya look too young to be a Jedi. Hm, unless a Jedi has been teachin' ya." She shot a smirk at Cefey. "What do ya think, Honey? Does swingin' 'round a laser sword suit me?"
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Quinn Largo » Sat Nov 10, 2018 7:38 am

Quinn sighed in relief. It was hard to believe she had actually gone up against someone like that and lived. Harder still that she made *him* run away. And the fact that the dark esoteric ritual threathening to devour the planet got stopped was a nice surprise too.

Her lightsaber retracted, and she turned to the others with a nod and smile.

"I'm fine," she told Temra.

Then she looked at Jelna.

"If I got taught by a Jedi, I'm a Jedi, aren't I? And it's not a laser sword."
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sat Nov 10, 2018 12:33 pm

Seeing the danger over for now, and the Lord of Darkness have tucked his tail between his legs to run, Fey's legs buckled and she fell down on her knees as she panted for air. "Thank goodness it's over... yeah, we're not doing this any time again soon, Babe." She managed to breathe a chuckle at that. "Not only him, but those other two as well who seemed to be in cahoots with the so-called Lord of Darkness and Bad Haircuts." Fey heaved a big sigh.

"I'm fine, Temra," she said with a nod to the iktotchi. "Just a been shaken and sore." Those damn conjurations of cheap tricks packed a punch.

"So... uh... what do we do now?"
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Temra Zol » Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:01 pm

Seeing everyone was uninjured, Temra rose and slowly walked towards the altar, hefting his ax menacingly.

"Not sure if this is the most correct play, but I am inclined to reduce this thing to so much rubble."
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:06 pm

Fey nodded, heaving a sigh as she regained some of her cool. Though she was still pretty shaken.

"I have a grenade... maybe we could jury-rig it somehow to blow the thing up?"


D9 LM Cool to recover strain after the fight: 3eA 1 success, 3 advantage
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Quinn Largo » Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:53 pm

"He could just make another one if he were determined, but I don't see any problem with breaking it down."

She looked around, at the others.

"So, I'm Quinn btw... For those of you who didn't know."
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Jelna Vawn » Mon Nov 12, 2018 9:33 pm

"Someone teachin' ya somethin' doesn't make you somethin'. Still, I have no problem callin' ya a Jedi with that sort of display." Jelna walked up to the altar and peered at it. "I don't suppose this thing could explode with dark power if we did that, right?"


D9 LM Discipline for Strain: 2eP+1eA 3 successes, 2 advantage

Strain is now 7 taken.
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Temra Zol » Mon Nov 12, 2018 9:39 pm

"I wouldn't expect so Ma'am, but one can never be too careful. If you have concerns I would recommend making one's self scarce for a few minutes."

D9 LM Discipline for Strain Recovery: 2eA+1eP 2 successes, 2 advantage

Wounds 0/13
Strain 4/16
Soak 6
Defense 1

Temra takes a few breaths to compose himself after the confrontation before giving everyone time to clear out if they wished.

Hefting his ax over his head, he brings it down with a powerful swipe, cleaving the altar in twain.
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Quinn Largo » Tue Nov 13, 2018 8:47 am

She raised a brow at the skepticism. It wasn't as if it was wrong perse, but... hey, whatever. It was all good. Evil had been defeated! For now...


"I think it'll be fine," she said when talk came of dark side energies being unleashed by hitting the altar.

I'm so cool.: 4eA 2 successes, 1 advantage healing strain
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Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Tue Nov 13, 2018 4:39 pm

"Well, I'mma hurt the most I think then."

Kaneesa limps up. "I think I'm going to go home. Have fun with your dark Jedi folks"
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