Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Local watering hole.

Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Soren Lom » Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:01 pm


She smiled warmly and chuckled softly before replying, "I've been known to enjoy a game or two under the right circumstances. I tend to want to observe a bit before I go jumping in uninhibited though."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Farkas Lowca » Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:10 pm

"I see," he replies with a nod. "Yeah, I get that. I'm one for studying as well. But I also like to tinker and build. Seeing the interplay of theory and practice. Finding out that the things I know fail when they comes into contact with the real world." He chuckles at that.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:25 pm

He grins at that his statement. "We are all just playin' our hands close to the chest now, aren't we? Well, so long as you can do the job, I don't mind if you're holding a bombed out hand or a Idiot's Array." Dartris paused and turned over to the table. "You know, bringing that up has me in the mood to play a few rounds with them. Get that gambling itch out of me before I make a fools decision and head over to Providencetown and make all sorts of bad decisions, you understand. Can't make the miss upset with me again; she has quite the temper and doesn't quite like it when I make my way there for no good reason."

He looked him over at him with a nod. "Just enough until the meat's ready, at least."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Cal Arcton » Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:33 pm

Cal nodded. "If you'd like to make yourself acquainted with everyone else, go right ahead. Just watch out for the kid; she's sharper than she looks."

At the mention of Providencetown, Cal's eyes narrowed again. "Well, the thing about taking your meat rare is that you don't have to wait too long. You'll have plenty of time to pick up something nice for your lady on the way back from Providencetown. After all, word is you can get just about anything over there."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:49 pm

He waves off the mention of it. "Nah, won't go riskin' my neck to make a few extra credits over there. Good woman like her isn't bought off by the prospect of extra credits or some pretty flowers, or even a new disruptor blaster. She's the kind who loves the graaande jestures when she's angry with you." He moves his hands wide to emphasis the size of the word 'grande'. "Requires a bit of creative thinking to make not be so angry. Worth it, though." He picks up his glass and downs the rest before he slides it back to him at the bar.

"Maybe someday you'll find such a good woman yourself, lawman." He grins and steps off the bar, walking to the table, slowly, his posture was straight and expressed a sense of command. "Just let me know it's ready; this won't take long."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Cal Arcton » Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:43 pm

Cal caught the glass, his eyebrows going up. "I see. I know the type. Well, best of luck to you, then." He replaced the glass in the dishwasher; if the man wanted another glass of whiskey with his steak, he'd get a fresh one then.

"Why don't you go ahead and take my seat. Pleasure chatting with you." Cal nodded. He paused a moment at the mention of finding his own woman, then shook his head. That bit didn't really require a comment one way or the other.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:53 pm

He nods his head and waves as he begins to make his way down to the table. He'd have to think of something good for them in a minute, but it was time to give the others a bit of a reading before he would give the proper job opportunity. This was going to use his own money, after all. As he moved to the table, he nodded to the two men before giving the others a winning smile to everyone as he arrives in proper form. "Well, hello there fine people. Your boss was kind enough for me to take his place at the table for a hand or two while my meal's warming up, but I don't want to intrude on you game. Would it be a problem if I join you for a small time? Don't want to be so rude about things, you know."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Quinn Largo » Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:58 pm

Well, Quinn had either won the first game, or lost the final hand to Runi. Either way, everyone knew the first game was just the warm up. Especially true given a big fish had just showed up.

"Depends," she said with her best 'i'm just a kid' smile. "You puttin' down some credits?"
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Tue Oct 02, 2018 6:22 pm

Kor gave Quinn a light jab but coming from a fist the size of the girls head it still probably rocked the girl a bit. "Don't be rude Quinn."

He turned to Dartris and nodded at the chair "chair'll fit your ass just as well as it fit Cal's i imagine." He said before taking a drink from his glass.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Tue Oct 02, 2018 6:28 pm

"Ohhhoho... I was warned about you." He gave a hearty laugh at her question and sat himself down with the rest of them, grinning at Cal as he stared at the others at the table. "Credits are not the issue there, little lady. What's the pot like? 50? 100?" He looked on at the others. "Don't worry, I'll make sure I throw in enough for you to be able to head to that General Store for a bar of chocolate when we're done here." There was a snarky tone to that last statement, an obvious attempt to rile her up a little.

He turns to the big guy and smiles at him. "Now don't you worry for me, sir. I'm made of stronger stuff to let someone so small wound me with just her words. Why, you wouldn't believe the things I've been called in my life. Some of which would make you walk right over and cover that poor child's ears, they're so foul."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Quinn Largo » Tue Oct 02, 2018 6:34 pm

"Ow, don't call me rude and then go and talk about his ass!"

She rubbed her arm where he'd hit her, and then looked back at Dartris and his jabs.

"I'm not a kid you know!"

The thing though, was that her saying it just made it seem all the more true... which was in fact entirely intentional. It was usually a winning strategy for her, after all. Made people think her to be harmless, making them leave their guard down... so she could swoop in and take the profit.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Farkas Lowca » Tue Oct 02, 2018 6:52 pm

The rambunctiousness of the members of the group that clearly knew each other was a stark contrast to the balding, bespectacled man that sat politely quiet for the banter. When the opportunity presented itself he introduced himself. "Farkas Lowca."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:04 pm

He gives another laugh at the two's comment. "Well then, I must say your father here must be raising you right if you already this sassy, kiddo. Already at the table at such a young and tender age, ready to take this poor old man's hard earned credits. Well, I must say that I am not one to turn down a challenge when you got me so intrigued, little one. Just try to go easy on a poor old timer like me."

Turning around to the man. "Farkas Lowca." He stands up and stretches his hands up and extends his hand to everyone at the table, firstly to Farkas. "My manners, oh my, how I forget them some time. My mamma would whoop my ass if she found me forgettin' to properly introduce myself. Dartris Ribmatt. A pleasure to make all ya'lls acquaintance to what may be a short, but productive few rounds of Sabbac."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Cal Arcton » Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:18 pm

Behind the bar, Cal began to carefully wipe down the counter with a damp cloth. It didn't really need doing, but it gave himself something to do while he kept in earshot.

His eyes were just as much on the two toughs as on the crime boss himself.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:21 pm

Kor took the man's hand and gave it a firm shake "Korvalus Dunbri but everyone calls me Kor." he nodded to Quinn, "she's not my kid just someone I travel with." he gathered up the cards and handed the deck to Quinn "Deal 'em, you've always had a better hand than me at shuffling. My big paws are good for a lot of things but they don't move so well."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Quinn Largo » Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:29 pm

"Quinn," she said by way of greeting, and then started shuffling. Nothing fancy, just the hands of someone who'se shuffled a few times before. Before long, everyone would have their cards in hand.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Soren Lom » Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:52 pm


Six had watched the man walk over and moved slightly aside to let him have a bit more space when he took Cal's chair. She kept an alluring and interested smile on her lips throughout the exchanges, chuckling here and there at things done and said. She leaned forward onto the back of the chair appealingly and smiled as she introduced herself.

"Six'tsak T'vaokt, but most call me Six."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Farkas Lowca » Tue Oct 02, 2018 9:37 pm

Farkas took measure of his new hand and nodded approvingly. He was not a card player. Less of a tell and more of a blatant announcement. That was certainly not how one made money playing these games.
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Runi Vizsla » Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:32 am

"Runi Vizsla," the red woman added. "Pleasure to meet you."
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Re: Straight Flush [D0 Afternoon]

Postby Dartris Ribmatt » Wed Oct 03, 2018 7:19 am

He smiles and sits down for and looks over at his deck looking around at the others for a quick feel of their emotional reaction to to their which the bald one seemed to be giving almost too easily and the more reactive red one seemed to be interested in more than playing just cards. He smiled at her and gave a proper nod as he finished the greeting.

"Well, now that we all know each other..." Nodding his head firmly. "Let's see what ol' fate has dealt me this time." He fans his cards in front of him for a few moments giving them a proper look before giving a friendly smile. "So the kid's not your kid, my apologies. But I understand your problem. Could never quite deal as well as I could after I lost my arm and my other hand. Now this big thing's decent for the manual dexterity, and it does add that extra touch on the occasions I have to defend myself, but it ain't never had the same experience shuffling cards or whatever else I might have needed done." Shifting his cards around a bit, he smiles and reaches in for a few cards, exchanging them, and places one card in the interference field.
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