(D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Local watering hole.

Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Jelna Vawn » Tue Oct 02, 2018 3:11 pm

"Have you been 'ere your whole life then, Cal?" Jelna asked. She was not quite where she'd place this man. So many different walks of life for people in a large galaxy.

The newcomer shrugged. "That's part of bein' the captain ain't it? Can be like herdin' sometimes, with them all bein' so needy." She smirked. "I kid, of course. They're good folk."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Cal Arcton » Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:02 pm

"Nah." Cal shook his head. "I took off when I was eighteen. Only I didn't take off too far; worked right here in this sector. And so, I might not have been living here, but with how many times a job took me here, it mighta saved me some credits if I was." He shrugged. "Moved back about a year and a half ago."

He chuckled, taking a gulp of his fresh beer. "That's the way I've heard it." He said. "Wouldn't know, myself. I always either worked alone, or with one partner or another. That's an entirely different sort of situation."

He paused a moment, frowning thoughtfully. "I guess now, owning this bar is sorta like being a captain. It sure can be like herdin', though." He smirked. "And to think that's why I got into the marshall business; so I wouldn't have to be a rancher."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:09 pm

Having settled in to her temporary abode, Tewzada asked around for a good watering hole to cool her heels at. While there were a couple that locals gave her, the one called the Twelve Parsecs was recommended multiple times. And was close by the press.

Having tuned her holo-costume into costume #7, a grey tank top with the word "Tw'erk" on it and a pleated black skirt, she made her way down to the street towards the edge of the city. Looking up at the building as she walked to the roped off entrance, she took out her ID from her purse.
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Tue Oct 02, 2018 8:40 pm

Kor stood by the door where he usually was on any given night the big man watched everyone that came in the door with a critical eye, always on the look out for trouble makers or possible problems. Kor was typically imposing enough that he curbed any problems before they came up, any of the regulars have seen the lack of gentleness Kor employed when removing problem elements from the bar. Kor saw Cal talking to a woman Kor had never seen before must've been some kind of out of towner.

Kor saw the Twilek approach and indeed took an eyeful of the woman in, he snorted a bit at her shirt as he took her ID and looked it over. Tewzada huh? He han't seen the woman here before and he likely would have remembered if he had. Plenty of pretty girls came through but this one was different, something about her made her stand out in the crowd. He handed her ID back "You new around town? never seen you here before." the big man asked
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Tue Oct 02, 2018 9:11 pm

"That's right, just got into port last night. Here with GNN holonews."

Tew took her id card and slipped it back into its pocket, "Don't tell me this is such a rough place that they need someone so imposing to turn back the riff-raff?"

The bouncer certainly was a mountain of a man; Probably even more imposing than some Wookie bouncers she'd seen before back in the Core.
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:44 am

Kor's expression didn't change, it was business like and bordered on gruff. It wasn't unpleasant however as he replied to the twi'lek's inquiries, Kor shrugged "Welcome to our little slice of the galaxy, place can be a little rough sometimes but what bar isn't?" his voice was deep and a little rough. It held a strong core world accent, Kor obviously wasn't from around these parts either. "Don't worry too much about it, anyone gives you too much unwanted attention you let me or one of bartenders know. That shit doesn't fly here." Kor would have made the same offer to any other concerned patron. The fact this one was a beautiful young twi'lek probably didn't hurt though.
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:47 am

"Oh, you don't say? Seems the locals putting a good word in for the place might have been warranted."

Tew gave a mysterious little smile to Kor before going into the opened door, purse back over her shoulder as she looked around at her first glance inside the dimly lit place.
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Wed Oct 03, 2018 3:05 am

Kor nodded to the other door guy, a rodian that may have been smaller than Kor but was big enough to look the part when the man himself wasn't around. Kor turned and followed Tew through the door "So you're from a news network eh? what sort of story brings you way out here? Nothing too crazy happens here, figure people like you would be in the core worlds following the formation of the new republic." It seemed strange to Kor that a news affiliated person would make their way to a somewhat backwater planet like Noventa, a place Kor chose to settle down in for a while precisely because it was out of the way and relatively unimportant.
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Wed Oct 03, 2018 4:13 pm

Tew looked back over her shoulder as she was followed, not seeming to mind, "Well, that's mostly established news networks like Republic Today or GBC. Not to mention veteran reporters like Han Rathers or Anderson Swooper. I've only just started this stuff in the past year, so I get the rumors and bit pieces."

Which was skirting around the issue of the fact she didn't know why she was on Noventa besides the fact she'd been in the sector and the Company had a branch office here.
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Jelna Vawn » Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:09 pm

"So ya haven't strayed too far from home ever then? Or have ya been elsewhere too?" Jelna took a sip from her beer. "Things change an awful lot based on where you go. I reckon there are things I'll have to get used to 'round these parts."

She looked towards the entrance, as if her crew might come in. She glanced at the staff here and then shrugged. "More mouths to feed with a whole ship."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:15 pm

Tewzada Star'Ti wrote:Tew looked back over her shoulder as she was followed, not seeming to mind, "Well, that's mostly established news networks like Republic Today or GBC. Not to mention veteran reporters like Han Rathers or Anderson Swooper. I've only just started this stuff in the past year, so I get the rumors and bit pieces."

Which was skirting around the issue of the fact she didn't know why she was on Noventa besides the fact she'd been in the sector and the Company had a branch office here.

Kor pulled even with Tew and looked down at her "ah makes more sense that they'd send a new girl out here. Well hopefully something juicy pops up for you." He looked around the moderately busy establishment and motioned with his head to the bar "in the mean time mind if I buy a fellow off worlder a drink?" She seemed decent company and a curious one besides.
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:18 pm

Tew chuckled as she looked up at the taller human, "That's funny; Most people seem to wish for less news worthy stuff. Glad to hear someone actually rooting for me. And supplying the drink too? Why, I think we could be good friends, given time."

She gave a grin; Tew thought about introducing herself... but the man HAD just seen her I.D., so little point there. He even knew her age and blood type if he'd looked at such things.
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Cal Arcton » Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:31 pm

Jelna Vawn wrote:"So ya haven't strayed too far from home ever then? Or have ya been elsewhere too?" Jelna took a sip from her beer. "Things change an awful lot based on where you go. I reckon there are things I'll have to get used to 'round these parts."

She looked towards the entrance, as if her crew might come in. She glanced at the staff here and then shrugged. "More mouths to feed with a whole ship."

Cal shrugged. "Depends on how you reckon things like that. I've been just about everywhere in the sector. And sometimes beyond. But I haven't been anywhere near everywhere, and I wouldn't put down against any kind of odds that I've been as many places as a ship captain."

He followed Jelna's glance curiously before looking back to her. She certainly seemed like a neighborly sort. "How big's your crew, anyway? Sounds to me like you're fixin' to stay for a while?" He smirked. "I wouldn't mind the extra business if you take a liking to the place."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Wed Oct 03, 2018 7:29 pm

Tewzada Star'Ti wrote:Tew chuckled as she looked up at the taller human, "That's funny; Most people seem to wish for less news worthy stuff. Glad to hear someone actually rooting for me. And supplying the drink too? Why, I think we could be good friends, given time."

She gave a grin; Tew thought about introducing herself... but the man HAD just seen her I.D., so little point there. He even knew her age and blood type if he'd looked at such things.

Throughout the whole conversation Kor hadn't smiled once, nor did he do so often. Usually just when he was drunk or thought something was funny. "Well guess you'll need something to call me" he said extending a hand down to her "Names Korvalus but most around here just call me Kor." He said giving a firm shake if she took his hand.

"As for news I don't mind a little excitement here and again. Typically prefer the quiet though, you're right." He shrugged as he walked to the bar and held up two fingers and looked to the bartender "Scotch on the rocks and whatever the lady wants."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Thu Oct 04, 2018 12:14 am

She did take his hand, though it was much smaller than her own, "And you can call me Tew, if you want."

At least her hand shake wasn't like a wet noodle like many Twi'leks'. "And I'll have a red Bandune wine, or another woody one if you don't have that."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Thu Oct 04, 2018 2:08 am

the bartender nodded and went about making their drinks moving swiftly but surely. As the bartender worked Kor sat in a stool in front of the bar, even though Kor left the imperial service years ago there was still a regimented way he moved. His movements were precise, disciplined, bordering on rigid even in this laid back setting of the bar.

Kor looked at the twi'lek with his one good eye studying the woman for a moment and nodded "Tew sounds good. Good handshake too, probably from your reporter training." he said looking back behind the bar as he shrugged off his leather jacket revealing well muscled, hairy and heavily scarred arms as he was only wearing a tank top under it. He draped the heavy leather jacket over the bar "so how long you been planetside?"
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Thu Oct 04, 2018 4:14 am

Tew's style of doing things, on the other hand, was very flowing yet watchful. It was hard to place what it meant, but the way she naturally looked around and seemed tobe listening even as she constantly seemed busy wasn't too hard to see. Even as she plopped on a stool.

"Reporter training? You mean the part sitting in a classroom? Heh... naw, unless you mean all the practice greeting people; Gotta give a first impression that counts. As to planetside... About one day cycle now; Longer than I'm used to too. Though I'm slowly getting used to that with all the traveling."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Thu Oct 04, 2018 12:06 pm

Kor nodded as the bartender returned with their drinks, Tew's wine wasn't exactly what she ordered but it was pretty close. Kor took a sip of his scotch and leaned forward resting his elbows on the bar "yeah I suppose that makes sense that you'd travel a lot for a job like yours. Have ta go where the news is I'd imagine." He sighed a little "travellings not so bad though, getting to see new things, meet new people."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Thu Oct 04, 2018 3:46 pm

Honestly, Tewzada wasn't too picky about her wine; She just liked it to seem like she was. So she took it gratefully.

Looking up at Korvalus more directly again, she nodded, "Oh, yeah; A lot of new places. It's been wonderful, despite the stresses of travel like warp lag and baggage claim. For now at least, every new destination is a brand new opportunity though, a new adventure. I suppose that might change once I spend more time off world; Growing up in the same part of the undercity for twenty years made me want to see new things like this."
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Re: (D0 E) Painting the Town Red

Postby Jelna Vawn » Fri Oct 05, 2018 12:21 am

Jelna perked her brow. She wasn't sure if this stranger was eyeballin' her. "Crew's big enough to watch each other's backs. We're a tightknit sort." She then shrugged. "I'll see to bringin' them around sometime. I'm sure they'll like it here too."
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