Golden Opportunity (Day 7 Mid afternoon)

The untamed lands of Noventa

Golden Opportunity (Day 7 Mid afternoon)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Oct 31, 2018 2:50 pm

The thought had struck Kai rather suddenly, the man Temra had been interested in Scrap for making armor, and Kai could confirm that he was after the same. A quick call had Kai making his way out to a wrecked cargo hauler, that hopefully had yet to be picked clean. With luck the other man would be here shortly too, and they could come to some sort of understanding.
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Re: Golden Opportunity (Day 7 Mid afternoon)

Postby Temra Zol » Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:16 pm

Receiving the call from Kai, Temra hustled out to the crash site. This had potential and he was honored that this rogue thought of him, so he packed his tool kit and headed out onto the plains.

Kai's coordinates were good and soon he saw the hauler come into view and he called out to the other man as he approached.

"Greetings once more Mister Kai. I was pleased to recieve your communique."
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Golden Opportunity (Day 7 Mid afternoon)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:23 pm

"Well, I was happy to be able to give it, especially with how things ended up with that factory." He shook his head and sighed. "Kinda wish we had just went ahead and made our way in."

Looking around the downed Hauler he flashed a smile. "But we have this instead, so I suppose it's not too bad. Figured we could work together to get the useful bits and split it half way. Might see if you're interested in making some armor for me after that. Though I'm willing to pay for that."
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Re: Golden Opportunity (Day 7 Mid afternoon)

Postby Temra Zol » Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:36 pm

Temra chortled. "I am happy to assist you in such an endeavour, but I must protest at charging you a fee. Offering to split what we find here is overly generous already"

He twirled his hydrospanner in his left hand, his excitement obvious.
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Golden Opportunity (Day 7 Mid afternoon)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:18 pm

Kai smirked. "Well, I'm not going to push if you are offering your help at no charge. Hopefully there us enough here to at least get you started on your own project." Though he was unsure what that project was exactly.
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Re: Golden Opportunity (Day 7 Mid afternoon)

Postby Temra Zol » Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:28 pm

Temra pats his up-until-now sufficiently protective vest.

"Well for some reason with our recent party crashers, I feel less than secure in this old thing. Wouldn't mind picking up something I can use to craft something with a bit more strength to it. Not talking about a suit of power armor or anything, but, well I guess we'll see what we can find and go from there."
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Golden Opportunity (Day 7 Mid afternoon)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:10 pm

"Power armor would be nice." Kai replied with a wistful sigh. "Honestly I was just after a little bit of improvement in my current armor though. Maybe something to make it more customizable?"

"Still I can understand your sentiments. It's a dangerous world out here."
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Re: Golden Opportunity (Day 7 Mid afternoon)

Postby Temra Zol » Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:30 am

At the mention of danger, Temra's hand instinctively checks the pocket that now housed the casing for his future weapon of choice.

"And we can't exactly defend those who need it, without being able to defend ourselves." Temra agrees. "It seems there's going to be a lot of people needing defending around here soon too."
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Re: Golden Opportunity (Day 7 Mid afternoon)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Thu Nov 01, 2018 1:45 pm

"That's the truth." Kai offered with a nod, as he began to sift through the wreckage of the ship. "Though I suppose that isn't too much different from when I arrived here." The planet seemed full of a criminal element after all. As well as dangerous predators.

"You any good with a blaster then?" He asked a moment later. "Or do you prefer a more hands on approach?"
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Re: Golden Opportunity (Day 7 Mid afternoon)

Postby Temra Zol » Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:32 pm

"I tried to learn when I was younger, I could shoot at stationary targets passably well, but had trouble tracking a mobile one." Temra doesn't seem to concerned with his failing.

"So instead I've learned to put my size to use when conflict becomes necessary. I work far more effectively up close and personal." He adds as he starts to shift around debris on his search for a diamond in the rough.
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Golden Opportunity (Day 7 Mid afternoon)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Thu Nov 01, 2018 9:17 pm

"Nothing wrong with that." Kai offered with a chuckle. "Blasters and all are nice, but sometimes they just arent the right thing for the job, and close enough they are more a hindrance then anything."

He pushed aside a piece of wreckage, paring down at what in unveiled. "What do you think of this?" He asked beckoning the other man over."
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Re: Golden Opportunity (Day 7 Mid afternoon)

Postby Temra Zol » Thu Nov 01, 2018 10:29 pm

Temra picked his way over to Kai and let out a low whistle. "I'd say you've hit the jackpot. It's a little beaten up and will need to be completely stripped down and reassembled but it's got the makings of a good suit of ablative armor there."
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Golden Opportunity (Day 7 Mid afternoon)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Nov 02, 2018 4:43 am

"Excellent." Kai repleid a smile on his lips. "I'm not too bad at finding these sort of things, but heck if I can tell what's useful or not." Taking a step to the side he offered the other man the piece of wreckage he was holding in place. "If you keep a hold of this I can fish it out of there, and we can get a better look at it."
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Re: Golden Opportunity (Day 7 Mid afternoon)

Postby Temra Zol » Fri Nov 02, 2018 5:56 am

Temra happily lent his strength to the effort and gave Kai the opportunity to dig the promising find out of the wreckage.
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Golden Opportunity (Day 7 Mid afternoon)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Nov 02, 2018 1:28 pm

"thanks." Kai offered simply as he pulled the part out of it's home. It did feel a bit worn out, but Temra was right when he said it still looked pretty shiny.

"Well, that's one thing." He mused as he looked it over.
Human * Ivory Phoenix * Former Solider * "Darling" * The Muscle *
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