[D6EA] Target Selection

The untamed lands of Noventa

Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Cal Arcton » Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:41 pm

Cal paused, shooting Kai a grin. "It's true. I do appreciate it, but I'm pretty sure I was chatting up women before you started shaving. I think I can do just fine."

It was good that he stopped shooting, because otherwise he probably would have missed by quite a bit. "Wait, what?" A stunned expression on his face, Cal turned to Kai. "Let's get back to Jelna in a moment. Did you say 'that hologram I'm dating'? Are you talkin' about Demona?"
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Kai Wryssald » Sun Oct 28, 2018 7:04 pm

"I said hologram that's dating you, or thinks its dating you?" Kai offered as he fired a shot at another bottle"

"Yara never told me her name, only about how jealous she gets when you chat with other ladies." Kai left about the part about how he figured Cal liked the attention though. "Suppose that might be Demona?" He finished with a shrug.
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Cal Arcton » Sun Oct 28, 2018 7:11 pm

"Oh." After a moment, Cal waved a hand. "Yeah, that's just Demona. She's the bar hologram. Something's wrong with her, but you get used to it."

He shrugged. "But she's not jealous or anything, so far as I know. She just has the worst timing. Like, last time I kissed someone, she showed up right then..." Cal frowned. That did kinda lend support to the jealousy theory.

Again, he waved a hand. "We've got a guy working on her. Farkas. Real smart, and friendly enough. Hopefully he can make her a little more friendly." He smirked. "But no matter how friendly she gets, I'm not gonna date her."
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Kai Wryssald » Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:43 pm

"So she doesnt stare daggers at the female patrons when your back us turned then?" Kai asked curiously, he'd imagined something like that had been happening since Yara mentioned it. Of course Kai could just be blind to the fact.

"Kinda wondering why you have a bar hologram though? Is it one of those lewd dancing types, used to bring guys in?" It didnt sound like it but ya never knew.
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Cal Arcton » Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:59 pm

"Not... that I know of." Cal said frowning. "I mean, she's not around most of the time. She just suddenly appears sometimes, says something both creepy and flirty, and vanishes again."

Cal shrugged. "She was supposed to be a bit like that. Guy that stayed there a while offered to install her instead of paying his tab. I figured, hey, why not, a lot of bars have something like that, and the fella needed a break." He sighed, shaking his head. "Guess that's why most places ask for credit or nothing."
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Kai Wryssald » Sun Oct 28, 2018 11:21 pm

"Well, if you can get her fixed up maybe she can still earn you some credits." Kai said thoughtfully. "Though I've never really been a fan of those holographic tables myself. It's much nicer to be able to talk to a lady and touch her if it comes around to that after all."

He paused thoughtfully. "On the note of Ladies though, you kno w any place nice around her to take one of them? Most places seem pretty rough and tumble, or overly expensive and over in providence town."
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Cal Arcton » Mon Oct 29, 2018 12:16 am

"Mmm, maybe." Cal shrugged. "I've sorta gotten used to having her around. But not to the expense of real ladies, of course. If she is causing problems with..." Cal squeezed off a quick shot, "-with anyone, well, it's probably for the best that she get fixed up a bit."

"Huh." Cal lowered his pistol. "What sort of place are you thinkin' about? I'm guessing you don't just want a bar, or I'm sure you'd take a lady to Twelve Parsecs. I'd set a nice table for you and everything." He chuckled. "But are you thinking dinner? Or something more in the music and dancing sort of place?"
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Kai Wryssald » Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:01 am

"Probably, can't have a proper bar without at least a few ladies coming in after all. Well, unless you're okay with the place just being filled with a bunch of old timers." They might mind a malfunctioning hologram so much, they might even thing it added to the charm.

"Mmm... Either of those would be nice. Nothing against the hospitality of the twelve parsecs and all, but i promised Fey a nice dinner someplace, maybe a bit of dancing too. Though if I end up owing something to Lena I might stop in with her again sometime. She's not much for fancy dinners, more the type to ask you to buy her a drink or three when paying back a favor."
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Cal Arcton » Mon Oct 29, 2018 1:57 pm

Can smirked. "Believe me, I'm not interested in running a bar that doesn't bring in at least a few ladies."

"Hmmm..." Cal considered, his gun aimed, but not firing. "Try Taste of Aldera, downtown. It's a classy sort of place, great food, often has a bit of music. Violin, or piano, or sometimes both. Wear your best clothes." He smiled. "I don't expect she'll have a problem with that."

He chuckled at the description of Lena. "Well, that's fine too. Bring her by. I wouldn't mind chatting with her again, myself." His lips quirked. "Although it's too bad. I did really like that dress on her."
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Kai Wryssald » Mon Oct 29, 2018 5:03 pm

"Good to know, I was beginning to worry there." Kai offered his tone teasing as he shit a hole through a can, sending it skittering away.

"Taste of Aldera." He nodded. "I'll keep that in mind, by the sound of it m, it's the type of place she would like." It would likely do the job just perfectly.

He couldnt help but laugh at Cal's comment. "I'll tell you a secret, Cal. Lena can make just about anything look good. Even when she is working on the ship, with a bit of oil of her nose."
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Cal Arcton » Mon Oct 29, 2018 5:31 pm

"Yeah." Cal said. "The owner's from Alderaan originally. It's done up in that sort of style, if that means anything to you. But definitely a classy sort of place. If I was gonna take someone somewhere fancy, that's definitely where I'd pick."

Cal snorted at that. "Even with a bit of oil on her nose? I'd wager she looks especially good like that." Shaking his head, he took another shot, taking the top off another bottle.
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Kai Wryssald » Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:28 pm

"Alright then, thanks." He offered with a nod, he wasn't really sure what Alderaan style was, it wasn't somethign he was familar with, but Defey would likely appreciate it.

"Laugh as you like, but there is something sexy about a woman that's a little dirty, sweat glistening on her skin, and her clothing sticking close in all the right places." Kai offered with a laugh. "Fancy clothes and expensive lingerie are nice too of course, but they aren't everything." Though Lena really did have some pleasant lingerie, not that Cal needed to know that.
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Cal Arcton » Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:49 pm

Cal laughed. "That's quite the word picture. But I said I agree, not that I disagree. The mechanic look's a good one. I liked the way she pulled off the dress. Wouldn't mind the chance to see her like that, too."

He holstered his pistol again. "Maybe it's because we're farm boys, you and me. We can appreciate a fine lady, the same as all the rest, but we appreciate one who knows how to get her hands dirty, too."
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Kai Wryssald » Mon Oct 29, 2018 9:52 pm

"That would make sense." Kai offered thoughtfully, as he put another blaster bolt through a can. No reason to be so delicate with the aim with a weapon like this after all.

"Yara much the type to get her hands dirty?" He asked after a few moments. "Didnt get to know her well enough to know."
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Cal Arcton » Tue Oct 30, 2018 1:51 am

"Hmmm." Cal fired off three shots in rapid succession. He hit two, but only winged the third. Grimacing, he holstered his pistol again. "Yara..." He pursed his lips thoughtfully. "She's an interesting one. She's got that Core World accent, and education. You'd think she wouldn't be out of place at a cocktail party, or, I don't know, a big university."

He smiled. "But she's a farm girl underneath it. Her family grew things, raised things, like us. And she was in the Rebellion, during the early days. I'm sure she's sewed people back together with nothing more than a needle, thread, and maybe a roll of gauze. So yeah, she knows how to get her hands dirty." He shook his head smiling fondly.

He flashed Kai a quick grin. "Word of warning, though, should you end up in her care. Her fingers are cold."
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Oct 30, 2018 3:08 am

"Mmm... She did seem to have a fondness for orchids." Kai mused thoughtfully. "Syill didnt expect the farm girl from her, I imagined a rich family with a garden." That told you how well he knew people though.

He smirked at that. "I think Lena and Cefey would complain if I didnt let them take care of my injuries." They seemed to enjoy it, though for completely different reasons. "Still, I'll keep that in mind if I visit the doctor... might even bmgift her with some of those pocket hand warmers on the occasion."
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Cal Arcton » Tue Oct 30, 2018 12:56 pm

"Yeah." Cal chuckled. "She's full of surprises. I've known her for a while, but I'm still learning things about her. Orchids, though? Huh." Cal's lips pursed thoughtfully.

At the suggestion, Cal snorted, amused. "If you got her some of those hand warmers, I'd take it as a kindness."

He frowned thoughtfully. "What's Lena's background, anyway? Fey told me a bit about hers," Cal's lips pressed together at that, "-but I haven't had much of a chance to talk to Lena."
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Oct 30, 2018 1:20 pm

Kai chuckled. "I'll look into finding some." Things on this planet were so damned expensive though, and he wasnt exactly flush.

"Ah..." Kai smiled slightly and shook his head. "I probably shouldn't chat about that too much, if Lena hasnt told you herself that is. Despite all the drinking she does, and the revealing dresses she can be a pretty private woman."

"Best way to get her to talk though is over a few glasses, she'll tell you a bit if she warms up to you enough."
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Cal Arcton » Tue Oct 30, 2018 1:41 pm

"Fair enough." Cal said. He folded his arms across his chest. "Everyone gets to tell their own story, or not, as they feel like it. That's practically a rule at Twelve Parsecs."

"I wouldn't mind sharing a few glasses with her." He smirked. "Especially if she wears one of those dresses you're talking about. But she seems like an interesting sort."

His pistol remained in its holster; seemed he was done for the moment. "Did you ever end up showing her the difference between a nerf and a bantha? Seems like Fey didn't know either." He chuckled. "Jelna probably knows, right? The way she talks, it's like she grew up somewhere in this sector."
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Re: [D6EA] Target Selection

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Oct 30, 2018 3:01 pm

"Haven't found the time honestly. Spent most of our time looking for work, and now we are a bit busy actually working. I figure I'll get it done sometime before we leave though. Might as ell take Cefey as long as well, since as you said she doesn't know the difference either." Not that either of them would all be that interested, but they were here.

"Honestly I was hoping to hear word of a beach or a nice hotel with a pool. The ladies like a bit of swimming, even if the weather isn't really perfect for it." This really didn't seem the place for such frivolities though.
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