House Rules

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House Rules

Postby Ender » Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:14 am

Listed will be the House Rules:

SNAP ROLL - Out-Of-Turn Incidental
Pilot Only: Yes
Silhouette: 1-4
Speed: 2+
Quick reflexes and fly-by-wire systems are not only important in maneuvering a ship into a superior attack position, but are also helpful to quickly respond to enemy fire blasting away a ship's shields and hull. Snap Roll allows pilots to utilize the maneuverability of their ship and their own exceptional skill to suddenly react to incoming fire. The pilot quickly rolls, dives, or climbs to avoid part of the incoming attack as soon as his shields and armor start getting hit by a volley of blaster bolts, or he times his maneuver so only part of a missile's detonation affects his ship.

When his ship is successfully hit by a Gunnery combat check, the pilot can elect to take a Snap Roll Incidental action and reduce the damage of the attack by the sum of their ship's Handling plus the pilot's Ranks in Piloting (Planetary or Space, whichever is applicable to the vehicle he's controlling). This sudden dodge puts the ship, and the pilot, under extreme stress and g-forces; when this incidental action is taken the ship suffers 3 System Strain (bypassing Armor) as the high-G maneuver taxes on-board systems and support surfaces. Additionally, the pilot suffers 3 Strain (bypassing Soak) as those same G-forces pull, crush, and exhaust him.

If a person is wearing a flight suit that reduces the amount of Strain incurred from Critical Hits to the ship, they reduce the Strain they take from a Snap Roll action to 1. Droids are immune to the personal Strain damage as long as they are at a station, locked in a droid socket, or have some other means to prevent them from being bounced around the ship's interior.

Ender modification: Ranks in Skilled Jockey will be used to modify the handling of the vessel, if it is in the negatives. In Example, Ace Pilot, daring Ace, has two ranks of skilled jockey. Having stolen a lumbering freighter in an attempt to get away from a Hutt Cartel's security goons. The freighter has a handling of -2. Coming under fire from enemy fighters, the ship is rocked by laser fire. Ace, being an ace pilot with three ranks of Piloting - Space, pushes the ship past her limits, Snap-Rolling to avoid some of the damage. Normally, they would only reduce the damage by 1 (3 ranks of piloting - space, subtracting the handling of -2), but with Skilled Jockey, they essentially ignore the penalty, and reduce the damage by 3, on top of what the armor absorbs. I like this because it gives a nice little boost to the Skilled Jockey talent outside of mitigating the penalty of the handling, and rewards pilots for why they're really good at what they do.

Heal/Harm Force Power: Only light side pips can be used for the Heal aspect of the power. Only dark side pips can be used to trigger Harm.

Committed Force Powers: This is an action. You cannot begin a scene with force dice committed.

Changes to Maneuvers: When taking cover as a Maneuver gain +1 Ranged defense that stacks with current defense. If a character takes a Guarded Stance they gain +1 Melee defense that stacks with current defense. This makes both maneuvers useful when armored if one wants to fight defensively.

Sources of Defense: Defense from a Weapon and from Armor stacks; this does not apply to weapons in the offhand only the active weapon applies. This means if one has Armor that grants 1 Ranged Defense and they have a weapon that grants 1 Ranged Defense they have a total of Ranged Defense 2. This makes defensive weapons and gear more valuable.

This post is subject to change as situations come up.
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Re: House Rules

Postby Ender » Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:54 pm

Force Sensitivity: if you are Force Sensitive, you can detect when another person uses the Force/is Force sensitive, except in the case of the Shroud Talent. Without the sense power, this is at engaged range for just feeling they are sensitive (i.e. talking to them in person in and standard convo).

If you are Force Sensitive, please note it in your signature.

If you have the Shroud Talent, note it in threads in which you use it.
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Re: House Rules

Postby Ender » Mon Oct 01, 2018 9:57 am

Changeling Shape shifting:

You may begin any thread in whatever form you like at no strain cost. Strain costs are incurred at any shift during the thread.
GM - The Ashla and the Bogan, The Bendu - "All Is As The Force Wills It"
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Re: House Rules

Postby Flession » Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:41 am

The following is pulled from the book, Under a Black Sun, found here on page 27. For everyone's convenience, the rules will be posted here. Up the Ante , or any other talents capable of helping in regards to gambling can be applied as appropriate. Force abilities may also be used as appropriate.

The following rules can be used to simulate one round or hand of sabacc, a popular card game in the Star Wars universe. In sabacc, players attempt to develop a hand of ±23 using a deck of 76 chip cards that shift between positive and negative versions of their numbers until they are played.

1. The table agrees on a wager, and each player pays this amount into the pot.
2. Use Cool to establish a base dice pool.
3. The GM adds Difficulty dice to the player’s dice pool based on the difficulty of the game and the skill of the opponents.
4. The player rolls the dice pool, leaving the dice on the table. He then rolls a single Force die to illustrate the shifting nature of the cards’ signs. For each dark side
symbol, one Success and one Advantage are converted into a Failure and Threat, respectively. Conversely,each light side symbol changes one Failure and one Threat into a Success and Advantage respectively.
5. To cheat, a character instead uses his Deception, Skulduggery, or Computers skill pool for the test. Upgrade the difficulty of the skill check once. On a Despair symbol, the PC is caught cheating, and gambling immediately stops to resolve the discovery.
6. On a Success, the PC wins back his wager. For each additional Success, he wins another wager’s worth from the pot.

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Re: House Rules

Postby Ender » Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:20 am

Though it has not come up, I do have this rule on Critical Injuries, which I've changed. These replaces the text in the core rulebooks.

106-110: Horrific Injury - Roll 1d10 to determine which of the target's characters is affected. 1-3 for Brawn, 4-6 for Agility, 7 for Intellect, 8 for Cunning, 9 for Presence, and 10 for Willpower. Until the end of the encounter, treat the affected characteristic as 1 lower, to a minimum of 1.

126-130: Gruesome Injury - Roll 1d10 to determine which of the target's characters is affected. 1-3 for Brawn, 4-6 for Agility, 7 for Intellect, 8 for Cunning, 9 for Presence, and 10 for Willpower. Until the critical injury is healed, treat the affected characteristic as 1 lower, to a minimum of 1.

My reasoning: Raising characteristics is the hardest, and most expensive, thing to do in the game. You can only do so during character creation, or with the Dedication Talent. I understand the intent of the developers as to why the Gruesome Injury occurs, to give players a reason, even with working limbs, to pick up the boosting cyberlimbs. However, only 4 out of 6 Characteristics have gear that add one to it, unless developed by the Cybertech career. I don't enjoy player having their XP robbed, so I made this change to still make the crits matter, but not be character destroying.
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Re: House Rules

Postby Ender » Tue Oct 23, 2018 2:31 am

Not really a House Rule, but for Clarity Sake:

Two Weapon Fighting - You do not gain passive bonuses from the non-main weapon during the attack (i.e. accurate). If it has an effect that is determined by a hit (i.e. concussive/advantage on hit), those do apply if you trigger the non-main weapon.
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Re: House Rules

Postby Ender » Tue Oct 23, 2018 8:02 pm

Item Crafting/Construction Rules:

We will be using the various crafting rules in various sourcebooks:

Armor Crafting - Keeping the Peace
Lightsaber Construction - Endless Vigil
Alchemy/Talisman Crafting - Unlimited Power
Shipbuilding - Fully Operational
Everything Else - Special Modifications
GM - The Ashla and the Bogan, The Bendu - "All Is As The Force Wills It"
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