Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

The untamed lands of Noventa

Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Temra Zol » Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:58 pm

After his interrupted sleep the previous night, Temra had lain in a little this morning, so he was running a touch later than he would've liked for his meeting with the curious farmer. Something about Bamsh set his paranoia going again, but it was mostly an unjustified fear that his secret would come out. For what could so simple a man have to gain by spilling Temra's secret.

Whatever it was, he would soon find out.
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Flession » Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:36 pm

As you enter the Homestead, you ask around a few of the workers where you could find Bamsh. After a few shrugs, one finally tells you to look towards the end of the fields to where the fence was once again hard at work on the farm, repairing some of the fence areas around the homestead. It doesn't take too long to reach out there, but it's still a small distance from some of the main buildings. There you find him with his truck, replacing some of the wood and electronics around the fence to reestablish the security they once had before the.


As you approach, Bamsh looks behind at the noise and nods at you. "Ahh, Temra. You've come. Good to see you again."
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Temra Zol » Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:16 pm

Temra waves at the familiar face as he draws closer. Dressed very casually, the Iktotchi is fairly at ease, by his own standards.

"You too Mister Bamsh, I'm glad to see that things seem to be reverting to normal around here." He replies as he looks over the man's work with a critical eye.

"Do you need any assistance?"
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Flession » Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:24 pm

"Won't say no to a abled body man assisting me, though you have done a lot lately." He smiled and turned to him. Normally we have more electrical currents coming thru the thing, but they sort of overloaded it. Have to check the currents for each one and see where the breaks are."

He sighed. "Not the most exciting of tasks, I know."
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Temra Zol » Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:35 pm

"Not exciting nor glamorous." Temra agrees as he follows the farmers instructions and guidance.

"But rewarding and necessary nonetheless. One can find serenity in the simplest of things if one looks hard enough."
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Flession » Mon Oct 15, 2018 10:15 pm

"Well said, Temra." He gets off from his knees and allows the handier one of the two to take a look at the fence while he went to the truck to pull out some supplies. "Hopefully you got some rest after everything was said and done. I know waking up with such little amounts of sleep is never easy at first. When I was in the military, that was the first part that took the longest to get used to."
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Temra Zol » Mon Oct 15, 2018 10:20 pm

"Enough to be barely functional the next day. It is not a circumstance I would either desire or endure well on an ongoing basis however." Temra replied as he reached for some wire strippers.

"One reason among many that I am unsuited for the demands a military lifestyle would inflict upon me. I think our Dr Yara was more positively inclined on such a front in years gone by though."
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Flession » Mon Oct 15, 2018 10:42 pm

"it's not for everyone, but without them we wouldn't be here. So..." He shrugs. "I gathered that from the good doctor. Then she served as well, then? I kind of gathered it from what she said. What did you end up doing during the rebellion, if I may ask?""
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Temra Zol » Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:18 pm

Temra mentally rolled his eyes at the...opportunity to retell his bold story of heroism.

"Mine is a tale of no great consequence or pride Mister Bamsh, but I hid under the watchful eye of a friend. The xenophobia of the Empire may have overly influenced my behavior in those dark days."

"Now I hope only to make amends for my cowardice."
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Flession » Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:28 pm

"We all had to make our decisions. My people suffered a lot during that time, what with our natural affinity and understanding of the Force. None were spared from their torment." Bamsh grabbed some of the wood and hammered it down, hammering it down.

"Take no shame in hiding: if my race could have had that option, I'm uncertain how many wouldn't have taken it. Still, I can understand why you want to make a difference now." Bamsh smiled and motioned his head behind him to his vehicle. "Helping me with the fence and that truck is a good start."
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Temra Zol » Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:57 am

"Speaking of a good start," Temra pulls out a datapad and runs a few quick touches over it.

"I repaid my share of the pay for that job, back to the account it came from. Just don't feel right taking it, hope you understand."
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Flession » Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:34 am

"You didn't have to do that, Temra." He looked rather stunned. "That was too kind of you, but surely you have bills to pay, same as the rest of us." He looked down on the ground. "You helped save my people here, and I cannot have you leave here unrewarded for your efforts. It would do me no benefit to see you leave here unrewarded." He paused and gave it some thought. "Tell me, what do you know of your own Force abilities. Are you able to control it some?"

He was more up front with it now since no one was around, so there was no reason to beat around the bush with it.
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Temra Zol » Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:11 am

Flession wrote:"You didn't have to do that, Temra." He looked rather stunned. "That was too kind of you, but surely you have bills to pay, same as the rest of us." He looked down on the ground. "You helped save my people here, and I cannot have you leave here unrewarded for your efforts. It would do me no benefit to see you leave here unrewarded." He paused and gave it some thought. "Tell me, what do you know of your own Force abilities. Are you able to control it some?"

He was more up front with it now since no one was around, so there was no reason to beat around the bush with it.

"The salary I draw from the clinic is more than enough for my meagre needs. My accomodation is on site, I really have no idea what I'd even spend it on other than sinking it into another gadget or another that loses my interest as soon as it sparked it. You're really doing me a favor by taking it back."

When Bamsh moves on to talk more deliberately about the Force, Temra casts his eyes down to some busy work or another, thinking long and hard before he speaks.

"That....friend I told you of, the one who hid me. He said I was sensitive to such things, said that's part of the reason I'm good at what I do. He'd started teaching me some mental exercises before, well, before the Empire found him."
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Flession » Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:32 am

"I am sorry for your loss. It is never easy to lose someone so close to you, especially a teacher. With your abilities, one could go either way without someone to guide you. Temptations abound to abuse the gifts you've been given. Such things are taught among my people, regardless of our affinity with the Force. If you want, I could teach you a few things. I'm not the greatest teacher when it comes down to it, but my senses helped me stay alive while we fought for our home. Understand what is around you not only helps you understand what is around you, but the dangers it brings."

"I assume then you're feeling the same thing I've been feeling then? Towards the Mountains?" He glanced out onto it, out in the distance. "I was hoping yesterday that it would go away, but now it's gotten worse."
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Temra Zol » Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:20 pm

Temra nods and looks up from his work. "There's always been a warm itchy feeling at the back of my neck about that place, but it is as you say, it is getting stronger."

Subconsciously, Temra rubs that spot as he continues. "My master used to say, 'Don't worry about being a good jedi, just be a good man and all will work out.' I'm not sure that's enough any more."
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Flession » Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:02 pm

"I think there's some wisdom to that." He nods as he stares out to the mountain some more. "Sometimes the greatest thing one can do is a be a decent human being to another. Nothing major, just something small. I suppose that is what the Jedi were all about at some point before their destruction. And who knows if and when they will reform someday or not. So best work on the man you wish to be, then worry about the lightsabers and the acrobatics and whathaveyou. Though I wish I knew how to wield one for whatever that is." He chuckles. "A few good blasters is going to have to do."
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Temra Zol » Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:08 pm

"You and I both, although I never really got the hang of blasters either. I do have a rather immense ax that I tend to favor if push comes to shove, and if I can find some parts to upgrade my armor, it'll be able to shrug off the worst of the hits I take in reply. Unfortunately I lost the training sabre my master left me when I had to bug out of a former residence in somewhat of a hurry. I was never the finest wielder of it anyway, so no real loss there I guess."

Temra follows Bamsh's gaze to the distant horizon. "Although if the lure becomes irresistibly compelling and you feel the need to go, I've got your back. Safety in numbers and all that."
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 17, 2018 5:50 pm

"I appreciate the sentiment, Temra, but I am not the man to go chasing after dark forces and feelings. Just nice enough to point it out for you. Maybe even offer a ride in my ol' truck. It ain't for me to decide what to do with it. No, that fate is left to another, I'm afraid. May they be strong in spirit to resist whatever is causing that."
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Temra Zol » Wed Oct 17, 2018 8:10 pm

"It seems like you have a few people here who rely on your continued breathing for their livelihoods on your property. Probably a very wise decision to leave well enough alone, I don't suppose you have any local knowledge or maps or even folk tales that might aid someone should their curiosity overtake their common sense?"
Iktotchi * Neda Ulaby Medical Centre Technician * Force Sensitive *
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Re: Home on the Range (D3 LA, Bamsh Homestead)

Postby Flession » Thu Oct 18, 2018 7:26 pm

"I can point you to a few directions." He nods, thinking of it. "I'm sure you can ask around the others around here, but I'm not much of a wanderer." Grinning he looks around. "Bout the Mountains? Not really. That temple just was unearthed not too long ago. Didn't even know there were ruins out there, and I lived here for years. Though I have heard something about Duskeen Forest, with its unnatural darkness. Think I even heard of a witch living out of them, but that may just be something to scare the kids. Only a damn fool would go in there alone, though. Even with..whatever it is that goes on in there, there's enough critters to make you regret the journey."

He turns back to him. "Well, enough on that. Let me take over and you can go fix my gun."
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