[Day 2, EN] Triangulating

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[Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Runi Vizsla » Sun Oct 14, 2018 2:35 am

Runi sat up late, trying to chase off sleep as she worked with the book. She had it open to the map, and a topographical map of the planet displayed on her datapad. So much had changed that it didn't look right. That was even assuming she had the rotation right, and the scale.

A long sigh and she sat back, trying to open up her feelings. She'd always been good at using her sensitivity for mechanical things... computers were something else, but maybe there was something she could do.
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Ender » Sun Oct 14, 2018 2:48 am

So... he lent it to you, it seems. The voice was insidious, creeping into your mind as you looked over the map. It seemed just behind you, but inperceptible. I can't say if I am surprised or not. He is a confusing one... There was a slight chuckle with the word, as it seemed to just envelope your ears, isolating you in your room.
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Runi Vizsla » Sun Oct 14, 2018 2:53 am

It almost felt like it had been there the entire time, making it less of a shock when it finally spoke. That in itself was a bit creepy, though, and she shivered. "Hmm... He mentioned he talked to some sort of entity when this book was around him. I guess it wasn't just hallucination." She let out a breath and studied the maps again. "So... do you have a name and/or gender you prefer, or do are we going with 'hey, you' for now?"
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Ender » Sun Oct 14, 2018 3:04 am

You start with a question to establish what I am. He did not. The voice seemed pleased with her, or at least, this turn in the scenario. I am Male. My name, however, is my own. You, though, I am very curious about you. Do you know how special you are? There was a lift to the clipped Imperial accent of a voice, as if probing your mind to see what you could give him.
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Runi Vizsla » Sun Oct 14, 2018 3:21 am

"I do like to know what I'm dealing with," she replied, turning toward the room and setting aside her work for the moment, extending her feelings to try and get a sense for what she was dealing with. "I have a bit of an idea. I know my mother was some species unusual enough that I've never seen another member, yet genetically compatible with humans. A bit interesting, that. She never talked much about it if she knew anything about it, though."

"I've given you an answer, so I'd like one back. Your accent makes it sound like you originated within the Core. Is that true?"
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Ender » Sun Oct 14, 2018 3:46 am

A long, time ago. The Deep Core, rather, though I don't know of the system exists any more. Of if anyone knows of it. Forgotten, in the sands of time, perhaps. He did seem quite pleased with the answer. So my hypothesis is correct. You did not tell your companion what you are, because you do not understand. Not yet, anyway. I could help you with that... The voice turned seductive, offering promises of knowledge and hidden lore.

Isn't it desirable to unravel such a great mystery? A riddle of yourself, it could be considered.
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Runi Vizsla » Sun Oct 14, 2018 3:53 am

"I couldn't tell you without knowing the name of the system," she offered, looking vaguely into the room as she turned her chair back and forth on its axis. "Of course it is. But try not to treat me like a complete idiot, even if I'm not in the same educational league as my research partner. I know there's a cost with it, even if you hadn't poured it on that thick."
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Ender » Mon Oct 15, 2018 2:04 am

"The system was Koros Major. But that was ages ago. Things change." And then the voice chuckled, seemingly quite familiar. "My mistake. I am pleased that you were able to call me out on that. It has been a long time since I've had to deal with anyone like this."
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Runi Vizsla » Mon Oct 15, 2018 2:17 am

"Things change, but there might be records. I'm always curious about new people," she said, settling into his presence. The latter made her chuckle. "I'm pleased you don't mind. Some people would get huffy about it. Still, you're not wrong that I'm curious."
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Ender » Mon Oct 15, 2018 2:54 am

I'm not most people. I've been out of the world for some time. I cannot afford to alienate those who find me. Was that reassuring? Or something else, the voice didn't seem to give any indication. Curiosity is a wonderful thing to have. To be so open to new possibilities. To not... reject things because of a dogmatic reasoning. That is something that could have been more abundant in my time, but sadly, was not.
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Runi Vizsla » Mon Oct 15, 2018 3:00 am

"Well, we're sort of starting... not quite from square one, but almost," she said with a shrug. "I have more background than most, and that's not much."
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Ender » Mon Oct 15, 2018 6:54 pm

I have sensed a disturbance in the Force. More the... lack of sense compared to when I last was awake. What happened? The voice paused, seeking to find understanding.

Are the Jeda'ii still active out of Tython?
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Runi Vizsla » Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:36 pm

"The.. Jedi aren't active much of anywhere. There might be two left that I know of, if you count me." She let out a breath, trying unsuccessfully to keep emotion from her voice when she said, "They were mostly purged."
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Ender » Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:36 am

That is... interesting. There was a long pause in the voice. Purged? What could have prompted that? More questiond came from the disembodied words.

It almost felt like a comforting hand fell onto Runi's shoulder. It is never easy, being alone in the Galaxy.
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Runi Vizsla » Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:18 am

"The Dark Side," she replied with a shrug. "A master of it. He wanted every scrap of power he could get his hands on. He knew the Jedi try to take him down as soon as word spread of what was really going on... So he destroyed them, as thoroughly as he could manage."

She sighed and chuckled a little. "I still have my Clan. And someday I want to teach others, so I won't be alone in that way forever, either. Getting depressed over it is tempting, but I try not to. It's not helpful."
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Ender » Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:42 am

Sometimes it can be the momentum to drive you forward. To pull yourself free from it. He didn't comment on the Master of the Dark Side. As if it was a point he didn't dig too deep. Students can be found in all walks of life, my carmine friend. I am sure you will find those to instruct and guide. Perhaps with my help, you will have something new to teach them.
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Runi Vizsla » Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:52 am

"There's someone else looking at starting to teach... I might seek him out," she mused, then considered. "So, Mr. Ghostly, what do you want out of all this?"

"Oh yeah... I'm Runi Vizsla, by the way."
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Ender » Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:57 am

Vizsla. That Clan still lives? I'm not surprised. They were always fierce and bold. I recall a few Vizsla's from my time. Noble warriors, if a bit savage at times. A mistake to underestimate them on the field of battle. There seemed to be a smile in his voice. Runi. It flows off the... for lack of a better term, tongue. I will not spoil your name. But you honor me with allowing me to know it. Call me... Codex, for now, as that seems appropriate with the book.

A silence as he pondered the question.

While my waking up is inevitable, I cannot assume what I will wake up to. I need a touch point.
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Runi Vizsla » Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:10 am

"Fierce and bold. Yeah, we still are. When you put it like that, Mom kinda suited us. She tried to live by the Code, but she couldn't help being fierce and passionate," she mused, reminiscing a little. "As long as you're not going to try and take over the galaxy. We've had enough of that for a while."

"Codex... Okay, makes sense. I'm curious why the obfuscation... it's not like I'd have any idea who you are even if you told me your name."
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Re: [Day 2, EN] Triangulating

Postby Ender » Tue Oct 16, 2018 12:33 pm

Codex couldn't help but chuckle a bit at that. Old habits. They never fully go away. When dealing with new ones, anyway. But the name goes with my physical form. To use it now doesn't seem fitting.

A heartier laugh echoed in Runi's mind.

Managing the affairs of a whole galaxy is folly. No. All Iwant is pure understanding of the great mystery.
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