Mountain Mapping [LA2]

A magnificent mountain range that extends to the north from Noventa City, passing the Duskeen Forest to the west and up to the northern pole of Noventa.

Re: Mountain Mapping [LA2]

Postby Ender » Tue Oct 16, 2018 12:54 am

It is as I suspected. The form looked at the other being, walking around him, then looking back to Sharn. Those who cannot perceive the Force cannot see me. To be honest, I was not sure until now. There was a dark chuckle of self satisfied amusement.
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Re: Mountain Mapping [LA2]

Postby Sharn » Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:02 am

"Discoveries happen out of comfort zones." Sharn replied to both with one sentence.
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Re: Mountain Mapping [LA2]

Postby Soren Lom » Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:04 am

Banks tilted an eyebrow and shrugged his shoulders, "Ummm... okay. If it works for ya and doesn't mean you're gonna like start sacrificing kids to the blue monkey gods then... go for it I guess."
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Re: Mountain Mapping [LA2]

Postby Sharn » Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:09 am

"Blue monkey gods? What ridiculous Chissophobe remark is that? Do you have a mental deficiency?" Sharn barked, suddenly incensed.
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Re: Mountain Mapping [LA2]

Postby Soren Lom » Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:13 am

"The line between genius and insanity can be pretty thin at times is all man. Not Chiss-ist in nature. Start hearing voices in your head that you think aren't yours... and you may have a problem." He shrugged.

"But all sorts of folks have all sorts of experiences. So maybe your genius comes to you in a way most of us would think is crazy... I'm not smart enough to tell. But when an animal starts acting in a weird way... I know not to treat it like nothing were the matter."
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Re: Mountain Mapping [LA2]

Postby Ender » Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:19 am

Oh how amusing. The bogeyman sacrificing children to an ancient deity. The accented voice held a smirk, before dissipating.

Trust your feelings, Chiss. You'll find the way.
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Re: Mountain Mapping [LA2]

Postby Sharn » Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:35 am

"I don't have expectations of being understood by random low-wits. Likening a superior sentient to an animal disqualifies whatever rudimentary trust in your intellect I may have been courteous to award you as the benefit of a doubt." Sharn scoffed. "When someone comms you, you hear incorporeal voices that aren't yours in your head. Apparently, your superstitious nature precludes understanding the world in terms of physics more complex than a rock falling on your head."

"Feelings are algorithms." He added after a pause, as if speaking to himself.
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Re: Mountain Mapping [LA2]

Postby Soren Lom » Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:32 am

“You got some pretty bad analogies and false logic going there... If you think you and an animal don’t have much in common, then you’re dumber than me.” Banks said with a laugh.

“But I think I’ve gotten as much enjoyment out of this interaction as I can. So... I’ll leave you to it.” Banks pulled up the strap on his backpack and made for the forest. “Don’t get eaten... or do I guess... if the algorithm in your brain tells you to. It’s probably just doing the rest of us a favor.”

And with that the man disappeared into the woods.

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Re: Mountain Mapping [LA2]

Postby Sharn » Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:17 pm

"Kriff you and your undocumented plurality." Sharn scoffed, then turned around. He would not lead this moron to anything.
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