Day3 (10/15 - 10/17)

Daily News and Events

Day3 (10/15 - 10/17)

Postby Ender » Mon Oct 15, 2018 3:18 am


Northern Hemisphere (Noventa City, Providence Town, The forest and plains): The rains from the day prior return, much more heavily. The sky is overcast, as temperatures drop. Skill checks while outdoors suffer one setback die due to heavy rains.

Southern Hemisphere (Charnel Gulch): The snowstorm from the day prior has subsided, though the air is still quite cold, impeding any effort. All checks suffer two setback dice due to the cold.

Near-Orbit: Comms seem to be suffering in the Debris Field. Reports of increased traffic from rogue elements are reported. As such, checks are upgraded once more, due to the heightened sense of danger of these report. Please be aware of any potential pirate activity!

Today's Events:
EE - Rotations of Thunder
LE-EN (And Onward) - A Most Auspicious Event

Disturbances in the Force:
Anger rages out, something is boiling in Rak'sla khi ki Salna. Those sensitive to the Force can begin to feel a resonance there.
GM - The Ashla and the Bogan, The Bendu - "All Is As The Force Wills It"
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