[D2 ME] Refueling

Local watering hole.

[D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Lena Arcturus » Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:20 pm

Lena was the first from the group into the bar. Her compatriots were most probably not surprised. She strode in with a purpose... finding a not terrible seat for her crew.

She eyed one in a corner where they could see who enters and leaves, and started towards there. "Who's up for ordering?"
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Kai Wryssald » Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:40 pm

Kai wasnt far behind, and he smiled as he took a seat across from Lena. He was happier having his back to the crowd then most of the others.

"You know me I always pick something simple." Fancy drinks weren't something he knew much about. "So I can do it, unless you all want interesting things."
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Cal Arcton » Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:14 pm

Evening was the time Cal most liked to be tending bar. He was there with Kaylee, the Miralian. Actually, since she was a better bartender than he was, he mostly stayed back and watched. Although she couldn't quite match his flourish when pouring drinks.

Seeing the newcomers, Cal walked over with a smile, straightening his neckcloth as he went. "Good evenin' to you. And welcome to Twelve Parsecs from Nowhere." He said, giving them a friendly nod. "The name's Cal, and I'm the proprietor. It's always a pleasure to see new folk come in."
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Kai Wryssald » Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:17 pm

"Evening, I'm Kai, and this us Lena." Kai greeted the older man with a smile, as he gestured towards his companion. "Its a pretty nice looking place you got here, Cal." His eyes drifted towards the bar. "And looks like look you have quite a nice selection back there."

"Anything you'd suggest for me and the Lady?"
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Cal Arcton » Fri Oct 12, 2018 12:20 am

Enlightenment flickered over Cal's features. "Oh... you're with Jelna's crew, aren't you. Well, I hoped I'd meet the rest of the rest of you sooner or later."

He chuckled softly. "Well, in the interest of fairness I can't be charging the two of you for your first drinks." He looked at Kai, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "I've just got one question. Beer or bourbon?"
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Lena Arcturus » Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:20 am

Lena smiled in a way that was almost nice. Almost. "If there's no whiskey, bourbon will do, my generous man." She waved at him. "Lena Arcturus." She extended a hand towards the man to shake it. "Met with Skipper then?"
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Cal Arcton » Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:30 am

Cal's eyebrows went up even as he shook Lena's hand, smooth and firm. "There is whiskey, in fact. So if the lady knows what she wants, well then, who am I to deny it to her?"

He smiled. "Difference is, I've got a bourbon that's made right here on planet. Tastes as smooth as a summer's day, too. So if you'd like a taste of the local culture, and you enjoy the occasional bourbon, well, that'd be my recommendation."
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:32 am

"I'll go with a beer for now." It was still a tad early for him for something harder. Well, and if some of the other ladies were going to come it might be best if he didnt drink too much.

"Still if you're buying the first round, its only be polite to ask you to join us. At least for a few moments. You're probably too busy with work to linger too long."
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Lena Arcturus » Fri Oct 12, 2018 2:06 am

"Ah. Then bourbon it is." She smiled politely, her handshake was firm and.. military like.

"Let' get a taste of local culture." Wow Lena. that was terrible. Terrible!
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:29 am

"No harm in that." Kai agreed, trying to hide his smile. Lena could be a bit awkward at times like this. It was rather cute.

"If you dont have a local beer, I suppose I'll try the bourbin as well. Might as well right?"
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Cal Arcton » Fri Oct 12, 2018 1:05 pm

Turning to Kai, Cal smiled. "Ah, but I do happen to have to have a local beer. So tell you what. Why don't I bring out a beer for you, a bourbon for the lady, and I'll join you for a spell. Kaylee can handle the bar by herself for a while. Isn't that right, Kaylee?" He turned, saying this last to the Miralan bartender. She rolled her eyes in response.

Cal grinned. "I'll be right back with the drinks." He stepped away, moving behind the bar, pouring the drinks with a casual flair. Kai and Lena would have a moment to talk among themselves.
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Oct 12, 2018 2:34 pm

It didn't look like Kaylee quite agreed, but then that was the way of things. "Sounds good." Kai offered with a easy smile as the man left, turning his attention back to Lena a moment later.

|How you don't mind I invitied him to join us, Dear. Only seemed polite though." It could be useful as well, well at least a little bit.
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Lena Arcturus » Fri Oct 12, 2018 3:32 pm

"That's fine, we should get to know the locals." she eyed the location. "Best way to get a job, from what I see." Hopefully with better luck this time. "And we need to learn of what Hood Ornament was talking about."
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Cal Arcton » Fri Oct 12, 2018 3:42 pm

Cal was back not long after, easily carrying two glasses and a mug. "Bourbon for the lady." Cal said with a smile, setting the glass in front of Lena; ladies first, after all. "Beer for the gentleman." The mug was set in front of Kai; the liquid inside was both foamy, and a very deep red.

He sat down at an empty seat, equally distant from both Lena and Kai. He still held the other glass, which held the same soft amber color as hers. "I'm a bourbon man myself." He said, holding up the glass. "Always have been. I've traveled enough to get a taste of just about everything that a sentient species has tried turning into alcohol, but I always come back to this."

He lifted the glass higher. "To new friends?" He suggested.
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Lena Arcturus » Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:04 pm

"New friends!" Lena joined in, and tasted the bourbon. A bit rough, but... not bad.

"You brew it yourself? It's... not bad." She smiled. Awkwardly.
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:40 pm

Kai grunted his agreement to Lena as Cal made his war back to the table, joining in on the toast himself moments later.

"To new friends." He raised his glass and took a pull from it. Pausing a moment to examine the flavor. "Pretty good." He offered after a moment. "Made in the city? Or a bit farther out?" Kai asked with a easy smile.
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Cal Arcton » Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:25 pm

The beer was smooth, and had a faint fruity undertaste.

Cal looked back and forth between the two, his smile much more like Kai's than like Lena's. After a moment, he refocused on Lena, sticking with the principle of 'ladies first'. "Not us, no. Group up in the mountains. Something to do with altitude." He shrugged. "I know what I like, but I'm still learnin' a bit about what it all means."

Then back to Kai. "Not too far out. Close enough that the city may have grown up around it since I last looked." He chuckled softly. "This bar actually used to be a nerf ranch, back when I was a boy. Obviously I've done a lot with it since." He waved a hand around, indicating the rustic but fine decor. "But I suppose that's as good a sign as any for how much the city's changin', and how fast."
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Kai Wryssald » Sat Oct 13, 2018 2:44 am

"Oh? Has the bar been in your family then? Or did you buy it?" Kai asked as he took another sip from his beer. The question was innocently asked, mostly out of curiosity more then anything. The fellow seemed like a local after all. At least on first glance.
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Cal Arcton » Sat Oct 13, 2018 3:12 am

Cal looked at Kai for a moment before nodded. "Yeah, it was my parents' nerf ranch. I turned it into a bar a bit less than two years ago."

He chuckled, scratching at his slightly scruffy-looking face. "Between you and me, I prefer tending bar to herding nerf."
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Re: [D2 ME] Refueling

Postby Kai Wryssald » Sat Oct 13, 2018 5:58 am

"Mmm...." Kai grunted. "Cant blame you there, it's tough work raising animals." He tipped his glass to his lips, and indicated the bartender.

"I imagine its nicer spending time around ladies like her then a bunch of nerf as well." His lips curled into a playful smile. "Better conversation at the very least."
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