[D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

The untamed lands of Noventa

[D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Flession » Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:01 pm

((Open to anyone who participated in the event))

The chaos of the night seemed like a distant memory. After it was all said and done, Bamsh offered a place for you to stay at for the morning so you didn't have to drive back home so late, no longer worried that the cats would attack now that the Alpha was defeated as well as captured. stay the night on the Homestead in one of the barns if you didn't feel like head back home. Either way, Bamsh asks you to join him tomorrow for breakfast at his establishment.

The clouds overhead allowed it be darker than the morning would appear, so a few lanterns were placed aside to give whatever additional light was needed. Inside, several of the workers were preparing a feast of fresh Manka Cat meat and chicken eggs. The platters are served family style and are easily accessible for anyone to sit down and fill their plate with. A few of the injured remain in their beds to rest and recover now that the apparent danger has left, but there does still remain a lot of people enjoying their meal in celebration. Caf is pouring, milk is served, and everyone appears to be in good spirits as the terrible nights have seemingly appeared to have ended.
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Cal Arcton » Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:06 pm

Cal was there, his face almost expressionless. He was always that way in the morning. One of the reasons he owned a bar instead of a brunch spot.

Somewhat numbly, he wrapped his hands around a mug of caf. A few sips and he seemed to be returning gradually to normal.
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:24 pm

Kor yawned and stretched as he arrived in the establishment the big man nodded to Cal as he found a seat. He sipped a little caf rubbing his sore shoulder where the alpha managed to get him last night, it was healing up nicely and probably wouldn't even leave a scar but it was a bit tender.

"Cal." He said simply, the morning making his deep voice even rougher than usual "how you feeling this morning?"
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Cal Arcton » Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:53 pm

Cal grunted. Another gulp of coffee was required before he was able to use words.

He took another for good measure. "I'm fine." He croaked. "How about you? Everything healing up proper, or you need the doc to take another look at you?"
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:19 pm

Kor chuckled a bit "never were a morning man were you boss?" Kor wasn't exactly a morning person but he was used to lack of sleep and he was accustomed to operating at all hours.

There was a bandage on his shoulder that he glanced at for a moment or two before responding "yeah I'll be fine, he didn't get me too bad."
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Temra Zol » Fri Oct 12, 2018 2:00 am

Temra had availed himself of the barn that was offered. And while he had planned to travel back to check on the few patients who needed to be transferred to the clinic, his plans were waylaid by the insidious aroma of caf and frying meat.

"That does smell good. May I be permitted to join the table?" The assistant medic asked politely.
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Yara Suhr » Fri Oct 12, 2018 2:16 am

Yara eyes the manka cat hash doubtfully--fresh off of suturing Kor's new friend back together last night, she can't quite read it as food at the moment--but loads up a plate with eggs and bread and a generously sized mug of black caf. As she slides quietly into a seat at the big table, she spots something stuck to her sleeve and picks it off--a piece of straw from the barn. With a faint snort of amusement she lets it drop to the floor.
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Fri Oct 12, 2018 12:20 pm

Kor nodded to the medic and doctor motioning to the table "it's a free planet you're welcome to sit where you like." He took a few more bites of his breakfast not feeling the same misgivings as the good doctor. Food is food, if it's clean and edible no reason not to eat it. "So how did you all find your barns?"
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Cal Arcton » Fri Oct 12, 2018 12:48 pm

Cal just grunted in response to Kor's half-question. Clear enough answer if ever there was one.

Still, always hospitable, he rallied himself a little when the others came in. "Temra." He greeted the mechanic. "Doc." He smirked at his old friend, if she could in fact be called that. "The two of you slept well? Don't know about the rest of you, but it's been a while since I slept in a barn. Going on twenty years, in fact. Pretty much how I remembered it." His clothing was in a bit of disarray, wrinkles visible in his fine white shirt.
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Flession » Fri Oct 12, 2018 3:44 pm


Bamsh eventually comes out to the table and sits himself down. He's not being particularly social at this very moment in time, choosing instead to immediately head to the pot of caf on the table and pour himself a cup, drinking it black to get the added effect. Being held as the leader, it was his task to ensure that everything was properly taken care of for the night, including gathering the meat, the hides, and the claws of the cats to harvest and use as needed before the sun came up and ruined its potential.

This life was not easy living.

He looks at all of you with a polite nod as he drinks his caf, not saying anything, but there is a effort to display as much courtesy as he could given the state that he is in.
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Cal Arcton » Fri Oct 12, 2018 3:49 pm

Since the man had hired them, Cal felt the need to be sociable, too. He managed another grunt, lifting his own mug a bit. "Thanks for the hospitality. Especially the caf." He managed to grunt out.

He took another sip, rising to pour himself a refill. And top up anyone else who needed a bit more. "You think that'll solve your problem?" He asked.
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Flession » Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:58 pm

The Mirialan grunts and gives a large shrug. "Who knows. I know that fate has led us down this path for a reason, but whether it's finished with us is anyone's guess." He pauses. "Still, I'm optimistic. With the Alpha taken care of, they likely do not have another person who can coordinate them as well, and they'll become just the usual pests we've known them to be for some time." Grabbing his caf again, his sips. "Time will tell what fate has in store for us, I suppose."
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Cal Arcton » Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:27 pm

Cal managed a smile. "It usually has a way of doing that." He drawled.

"Well." He said. "You let us know if you have any more trouble. Community's gotta stick together, right?"
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Flession » Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:16 pm

"You've done more than your fair share, for sure." He shakes his head. "You guys even managed to spruce up my old truck. Should be able to handle most of them for now on, I suppose. Thing was a beast back when we took back the city in it. Glad to see it's mostly in working order, though the blaster could use some sprucing up. Don't suppose that red girl of yours can come back later and help us with that?"
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Cal Arcton » Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:21 pm

Cal smirked. "Yeah, she's somethin', alright." He shrugged. "Might be that she'd be interested. You'd have to ask her yourself."

He took another sip of his coffee, settling down again. "How much need do you have for a blaster of that size, anyway? Thinking of taking up mining as a hobby?" He joked. "Or are there things you've gotta worry about besides the Manka Cats?"
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Flession » Fri Oct 12, 2018 6:39 pm

"I'll be sure to call on her at some point when she's up. . That and the other guy who you brought. Must be the smart ones of the group." He gives a dry chuckle and sips more of his caf, staring at the food. "Well, mostly we just use it for transporting a lot of us. I drove it around here back when were liberating the planet and, well, I sort of just kept it when it was all said and done. It wanted to get back to farming, of course, and no one seemed to mine me taking it when it was all said and done. Just with everything going on, I figure it wouldn't be a bad thing to have back up and working again."

That, and the inkling in the back of his head when he woke up this morning. Something that wasn't from exhaustion.
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Cal Arcton » Fri Oct 12, 2018 8:37 pm

Cal just chuckled. "Suppose they are." He said. Woken up enough now to attempt breakfast, he retrieved a plate, mostly of eggs.

After a few bites, he shot Bamsh a curious look. "Something else on your mind? I hope you don't object to me saying so, but you've got the look of a man who still has more than enough stuff to worry about." He chuckled. "I know some of that's just the life. Grew up on a nerf ranch myself. Still..." He shrugged.
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Temra Zol » Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:21 pm

Following Kor's acceptance of his presence, Temra took a seat and tried not to think too hard about where the meat had come from. He'd lived on garbage scraps for a period of his life, so it wasn't too hard to disassociate the meat from its source.

Flession wrote:"I'll be sure to call on her at some point when she's up. . That and the other guy who you brought. Must be the smart ones of the group." He gives a dry chuckle and sips more of his caf, staring at the food. "Well, mostly we just use it for transporting a lot of us. I drove it around here back when were liberating the planet and, well, I sort of just kept it when it was all said and done. It wanted to get back to farming, of course, and no one seemed to mine me taking it when it was all said and done. Just with everything going on, I figure it wouldn't be a bad thing to have back up and working again."

"If you need assistance Mister Bamsh, I'd be happy to lend an eye to any technical needs you have as well, once I've joined Miss Yara in checking on those patients we've transported back to the clinic of course." Temra adds in between mouthfuls of food and swigs of caf.

He didn't mention the strange connection he'd felt with the farmer the other day, that he also hoped to find a chance to discuss in a more private environment.
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Flession » Sat Oct 13, 2018 9:46 pm

His head turns over to the man and nods. "Yes, now that I think about it. You could also probably do that as well. Well, I'm just as eager to have you around, Temra. Why not stop by tomorrow and help me out with it, that way you can be properly rested for the task."

He was also a Force user, as he recalled...maybe he felt it too. Placing some food on his plate, he turns back to Cal. "It's...just a feeling. Hard to put into words, but something is off right now. I don't suppose you consider yourself a spiritual man, do you, Mr. Arcton?"
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Re: [D2, EM] Out Here in the Fields Epilogue (Closed)

Postby Yara Suhr » Sat Oct 13, 2018 11:07 pm

Well, this is an interesting turn. The farmer's mention of his role in liberating Noventa City had piqued Yara's curiosity, but before she can ask about it, the conversation veers into the spiritual--not a subject in which she can claim any experience, though she's known people who might. She sips her caf quietly, listening.
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