[D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

The untamed lands of Noventa

Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Quinn Largo » Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:19 pm

In the darkness, Quinn rushed forward, her stick unfolding itself as she prepared to pounce.

Should any of the others manage to see, they'd see Quinn attack the big cat with surprising elegance and skill. But, hopefully, it was too dark to really see what she was doing; keeping her stick-fighting skills a secret for now.

In any case, a stick was not a terribly impressive weapon to hit such a big creature with, but every little bit helped, surely.

Pointy Stick attack!: 2eP+2eA+1eB+2eD 3 successes

2 strain for 2nd maneuver; using both to close distance.
6 stun damage done.
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:39 pm

Quinn's head sort of...tingles as she approaches the Alpha, swinging her pointy stick at it. it delivers a solid blow nonetheless, though its thick fur manages to soften some of the blows.

2 Successes 3 Advantage (PC) (Cal)
2 Successes, 2 Advantage (Cats) (Alpha)
2 Successes, 1 Advantage (PC) (Banks)
2 Successes 1 Advantage (PC) (Kor)
2 successes (Cats) (Minion Cats)
1 Success 2 Advantage (PC) (Quinn)
1 Success (PC)
0 Success 2 Advantage (PC)
0 Success, 2 Advantage (Cats)

((PCs Go))
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:02 pm

Raine drives along in her truck, plowing thru the coming cats like crazy. The attachments done by Runi ensured that the old truck could take the beating it was getting plowing thru them, and kept up its momentum as the assault continued. Pretty soon, it made its way across to the Parsec's sector and, seeing her options, let loose the blaster shots against the lone cat who's yet to engage with someone.

Raine Makes Dakka Noises: 4eA+2eD 1 success, 1 advantage

((3 damage to Kitteh))

She nets a pretty decent hit against it as she the truck sweeps off into the distance, bringing along with a large number of cats trying their best to chase it down, more concerned with it than they were their Alpha being attacked.

Meanwhile, Runi, seeing Quinn and make a move against them and backing up Kor, decides to take on the lone Manka cat sitting there, choosing to engage it instead.

((Spends maneuver to get close, -1 Strain to get to Engage))

Runi Makes Swishing Noises: 2eP+1eA+2eD 1 failure, 3 advantage

Runi gives the cat a nice burst of air from the swing of her axe, but keeps her momentum going, allowing her to be ready for a counter-attack should it ever come.

((3 advantages spent to get +1 melee defense until end of next turn))

The cat, not particular liking the intent behind that gust of wind, makes a move to attack Runi in revenge of her fluffing her hair, striking back at her.

Kitteh makes Purring Noises: 1eP+2eA+2eD+1eS 1 success, 1 threat

(5 Damage to the Runster)
(-1 Strain to the kitteh from threat)
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:10 pm


2 Successes 3 Advantage (PC)
2 Successes, 2 Advantage (Cats)
2 Successes, 1 Advantage (PC)
2 Successes 1 Advantage (PC)
2 successes (Cats)
1 Success 2 Advantage (PC)
1 Success (PC)
0 Success 2 Advantage (PC)
0 Success, 2 Advantage (Cats)
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Soren Lom » Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:47 pm

Banks continued to snipe the same troupe of Manka's that he had traced with fire all the way in.


D1 Manka Fight, Round 3, Shoot Manka 1, Medium, Aim x2: 1eP+3eA+2eB+2eD 2 successes, 2 advantage
Firing into melee, rolling 1d2 to decide which one it replaces: 1eC 1 failure 1d2 1Image

10 Damage, Adv to boost next PC, Adv to 'Notice a single important point in the ongoing conflict'.

Soak Value: 3
Remaining Wounds: 11/13
Remaining Strain: 11/11
Defense (R/M): 1/1
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:31 pm

Another one of the small cats takes a fall, while the remaining few look weaken and tired. It was apparent what they were meant for in the Alpha's eyes, but thanks to them the creature had Kor exactly where it wanted. Banks eyes shifted to the Alpha, a eerie feeling swept under his skin as he watched the beast make his move. Like there was something more to it; something unnatural.

A strange feeling sweeps over Kor as it stares at him directly and a loud roar appears, causing him to shake for a few moments. Like the beast was trying to control him. Ultimately, though, the big man's will remained strong, fighting off whatever it was it tried to do, and the Alpha was looking rather defeated about the whole thing.

Let the Fear Flow Within You: 1eA+1eP+1eC+1eD+1eF 1 advantage, 1 Light Side

Let the Fear Flow Within You...setback and boosts: 2eB+2eS 1 failure

Still, it wasn't done, it instilled the remaining little cats around him to prepare themselves for the coming tide.

((advantage spent to grant next cat a bonus, Spending Maneuver to Activate Leader of the Pack Leader of the Pack - May spend a maneuver to direct one Manka Cat group within medium range. The group may perform an immediate free maneuver or add □ to their next check.))

2 Successes 3 Advantage (PC) (Banks)
2 Successes, 2 Advantage (Cats) (Alpha)
2 Successes, 1 Advantage (PC)
2 Successes 1 Advantage (PC)
2 successes (Cats)
1 Success 2 Advantage (PC)
1 Success (PC)
0 Success 2 Advantage (PC)
0 Success, 2 Advantage (Cats)

((PC's Turn))

((Minion Cats & Alpha are Engaged with Kor and Quinn. Rival Cat is Engaged with Runi. Medium Range from Banks and Cal))
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:18 pm

Kor saw an opening, an opportunity. He had no real experience with animals but he knew fear when he saw it and this animal felt fear for him. Kor knew with people subtle threats of violence and angry looks tended to cow them to do what you wanted but he figured animals might not work the same way so he tried something a bit different. Kor looked the beast in the eye and unleashed a roar and beat his chest with his fist. He intended to show this beast that it had no power over him and he was not afraid of it, to break its fighting spirit and perhaps make it understand who was in charge here.

his bellow echoed out across the noisy battlefield, he took slow deliberate steps toward the creature yelling and beating away the whole time making full use of his already impressive frame drawing to his full height before leaning down baring his teeth and putting his face mere inches from the big cat's. He locked eyes with the beast and attempted to show it he was unafraid.

as he does this the beasts calm and stop their advance to stare at the large man that made the commotion but they do not attack yet simply watch him and the alpha snarling faces close together waiting to see what will happen.

becoming the alpha with correct pool destiny to upgrade, boost for damage, boost for banks, boost for fear, boost for cat failure: 1eP+1eA+4eB+4eD 4 failures, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph
Last edited by Korvalus Dunbri on Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:26 pm

The Alpha stares back at him, by his attempt, interpreting it as a challenge to his spot. The attempt was weak, but it still held merit. Such a attempt against it in front of his herd would not go unnoticed.

The creatures around stare at the two of them, awaiting the next move of the others.

((Alpha will try to compete against Kor directly as a sign of control of his herd. Combat will pause if you allow this to happen and Kor and him will go at it directly. If a attack comes from anyone else other than Kor, combat will continue. Let me know what you decide quickly.))
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:32 pm

Kor understands a challenge when he sees one he hefts his ax and prepares to fight.

the duel initiative cool: 1eP+1eA 1 success
Last edited by Korvalus Dunbri on Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:51 pm

((Assuming no objections, if anyone wishes to interrupt, you may do so at any time. Until then, we'll keep at it.))

FOR THE THRONE (Cool): 1eP+1eA 1 success, 2 advantage
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Soren Lom » Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:00 am

Banks pulled up his comm to is mouth and spoke softly to the group, "Everyone disengage to the south behind Kor... If things go south Cal and I will need a clear shot if we wanna end this quickly."
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:08 am

The Alpha snarls at Kor as it circles him with the intent to kill the man who attempt to usurp his throne. He pauses and roars loudly at Kor and pounces in for the attack. The motion was swift and strong, swiping hard at Kor and digging his claws into his flesh, though the thickness of his armor and body made it only a small cut on his flesh. It wasn't able to recover itself from the action, though, landing on the ground and losing his balance for a moment.

Alpha Cat: ATTACK!: 2eP+1eA+2eD 2 successes, 2 threat

((3 damage after Kor's soak, +1 Setback to the Alpha for next roll.))
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:16 am

Kor barely noticed the beasts claws but he retorted to the attack with a slash of his ax. In his almost feral state the attack wasn't pretty but it was effective landing a solid blow with his ax. Kor roared at the beast again as his ax sunk into its thick hide.

The Duel attack upgraded from frenzied attack: 3eP+1eA+2eD 2 successes, 1 threat

11 damage pierce 2 1 threat remaining
soak 6
wounds 3/20
strain 4/13
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:37 am

It was a strong blow against the creature, and unfortunately, it couldn't handle too many of that from Kor's mighty axe as it caved in deep into its fleshy body, its breathing shortening for a few moments until it ceased. The other cats, seeing their alpha fall, roar loudly at the loss and begin to exit the field slowly, walking away from the Homestead. Within a few minutes, the signs of the battle had ended, leaving only the barely breathing corpse of the Alpha and a few injured around the Homestead.

The attack, at least for now, appears to have ended.

((Combat over))
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:44 am

Kor knelt before the beast as its breath slowed and looked into its eyes. He set his ax to the side and pressed his forehead against the beasts, his hand resting on the back of its head. He stayed this way for several seconds and perhaps anyone close enough would be able to hear a slight whispering sound come from the big man but the words would be impossible to hear. Kor stayed there with his head pressed to the Cat's for a bit of time it breathing labored but there Kor had no way to help it but only knew one way to end its suffering. His hand slowly drifted to his ax and his hand grasped the handle.

((Spending Destiny Point to seek help from a doc to prevent the cat from dying))
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Yara Suhr » Thu Oct 11, 2018 1:48 am

((Summoned, I come! By the powers of Flession!))

Hearing the calls for the homestead's defenders to stand down, Yara--who'd been slouching in a corner of the dining hall in a nervy half-doze, waiting for any fresh casualties--shakes her head to clear it and takes a swig of the tepid caf at her elbow, then swings her kit back over her shoulder and heads outside to see what mess awaits now.

Hardly anyone looks to be seriously hurt, which is a relief. But there does seem to be one man down, or partly down--a big form slumped almost on top of the even bigger body of a huge manka cat. Anyone not on his feet is triage priority number one. Yara approaches cautiously, one hand within reach of her own pistol in case the cat is still dangerous, though it looks dead or dying.

"Can you hear me? Do you need medical assistance?"

edit: day change might happen before Kor gets back on, so I've rolled to treat the critter now, but let's play out actually doing it tomorrow?

D1 EN--dammit, Kor, I'm a doctor, not a large-animal vet! Medicine for kitteh, hard upgraded + my Destiny flip, boost from medkit: 3eP+1eA+1eB+1eC+2eD 1 success, 2 advantage

Kitteh will heal 3 wounds (Surgeon x2) and 2 strain?
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:25 am

Kor released the ax as he stood and turned to the doctor "oh I'm fine it just scratched me." He said looking down at the larger manka cat whose breathing was shallow but still there. "Cat put up a good fight and there's something special about it. I think....i think it tried to use the forced on me?" He said his voice almost a question at the end.

A lightbulb goes off in his head "doc do you think you can save it? I think it might be a truly unique creature."
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Yara Suhr » Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:34 pm

"...save... it?" Yara echoes, auburn brows arching. Maybe she isn't all the way awake yet. But Kor seems quite lucid--no visible head trauma--and on second look the big beast is still breathing, if barely. "If you mean that seriously... I don't know," she admits, shaking her head as she approaches and walks a half-circle around the furry body. "I'm a doctor, not a veterinarian. Never treated a wild animal before." But trauma is trauma, isn't it?

She snaps on a pair of disposable gloves and, after a moment of thought, rolls up her sleeves for good measure, crouching on the churned turf. One of the big cat's paws twitches slightly and she flinches away, even as part of her mind identifies it as nothing more than a weak reflex reaction. In a sentient vertebrate patient, she'd call that a good sign--it means the creature's spine is probably uninjured.

"I suppose I can try," she says after some quick calculations, glancing up at Kor. "I may need you to hold it still. A stunner might kill it in this state."
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:34 pm

Kor nods "I know it's an odd request, but I just...it seems like its....special. I didn't want to kill it in the first place, just heat of battle you know."

Hearing her Kor knelt by the beast and firmly but gently restrained it not applying much force but willing his arms not to move nor be moved.
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Yara Suhr » Fri Oct 12, 2018 12:40 am

"Looks rather like an eat-or-be-eaten situation to me," the doctor remarks distractedly, fanning open her kit and beginning to lay out the tools she'll need. She has no idea whether any of the common blood simulants she has on hand are anywhere near compatible with a manka cat... Saline will have to do.

. . .

Some time later, after a lot of frowning and sighing on the doctor's part but not much conversation, the big cat is at least no longer in danger of bleeding out. The two patches of its body where Kor struck it have been inelegantly sheared of fur--almost spelling the end of a set of portable clippers that were definitely not designed for this--and the wounds sutured and covered with synthskin patches.

Yara sighs and sits back on her heels, her hands in their bloodied gloves held out in front of her. "Well. It will be stable until morning, at least." She looks up at Kor with a tired, quizzical expression. "What happens after that? I can't promise it will survive in the wild while its injuries are healing. And these homesteaders may not be too pleased if you turn it loose near their land, in any case."
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