[D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

The untamed lands of Noventa

[D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:15 pm

As the day turns into night, the tension remains around the Homestead about what was to come for the evening. Still, thanks to the efforts of the Parsec's small companion, those who still remained capable of fighting were there, with what they had on them. Hot caf was passed around to those on patrol, fire pits around the fields to give the proper lighting for those looking out into the dark. Bamsh stood by the refurbished truck with several men, keeping the engine warm and ready to drive around the base as homestead as need be.

A hour goes by since the beginning of night and nothing much else happened. The moon over the sky shown brightly, the noise of Noventa City a distant memory for you all. It is quiet and peaceful for once, and with that, a momentary calm eases over you.

((Everyone roll their Cool now, though hold off on following turn order until something happens. When posting your roll, also make a perception check at a daunting difficulty (◆◆◆◆), twice upgraded. Please make sure to add 2 setback dice to your roll due to darkness. Any means you have to eliminate this penalty may be applied.))
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Soren Lom » Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:29 pm

Banks, still harboring wounds from earlier in the day tried to find a place out of sight near the modded tractor to ambush the attacking felines. Despite knowing an attack was coming, it seemed he wasn't ready when things got started...


D1 Manka Fight, Init: 1eA+1eP 0 successes, 2 advantage

D1 Manka Fight, Perception: 2eC+2eD+2eS+4eA 3 failures

D1 Manka Fight, Possible Stealth Roll (If allowed) while waiting for Manka's to come.: 3eA+1eP+1eB 4 successes, 3 advantage
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Cal Arcton » Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:39 pm

Cal was at least somewhat ready. As ready as one could be for being attacked by a large heard of carnivorous cat-beasts.

He stood next to the battle wagon. They'd moved it to where it seemed like the gun could be the most use. If need be, they could use it again. His right-hand pistol was in his hand, at the ready.


D1 EN, OHinF, Cool init, 1 strain for +1sux: 1eP+1eA 1 success, 1 advantage
ImageImage Net 2 sux, 1 adv

D1 EN, OHinF, Perception lol, daunting+2 setback: 1eP+2eA+2eD+2eC+2eS 5 failures, 2 advantage
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Quinn Largo » Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:46 pm

Quinn had her trusty stick out. Though that said, nobody here had ever seen her use it before; and likely didn't even know it was a stick. Not even Kor. It just looked like a small cylindrical object. If she was lucky, they still wouldn't see it... she was the only one who could see in darkness after all; with her scanner goggles on. She flicked her wrist, and the cylindrical object extended like a telescopic baton. It wasn't anything more fancy than that; just a length of lightweight metal, really. Still, it was her stick, and it would serve her well.

Every now and then she'd wave it around, when she was sure nobody else could see. Just having a little fun as she waited...

Cool (init): 4eA 2 successes, 3 advantage

Perception, no setback due to scanner goggles?: 1eP+2eA+2eD+2eC 1 success, 1 threat, 1 Despair
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:53 pm

Kor stood watch near the makeshift barrier he and some of the farmlands had thrown together a few hours ago. He did his best to jeep his eyes alert but the night was dark and it made seeing anything too far out rather difficult. But his armor was on and his ax was ready.

Initative for cat fight: 1eP+1eA 1 success

Perception check cat fight: 1eP+1eA+2eC+2eD+2eS 5 failures
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Runi Vizsla » Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:51 pm

Runi kept watch near Kor, leaning on the haft of her vibroax.

LE1 Manka event, Init Cool: 2eP 1 success, 2 advantage

LE1 Manka event, Perception: 2eA+2eC+2eD 0 successes, 1 threat
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Raine » Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:14 pm

Early Night

A bit surprised at the availability of a mounted gun on a farm, Raine looks over the thing in wonder as she settled herself in the gunner’s seat. If she was going to be honest with herself, Raine would admit she has limited experience with this kind of weapon.

Despite that and the tension in the air, Raine sits in her spot. Ready to fire. This was the kind of thing she was taught to do, after all.

Day 1 EN Cool check, activating Rapid Reaction to add 1 success to the result: 2eA 1 success, 1 advantage

2 successes, 1 Advantage

(1 Strain)

Day 1 EN Perception: 1eP+1eA+2eC+2eD+2eS 5 failures, 2 advantage
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:15 pm

Initiative Order
2 Successes 3 Advantage (PC) (Quinn)
2 Successes, 2 Advantage (Cats) (???)
2 Successes, 1 Advantage (PC)
2 Successes 1 Advantage (PC)
2 successes (Cats)
1 Success 2 Advantage (PC)
1 Success (PC)
0 Success 2 Advantage (PC)
0 Success, 2 Advantage (Cats)

It is little Quinn, of all people who see them coming, thanks to the use of her goggles. A lot larger of a force than expected this time, to be sure. She only started to count them all before her goggles began to go on the fritz and their internal battery died out. Perhaps she forgot to charge them or change out the batteries from her earlier expedition into the woods. Either way, there would not be of much help for the remainder of the evening.

Just as well, they had served their purpose in preventing the cats from catching them by surprise.

((Each of the guards outposts was given one Luma flare to shoot off into the distance to alert of a coming attack. Cal currently has your group's flare, though he is not yet aware of the attack. Your turn must be spent to inform him of it and his turn must be spent to activate it. The Luma flare will allow everyone to see clearly up to a long distance at no penalty.))

First Round!

Quinn will take the first round slot to inform everyone of the attack, calling on Cal to light up the flare. He may do so on his round. She also prepares herself for the coming attack and gets her stick at the ready should they get in close.

??? Does something. It's mysterious and you don't see it, but it happened.
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Cal Arcton » Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:45 pm

He had the warning from Quinn. Some people might have been wary about firing off their flare on the word of a sixteen year old girl, but not Cal. He knew enough to trust her when she said something.

And so, raising the flare gun, he fired.

Cal smirked as the area lit up. "There they are." He called up instructions to the gunner just a few feet away from him, helping her to target the incoming beasties. He dropped the flare gun, pulling out his main pistol once more.

Action - Fire flare gun
Maneuver - Assist Raine (+1b)

D1EN OHinF, firin mah flare, easy gunnery: 4eA+1eD 3 successes, 2 advantage

+1b to next ally, recover 1 strain

Soak Value: 3
Wounds: 14/14
Strain: 13/13
Defense (R/M): 1/1
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Soren Lom » Tue Oct 09, 2018 11:02 pm

As soon as the light was in the sky Banks began unloading his blaster rifle at range into the oncoming Manka Cat ranks. He connected with one right in the shoulder knocking it off balance as it charged...


Incidental Aim, Maneuver Aim, Shoot Manka Cat 1.

D1 Manka Fight, Round 1, Shoot Manka 1, Long, Bonus from Cal, Aim x2, Quick Strike: 1eP+3eA+4eB+3eD 4 successes, 5 advantage

Deals 13 Damage before Soak. 3 Adv to activate Crit.

Crit Roll: 22- Off Balance: Add Setback to next check.

1 Adv to boost next PC.

1 Adv to "Notice a single important point in the ongoing conflict."

Soak Value: 3
Remaining Wounds: 11/13
Remaining Strain: 11/11
Defense (R/M): 1/1
Last edited by Soren Lom on Wed Oct 10, 2018 8:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
12 Parsecs | Clawdite | Hunter | Explorer | Poly-Faced |
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Tue Oct 09, 2018 11:24 pm

Initiative Order

2 Successes 3 Advantage (PC) (Quinn)
2 Successes, 2 Advantage (Cats) (???)
2 Successes, 1 Advantage (PC) (Cal)
2 Successes 1 Advantage (PC) (Banks)
2 successes (Cats) (Minion Cats)
1 Success 2 Advantage (PC)
1 Success (PC)
0 Success 2 Advantage (PC)
0 Success, 2 Advantage (Cats)

((Cats's Current Distance are at Medium from everyone but Kor and Runi, Close for Kor and Runi))

The flare goes up without a hitch, brightening the night sky in red. Moments there after, several other shots go out across the homestead, brightening the night sky out, whereas shortly thereafter, blaster fire echoes out of the your ears.

And there, for the first time, you all can see it for clearly. A large wave of manka cats have swarmed the homestead, movements all across the field as they charge into the area. They all book in different directions, but at least 2 packs of 5 are making a B-Line for you. And for a small moment, as Banks finishes his shot, killing one of the smaller ones while the sudden impact to the ground taking out a second one out on its pace, his scope catches a small glance of something...large, but becomes harder to make out as the descent of the flare makes it harder to see...whatever it was you just saw.

But it was something for sure.

((PC's are go))
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Wed Oct 10, 2018 4:09 am

Kor lacking any means of attacking the cats at range simply grips his ax in both hands and prepares for the beasts to breach the haphazard barrier which Kor stood behind currently. He prepared himself and looked to Runi briefly, he didn't know the woman well having only been acquainted for a few months but in the moment she was an ally and he trusted her to watch his back as he would hers. He nodded to her before dropping into a defensive stance and waiting.

Uses maneuver to enter defensive stance and waits for enemies to get closer

Soak: 6
Wounds 0/20
Strain 0/13
Def: 0/0
Fearsome: enemies engaging Kor must make an easy fear test
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:29 pm

Runi preps herself up for their pending attack, ax is now fully drawn and at the ready.

(Uses Maneuver to enter defensive stance)

2 Successes 3 Advantage (PC) (Quinn)
2 Successes, 2 Advantage (Cats) (???)
2 Successes, 1 Advantage (PC) (Cal)
2 Successes 1 Advantage (PC) (Banks)
2 successes (Cats) (Minion Cats)
1 Success 2 Advantage (PC) (Kor)
1 Success (PC) (Runi)
0 Success 2 Advantage (PC) (Raine)
0 Success, 2 Advantage (Cats) (Rival Cat)

Raine is eager to get going and within a few moments, the truck drives off in a rush, the floor is on the pedal for sure as it makes a sweeping motion. Unfortunately, nothing is in range of its blasters just yet, but that would soon change. ((Just let me know if you want to do something else))

Lastly, a larger cats comes rushing into the party, much larger than the others. It moves within medium range of the party.
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:31 pm


Minion Cats are in Medium range to everyone but Kor and Runi, which they are in Close Range. ??? is still in a extreme range.

2 Successes 3 Advantage (PC)
2 Successes, 2 Advantage (Cats)
2 Successes, 1 Advantage (PC)
2 Successes 1 Advantage (PC)
2 successes (Cats)
1 Success 2 Advantage (PC)
1 Success (PC)
0 Success 2 Advantage (PC)
0 Success, 2 Advantage (Cats)
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Cal Arcton » Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:55 pm

With as many manka cats as there were, it seemed like a good idea to even the odds a bit. Luckily, Cal had just the thing for that. He pulled a grenade from his belt with one smooth motion, even as he stepped forward.

Carefully, he hefted in in his hand, waiting for just the right moment, his eyes narrowing. The time came.

"Fire in the hole!" He called as he skillfully cast the stun grenade into the pack of charging animals. It detonated with a great flash.


Incidental - Draw grenade
Maneuver - Move to short
Maneuver (2 strain) - Aim
Action - throw grenade

D1EN OHinF combat, move up, aim, stun grenade: 1eP+3eA+1eB+1eD 4 successes, 4 advantage

12 stun damage to target. Stun 8 blast. 1 boost to next ally, recover 1 strain.

Soak Value: 3
Wounds: 14/14
Strain: 12/13
Defense (R/M): 1/1
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 10, 2018 4:47 pm

Cal, getting the right momentum, is able to time his grenade just right into the smaller group of minions. Its explosion lights up brightly into the night sky and in a flash, one of the two smaller groups of minions immediately drops to the ground, completely stunned.

Meanwhile, from the shadows a larger manka cat appears. Looking on from the battlefield, it roars loudly at you and, seeing its fellow manka cats being devastated, decides to focus its attention directly on you to take command of the situation.

(((2 maneuver to move from extreme to long range, 1 strain taken to move into medium range of Kor and Runi, Long range of everyone else.))
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Soren Lom » Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:05 pm

Banks screams out, "Big one coming!" As soon as he saw it's silhouette in the distance.

He then continues to fire on the pack he previously attacked...


D1 Manka Fight, Round 2, Shoot Manka 1, Medium, Bonus from Cal, Aim x2: 3eA+1eP+3eB+2eD 1 success, 3 advantage

Deals 10 Damage, Crit for 3, Incidental Aim, Maneuver Aim.

Crit Roll: 1
12 Parsecs | Clawdite | Hunter | Explorer | Poly-Faced |
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:28 pm

Another good shot at the the small group of Manka Cats from, taking out yet another one of the smaller cats. The others are still holding on strong, moving forward. like nothing else happened.

2 Successes 3 Advantage (PC) (Cal)
2 Successes, 2 Advantage (Cats) (Alpha)
2 Successes, 1 Advantage (PC) (Banks)
2 Successes 1 Advantage (PC)
2 successes (Cats)
1 Success 2 Advantage (PC)
1 Success (PC)
0 Success 2 Advantage (PC)
0 Success, 2 Advantage (Cats)

((PC Go))
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:10 pm

Kor seeing the alpha and hearing it's roar, roared back a fire in his heart igniting a piece of his old self found it's way to the surface as he charged past the smaller cats and went straight for the big one he swung his ax with all his weight the head sinking into the great beast.

Spend 2 strain to move to engage with alpha
Action to attack

Big cat fight suffer one strain to upgrade attack: 3eP+1eA+2eD 3 successes, 1 advantage
12 damage with pierce 2

Spend 1 to crit
Crit on alpha +40 from vicious 4 +10 feom lethal blows: 1d100+50 65
Soak 6
Wounds 0/20
Strain 3/13
Fearsome: engaged enemies must make an easy fear check
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Re: [D1,EN]OHinF Pt 3 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:06 pm

Kor moves into engage with the lumbering beast, its frame much more intimidating and thicker than the other ones. Swinging hard and true, he manages to get into a solid hit on the creature, causing it to stagger from the blow as its blood soaked his axe. It was still up, though, and still able to continue, but it was not as confident as it once was.

The remaining minions swarm the prey that so eagerly came to attack their master, ignoring the others for now. Their Alpha was in danger, and they had to protect it at all costs.

((Maneuver to place Minions into engage range, making fear check. Moving to assist Alpha. +2B for Alpha's next action))


Fear Check: 1eA+1eD 1 success, 1 threat

((1 strain taken))

Fear Check...done RIGHT: 1eA+1eP+1eD 1 failure

2 Successes 3 Advantage (PC) (Cal)
2 Successes, 2 Advantage (Cats) (Alpha)
2 Successes, 1 Advantage (PC) (Banks)
2 Successes 1 Advantage (PC) (Kor)
2 successes (Cats) (Minion Cats)
1 Success 2 Advantage (PC)
1 Success (PC)
0 Success 2 Advantage (PC)
0 Success, 2 Advantage (Cats)

((PC GO!))
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