[D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

The untamed lands of Noventa

[D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Mon Oct 08, 2018 1:55 pm


Barmsh's Homestead is a nice plot of land co-run by several other farmers within the area in order to cohabitate peacefully, as well as offer protection from outside hostile forces in the area, be they animal or humanoid. Depending on the time of your arrival you will see quite a number of people, both Mirialan and Human, maintaining the fields as well as several of them sitting outside recovering from the previous night's attack. You'll notice several dead Mantas Cats as well on the inside of the gated areas, next to a corpse of a partially eaten Nerf.

Otherwise, the scene is peaceful and calm. It is a beautiful and fertile plot of land; a prime example of what a successful farming community can be on Noventa.

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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Cal Arcton » Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:07 pm


Cal sighed. He though he had a pair of electrobinoculars somewhere. But he couldn't find them. Instead, he was wearing Quinn's scanner goggles. The band was a bit tight around his head; grimacing, he reached up to scratch at it.

Still, they were helpful. Cal cautiously looked around as he walked the perimeter. If one of the creatures could be spotted early, maybe it could let them know where the attack was coming from, and focus their defenses there. Besides, knowing was half the battle. He was pretty sure he'd heard that somewhere.


D1, OHinF prep, Perception/cunning, borrowing scanner goggles, LE: 1eP+2eA 2 successes, 2 advantage

Rolling to Counter Cal: 2eD 0 successes, 2 threat

2 Suxx Total
Last edited by Flession on Mon Oct 08, 2018 4:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Quinn Largo » Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:21 pm


It was getting late; and if what the farmers had told them held true, the beasts would soon be upon the livestock again. So, she'd gotten the bright idea to gather up all the farmhands and the like, and give them a rousing speech with which to inspire and organize them. Even though it was a little ridiculous for such a small kid to be telling them these things, something about it might well feel comforting to them.

"Listen up!" She puffed up her chest, spoke loud enough so they could all hear, and tried to put in a little farmer twang.

"Now I know times are tough for nerfherders. And that's without big giant cats eating your nerfs! And stopping beasts like that? Well, that seems like the kind of problem too big for a couple of farmers to handle by their lonesomes. It's the sort of thing that could make a man feel like he just ain't got what it takes to put food on the table for his family, isn't it? That's why you came to us folk with the guns and the disposition to use 'em. Smart move. But when we're done here, and those cats are done with their own bit of nerfherding... well, you don't want it to be said y'all just got a bunch of outsiders to fix your problems for you, do you? No sirs, not you lot!"

She looked each one of them in the eyes, holding the gaze for a moment before moving to the next.

"Fear not! We may be here because of credits, but we're not here to steal all the credit. When future Noventans speak of today, they will not be saying that plucky gunslingers came to the rescue of farmers. They will say that farmers rescued themselves, with a little bit of help from some kindly strangers!"

Leadership (cascader): 1eP+3eA 3 successes, 2 advantage

Rolling to Counter Quinn Destiny Point Spent: 1eC+1eD 0 successes, 3 threat

3 Suxx, 1 Threat
Last edited by Flession on Mon Oct 08, 2018 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:28 pm


Kor arrived at the Homestead in the early hours of the evening, He had meant to make it out here sooner but got tied up with some other projects. He scanned the area and looked for ways to make it defensible, it was open with fences here and there but nothing that resembled a defensive structure. It would be a tough job with the waning light but with the help of the farmers and Kor's strength and military experience they would be able to erect some kind of basic barrier in time.

OHitF EE athletics roll to help build wall: 1eP+3eA 2 successes, 3 advantage

Rolling to Counter Kor: 2eD 2 failures, 1 threat

0 Suxx, 2 Advantage
Last edited by Flession on Mon Oct 08, 2018 5:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Soren Lom » Mon Oct 08, 2018 5:16 pm


Banks set out early in the afternoon to quietly track the recent movements of the Manka Cats over the past few days to see if there was a path or common route that they would take and potentially trap it in a way that would best suit the farmers. His skills as a tracker normally paid off, and he seemed to find a path that Manka Cats used frequently... hopefully allowing him to prep the right spot for just the right moment...


(Early Afternoon)

D1 Manka Event, Survival, -1 Setback: 2eA+2eP 4 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph

D1 Manka Event, Survival, Bonus from Kor: 1eB 0 successes

Rolling to Counter Soren Lom: 2eC+2eD 1 failure, 4 threat

Note: -1 setback on anything that would obstruct tracking the Manka Cats from my skills.

1 Triumph, 3 Suxx, 2 Threat

((1 Setback dice to next roll))
Last edited by Flession on Mon Oct 08, 2018 5:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Added Dice Roll
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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Mon Oct 08, 2018 5:27 pm

((EA))Banks spends his time with this one, it was obvious that the Manka cats were trying to cover their tracks, a rather intelligent thing for beasts to do, in fact. Still, they couldn't pull the wool over the eyes of Banks as he quickly and easily found their movements, managing to make their way out what seems to be their lair. Utilizing a old trick you learnt as a survivalist, you spend the majority of your time creating a small pit trap for them to run into along the way of back to the homestead, hoping to take a few of their ranks out before they arrive. Not being as careful as you would hope, however, you leave your scent over the area, giving some clue as to where this trouble came from.

((EE)) Kor arrived, eager to do his role in assisting the farmers, seeing to it to reinforce the wall with whatever materials he could find. Unfortunately, most of the wood in the area appeared to be rotten by a previous weather pattern and would not make for solid material against the cat's assault. Still, having it there could be used a small deterrent against them, giving the farmhands precious few moments to prepare themselves. All the same, they people from the homestead are grateful for his assistance, offering him some of the freshly killed Manka cat meat served with some home grown vegetables.

With some studying of the pathways, Cal is able successfully tell the ways in which the cats were able to make their way into the last night, a small unnoticed breach into the main fence. Informing the nearest worker of your findings, they are grateful for the information you've given and will make sure to focus more on that point, should they make their way thru there again. Meanwhile, with Quinn in tow, she seems to be giving the proper motivation to the downtrodden workers in their desperate time. They are seemingly more enthused about their chances and the spirit that the innocent hope of a little girl can bring to the lives of those who have suffered greatly.
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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Runi Vizsla » Tue Oct 09, 2018 11:11 am

Runi had mechanical skill. That was what she was best at. So her best approach was to prepare for an assault in a more traditional way - mobility.

Hence her attempting to reinforce a tractor and add a cattle/manka catcher to the front.

LE1 Manka event: 1eA+2eP+1eB 4 successes, 1 advantage

Countering Runi: 2eD+1eC 0 successes, 6 threat

4 Successes, 5 threats, 4 threats spent to upgrade dice on #2 roll

LE1 Manka event, mechanics roll #2: 1eA+2eP+1eB 1 success, 3 advantage

Countering Runi Pt 2: 1eD+2eC 0 successes, 3 threat

1 success
Last edited by Flession on Tue Oct 09, 2018 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Flession » Tue Oct 09, 2018 12:25 pm


There wasn't much of a tractor that would be worth it, but the Homestead did have a old beat up A-A5 speeder truck left over from the Rebellion takeover on the planet. Though the blaster mounted on it was rusted and would need some time to get into something resembling working condition, reinforcing the hull and jerry-rigging a Nerf catcher to deal with. Apparently, Runi found where the good scrap material was on the farm while Kor had to deal with the less-than satisfactory ones. It takes her a long while, but she did manage to successfully attach everything to the truck with enough time to spare. Unfortunately, she did not have time to properly fix the blaster on top, which had since been rusted from lack of attention and use. While it still worked, it would be a risk to use.

((PCs now have the option to pilot the following for this event:


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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Cal Arcton » Tue Oct 09, 2018 12:30 pm

With the work nearing completion, Cal decided to go check on the rest of the crew. And, since it wasn't every day that he got to see a battle tractor being constructed, he decided to go see her.

Still wearing the scanner goggles, he wandered over towards her. And the tractor.
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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Temra Zol » Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:56 pm

Early and Mid Afternoon slots
Temra arrived on the farm before Yara, she had to oversee the shuttles of supplies they were bringing over and had some other appointments. Temra however had a free dance card, so came over to help assess the injuries so that Yara could put her time to best use when she arrived.

D1 EA Average Medicine: 3eA+1eP+2eD 3 successes, 3 advantage

D1 MA Hard Medicine: 3eA+1eP+3eD 2 successes, 2 advantage

SPEND advantages for boost to Yara's next roll (LA slot)

((Temra will assist Yara in LA, EE, ME, LE slots for +4 strain))
Last edited by Temra Zol on Tue Oct 09, 2018 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Yara Suhr » Tue Oct 09, 2018 7:05 pm

Late Afternoon

After taking part of the afternoon to set a few last matters in order at the clinic, Yara catches a ride on Zataa's next trip out to Bansh's farm. It's a familiar sort of layout--Noventa's plains homesteads always remind her a bit of her own agrarian childhood--and no large feral carnivores are in evidence right now, but she doesn't waste much time looking around for more details when there's work to do. From what the Mirialan farmer had said, the homestead's medic is in serious condition; that seems an obvious place to begin.

Happily, with Temra's help, she's able to get the patient stabilized fairly quickly--and even back on his feet again. Yara cautions the medic not to overdo, but he seems well enough to help out from here on.

D1 LA--heal the farm doctor, Daunting, boost from medpack, 2x boost from Flession due to talent, boost from Temra's assist, Destiny to upgrade: 3eP+1eA+4eB+4eD 7 successes, 3 advantage
D1 LA--heal the farm doctor, I forgot one difficulty die was supposed to be upgraded... GM's choice which purple this replaces?: 1eC 0 successes, 2 threat
D1 LA--heal the farm doctor, one extra boost from Temra earlier: 1eB 0 successes

Farm doc is back up and grants 2 bonus dice to healz for the rest of the thread.
2 Advantage boosts next roll, I suppose? [edit: actually no, since I forgot the red die initially, but it doesn't really matter b/c losing 1 blue--even a really lucky blue--doesn't spike Yara's EE roll]

-1 Strain to assist Temra in this time slot.
Last edited by Yara Suhr on Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Temra Zol » Tue Oct 09, 2018 7:39 pm


D1 LA Hard Medicine: 2eA+2eP+1eB+3eD 1 failure, 1 advantage

Second attempt at cost of 1 strain

D1 LA Hard Medicine second attempt: 2eA+2eP+1eB+3eD 1 failure, 4 advantage

Unfortunately, Temra's next patient was beyond his skill to help but the Iktotchi just annotated his chart for attention from one of the proper doctors to hopefully assist him.

D1 EE Hard Medicine +2B from previous roll, +2B from healed doctor: 2eA+2eP+4eB+3eD 5 successes, 4 advantage

The Iktotchi's next patient was much easier for him to treat, the cuts he sustained were largely superficial although Temra made a note to keep an eye on the possible concussion this patient may have suffered.

D1 ME Hard Medicine +2B from previous roll, +2B from healed doctor: 2eA+2eP+4eB+3eD 3 successes, 5 advantage

The next patient was untreatable on site, but easily assesses. The broken tibia was quickly identified and this patient was marked to be shipped back to the clinic and the bacta tanks.

D1 LE Hard Medicine +2B from previous roll, +2B from healed doctor: 2eA+2eP+4eB+3eD 2 failures, 6 advantage

Second attempt at cost of 1 strain

D1 LE Hard Medicine +2B from previous roll, +2B from healed doctor (second attempt): 2eA+2eP+4eB+3eD 2 successes, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph

The day dragged into night and Temra was weary, so weary that he nearly prescribed this patient a combination of drugs that could prove fatal if taken together. Thankfully he caught his mistake and this patient seemed to be making an extra speedy recovery.
((Total strain 6/16))
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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Yara Suhr » Tue Oct 09, 2018 8:01 pm

Bamsh certainly hadn't been exaggerating; those manka cats must have been busy, and they're obviously a genuine menace. Yara spends the rest of the evening treating lacerations, bites, dislocated and broken limbs... bringing that extra case of antimicrobial meds had definitely been a good idea, too. Temra had already made a good start on triage before Yara arrived, so she's able to focus on the homesteaders who are in stable enough condition to treat on-site. Between patients, she pauses for a sip of caf here and a bite from a ration bar there, trying not to think too hard about the fact that the settlers seem to be expecting more cat attacks--and more injuries--tonight.

Early Evening

D1 EE--treat some homesteaders, Hard difficulty. Boosts: 2 (talent)+1 (medkit)+1(Temra aid)+2(farm doc)+1(Advantage)=7???: 2eP+2eA+7eB+3eD 3 successes, 10 advantage

-1 Strain to assist Temra (8/10)

Mid Evening

D1 ME--treat some homesteaders, Hard difficulty. Boosts: 2 (talent)+1 (medkit)+1(Temra aid)+2(farm doc)=6... I could add more for all those adv on the last roll but I'll wait and see if I can use 'em another way first: 2eP+2eA+6eB+3eD 1 success, 8 advantage

-1 Strain to assist Temra (7/10)

Late Evening

D1 LE--treat some homesteaders, Hard difficulty. Boosts: 2 (talent)+1 (medkit)+1(Temra aid)+2(farm doc)=6... I could add more for all those adv on the last roll but I'll wait and see if I can use 'em another way first: 2eP+2eA+6eB+3eD 2 successes, 2 advantage

Recover 2 Strain from those 2 Advantage
-1 again for assisting Temra in LE (8/10)
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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Temra Zol » Wed Oct 10, 2018 9:53 pm

Washing the blood from his forearms and hands, before thoroughly disinfecting himself twice, just to be sure, Temra's attention was also drawn towards the refurbished truck and he wandered over.

"Good evening, sir." He greeted the familiar face of Cal. Temra had visited the Parsec a few times, not enough to be a regular, but enough to have caught sight of the owner once or twice.
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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Cal Arcton » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:05 pm

With the scanner goggles on, it was easy enough for Cal to spot Temra, and to recognize him. He gave the iktotchi a nod of greeting.

"Evenin' friend." He said. His eyes narrowed, invisible under the goggles. "Temra, right? I seem to remember seeing you at Twelve Parsecs a few times." He smiled. "And perhaps you caught a glimpse of me floating in your establishment's bacta tank a few times, too."
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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Temra Zol » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:24 pm

"Very good, Mister Arcton. As a less than regular patron of your establishment I wouldn't have expected you to recognize me. Either there aren't many of my kind who frequent the Twelve Parsecs or you're more observant than a normal bartender?" Temra wonders out loud as he gives the business owner a dip of his head in acknowledgment.

"Although I wouldn't have mentioned your visits to OUR establishment in public, for confidentiality reasons of course. I hope that this endeavour shan't precipitate another extended stay?"
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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Soren Lom » Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:06 am

Runi did seem somewhat occupied at that particular moment as she and Banks were hovering around her datapad pressing buttons and apparently trying to figure something out...

Unbeknownst to the rest of the group Runi and Banks were trying to decrypt a guarded chip which he had found that morning... With mixed results.


D1, Imperial Chip Decrypting, Skulduggery, Bonus from Runi, Destiny: 1eP+3eA+1eB+2eC+2eD+1eS 1 success, 3 threat, 1 Despair
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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Cal Arcton » Thu Oct 11, 2018 1:19 am

Temra Zol wrote:"Very good, Mister Arcton. As a less than regular patron of your establishment I wouldn't have expected you to recognize me. Either there aren't many of my kind who frequent the Twelve Parsecs or you're more observant than a normal bartender?" Temra wonders out loud as he gives the business owner a dip of his head in acknowledgment.

"Although I wouldn't have mentioned your visits to OUR establishment in public, for confidentiality reasons of course. I hope that this endeavour shan't precipitate another extended stay?"

Cal's lips quirked. "Maybe a little of both. There aren't many of your kind who frequent my bar. But I'd like to think that I've got an eye for who makes a good customer and who doesn't.

"That's always the hope." Cal drawled. "Gotta say, I appreciate you and your team bein' on hand just in case. Maybe doc can get me patched together before I get back to your establishment. Save us all a trip."
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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Temra Zol » Thu Oct 11, 2018 1:26 am

"I'm sure that should circumstances dictate, your needs can be accommodated here, so long as the severity of any wounds inflicted does not overburden the limited supplies we have left after treating the locals." Temra acknowledges with a broad, toothy smile as he smooths out his padded armor. He may have been on medical duty, but there was still the chance of cat attacks after all.

"It seems that Mister Bamsh has seen fit to recruit quite a few of the townsfolk to aid him in his hour of need. I trust that you have things under control with..." Temra waves his hand from the repaired truck to the makeshift barriers.

"With whatever is going on here?"
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Re: [D1,EA-LE]OHinF Pt 2 [Bamsh's Homestead] (Closed)

Postby Cal Arcton » Thu Oct 11, 2018 1:32 am

"I surely hope that it doesn't." Cal chuckled.

He followed the wave of the hand; Cal glanced over to look at the battle wagon still under construction. He watched the work go on a few moments before turning back to Temra. "Yeah. We'll hold 'em off. I've got a good crew over at the bar these days. Not afraid to roll up their sleeves and help out when the time comes."

He tilted his head, giving Temra a curious look. "They tell you what they're dealin' with here? Big horde of manka cats. You ever hear of anything like that before?"
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