[D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

A sleek black vessel the Galatea is a corporate class ship set for luxurious travel across the stars. Though that is not to say this ship is without it's own defenses and could easily, at least, contain a company or two of security forces.

[D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby Lena Arcturus » Mon Oct 08, 2018 12:24 pm

Lena approached the ship in her grey jacket, blaster by her side. The notification seemed intriguing, and as the Responsible Officer of the Ivory Phoenix (ignore what Kai and Fey said), she felt it wsa her duty to tend to this.

Also, so far Noventa seemed boring.

And she'd rather do this and avoid the messages from her family.

She started moving slowly closer, but made no motions yet.

She looked the ship up and down, trying to find out anything specific she might recall.

[Roll anything to know stuff about hull/ship type?]
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby CLL-MT9 » Mon Oct 08, 2018 12:49 pm

Clementine's responsibilities at the Codpiece didn't start until later in the day today, and the morning's cargo-lifting at the spaceport had run dry early. Idly, he had tuned in to the radio signal beaming from the intriguing new ship to the upgraded comm array in his torso. Curiosity, and lack of anything else to do, had led him to follow it across Noventa's plains. When one of the organic stevedores he had been coming off of the last job with had asked him where he was going, Clementine had routed the signal through his vocoder to let them hear. The burly Mirialan had opened her mouth, maybe to question whether Clementine was exactly what they were looking for -- and then thinking about her odd sometimes-coworker, with his carbon-scoring, his restraining-bolt jewelry, and his modifications, wished him good luck.

In the quiet isolation of the plains, he had used his commlink to tune in to local entertainment stations, to unlicensed replays of mid-rim pop hits from before the battle of Yavin (he sang along in binary) and call-in shows where lonely ranch-house husbands tried to figure out if their spouse was getting up to anything on those long nerf-wrangling trips (Clementine muttered his opinions and sympathies). When he spotted his path converging with another figure traveling on foot, he hurried his impressive stride to their intercept, keeping his dark, reflective photoreceptor dome pointed at her.

“Hel-lo,” he said as he got closer, his default near-shout appropriate for once, disappearing as it did into the wide plains. “I am Clementine. Are you going to the Gal-ah-tee-ah?”

[Woud aid with the know-things roll -- all I have is Knowledge: Underworld, but can flip a destiny to use that for any knowledge, so good for a boost at least!]
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby Kai Wryssald » Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:01 pm

Lena as smart as she might be, was know or walking head first into trouble. Of course the same could be said about Jelna and Cefey, but that wasnt really important right now. So Kai had decided to tag along as she made her way to the Galatea.

He had brought his blaster rifle and vibro sword, but had left his armor at camp. He didnt want to stick out too much. The former solider eyed clementine a bit warily as he approached, but that quickly faded away into a small smile.

"Afternoon." He greeted the droid politely. Waiting for Lena to take the reins of the conversation.
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby Honorordeath » Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:29 pm

From a basic glance, all that one might see is that the ship appeared ready to receive visitors up the entryplank that went straight to the top of the ship and permitted entrance up there for guests. This walk would be long and increasingly offer a view of the surrounding area. It wasn't built for combat could defend itself, largely it appeared a way to travel with companions or in luxury. Perhaps both.

Power emanated from the ship, whoever owned this ship wasn't some run of the mill nobody.

[OOC: For Rolls, I'm gonna set a standard difficulty of Hard for all checks. All Knowledge checks will offer different information. However, if you wanted to get basic information on what a ship like this would be capable of you could use Education at Hard, or Piloting Space at Average. Mechanics check at Average, with a justified background in working on Star Ships, could also work.]
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby Sailee » Tue Oct 09, 2018 1:35 am

Sailee strolled casually to the all call, oversized repulsor cannon slung across her back. Looked like she wasn't the only one answering. This gonna be cooperation or competition? Competition's always a pain in the ass, but a cooperative all call probably means it's some crazy mission. Only one way to find out how this goes.

She waves to those gathered, going down the line. "Hey, big guy," she greeted the droid. "Stranger," she greeted the human failing to grow a fur coat. "Beautiful," she winked at the redhead who looked like she had an Imperial-issue stick up her ass, and gave this ship that called them all here the once over. She was never much of a thinker, but she'd spent plenty of time around ships.

((Piloting Space: 1eP+3eA+3eD 1 success, 2 threat
ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage, hey, I know ship things. Unless you wanted Piloting: Space keyed off of intellect, in which case, I'd just have the yellow for a total of 3 threat. And I realize I did one too many difficulty dice, but whatevs.))
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 09, 2018 1:38 am

[I'll note here, I will be offering you information based off of One Success, One threat by slipping off one of those dice.]
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby Lena Arcturus » Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:12 am

"Greetings Clementine. Lena here, and this is.. ugh. Kai."Hopefully he didn't want a dashing first name instead, like Rider? Or with a Y. Ryder. That'd be dashing. She stated simply to the droid, before the guncat showed up.

"Kitty." She replied in a deadpan voice. It was barely past noon and she was already feeling a need for booze. She turned back towards the droid. "Yeah, we're going to check out what they're shouting about. You, same?"

Meanwhile, she racked her brain...

D1 EA Warfare roll to learn about defenses: 1eP+2eA+3eD 2 successes
Warfare to learn about combat capabilities of the ship

D1 EA Mechanics to learn about hull: 1eP+2eA+2eD 2 successes, 1 advantage
Mechanics to learn about the hull
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Oct 09, 2018 4:14 am

Kai for the most part let Lena do the talking, he was more muscle then anything, but he did manage one comment. "It seems you have a admirer, Dear." Kai offered as the cat girl called his shipmate beautiful.

That was followed by a nod of greeting at the cathar. Introductions had already been made for the most part.
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby Lena Arcturus » Tue Oct 09, 2018 5:10 am

There was some obvious eyerolling going on from the redhead. "This must be my lucky day." She debated poking him in the ribs, but between armor and muscles, he probably wouldn't have felt it.

"Well, let's see what they're all about, what do you guys think?"
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Oct 09, 2018 5:46 am

It was acceptable to Kai, so he offered a nod, silently pondering giving the red-head a playful nudge himself.

"No reason to delay things, we might as well get this show rolling."
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby Sailee » Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:45 pm

'Dear?' Well, darn. Whatever.

"Sooner we get the details, sooner we get paid. Or sooner we tell 'em to get stuffed. Either way." She pulled out her comm, and signaled the Galatea that guests had arrived to talk about the job.
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:50 pm

[From the idea you've all been examining the ship, I've gotten the idea you haven't walked up the path that's extended to the ground yet to the area where they are waiting for guests to appear.]
[That said, should you still be standing outside of the ship on the ground. There is no reply.]
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby Lena Arcturus » Tue Oct 09, 2018 4:12 pm

Lena started moving forward with determination... and glanced back at Kai, just to be sure.
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Oct 09, 2018 4:24 pm

He offered her a reassuring smile as he followed along, as well as a playful slap on the rear as she looked forward again. He would probably regret that second part later.
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby CLL-MT9 » Tue Oct 09, 2018 7:22 pm

Clementine doesn't offer any initiative of his own, following the group as it starts to move along, and participating sporadically in the conversation, often slightly disjointed. "Hello, lady. Nice to meet you Lena. Nice to meet you, Kai." In a lull, "That is a nice gun, lady. It looks like a repulsor hoist. Sometimes they use those in the port. Not me, though. I just lift things."

And, delivered without any sense it might be awkward, after the slap, "Is a Byoo-tee-full like a Dear like a sweetie? It is good to have a sweetie."
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby Sailee » Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:06 pm

Sailee joined the procession. ""Oh, you wouldn't want to use this one around the port, big guy," she patted her gun. "High power output. Low control. Good for taking marks alive."

At the sweetie comment, she gave a laugh. "Close enough, yeah; it is good to have a sweetie. You got a sweetie, big guy?"
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby CLL-MT9 » Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:27 pm

There's a long pause, the silence filled by the steady clunk-whirr off a big droid walking over dirt. "I do not know," he says, sounding puzzled, his basic slowing down to even slower than usual. "I do not know if I do. And if I did, I do not know if it is sah-po-zed to be a seek-are-et." While he moves and talks, his commlink is tuned for any further indication of what the big ship wants from them, other than to show up.
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby Honorordeath » Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:22 pm

As the group walked up the long ramp they got a better and better view of the sides of the ship before suddenly finding themselves high enough to see all around. The plains stretched for miles around them, undisturbed by anything but the ship they now stood upon. Once they reached the top of the ramp there was a small walkway that continued into a small room. Armored guards stood around the room in four points with a single woman standing at the center of the room.

The woman had long straight black hair that fell below her shoulder. Standing there she waited patiently, like a butler. Dressed in some plated armor under a heavy dark cloak her pale skin contrasted against her image.
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Oct 09, 2018 10:31 pm

With this many guns he wasn't entirely sure why they needed mercenaries, it likely meant for something underhanded though. That or they just wanted some people that were slightly more expendable. either way, it did cause Kai to raise his guard a bit. "Afternoon." He called to the dark haired lady as they came into view. "Lovely ship you have."
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Re: [D1 EA] Phoenix Incoming

Postby Lena Arcturus » Wed Oct 10, 2018 4:44 am

Lena glared back at Kai, but didn't say a word, trying to be a professional about it. She will deal with him later.

She slowly glanced around, taking it all in from the different points of the ship, making her own assessments.

"Greetings. Heard you had a job." She stated simply, for now.
Ivory Phoenix * Pilot* Mechanic * Keeps things afloat * Dear
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