Haha, you could ask those things in person! But I guess in theory someone else might be interested.
I enjoyed the clinic's thing with the rebel/terrorist cell, and it would have been fun to play more with that if everybody's time had allowed. Dealing with the Empire remnant was also a lot of fun with this character (and led to more ways for Yara and Cal to get thrown together;
that was probably my most unexpected subplot this game). I also never stopped getting a kick out of doctor-ing people, Cal included. Sucks that Quinn lost her arm, but it was a nice RP hook for me?
In terms of
other people's plots, I think the parts of the Force stuff I enjoyed most as a spectator were actually those from the perspective of the people having to figure out on their own what was going on--Temra, Fey, Jelna, and so on. And in general I really liked watching the crew dynamics develop in some of the groups, where I could really get a sense of these people's shared history and relationships. From the mechanical/plot-development side the crew system turned out to have a few bugs, but it did lead to some neat roleplay.
I wouldn't have minded playing around with Noventa politics around the Republic/independence a little more, but with relatively few PCs interested in in that (alas, poor Jozk), it didn't come up often, and I didn't feel that badgering for NPC scenes would have added that much to anyone else's game but mine, so I refrained. Might have been interesting to see how Yara reacted to learning the secrets of some of the former Imperial PCs, too, but again that wasn't really pushed into the open very much. And it might have been fun to be involved in the Empire invasion plot from an earlier point, but I didn't really have a natural entry point to that, so.