Dr. Suhr, Medicine Woman

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Dr. Suhr, Medicine Woman

Postby Yara Suhr » Mon Nov 26, 2018 5:59 pm

I kinda fell off the interwebs for a week or so there, but I figure if anyone's still interested I could answer some Yara-questions!
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Yara Suhr
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Re: Dr. Suhr, Medicine Woman

Postby Cal Arcton » Mon Nov 26, 2018 8:08 pm

Hello there!

Thanks for some great scenes! It was fun to play some characters who actually had some chemistry with each other, instead of mine thinking that you're super poor, or getting attacked by your goat.

Did you have a favorite plotline? Yours or others?
Anything unexpected for Yara?
Anything you wish you'd done, or wish you'd had more time for?
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Re: Dr. Suhr, Medicine Woman

Postby Yara Suhr » Mon Nov 26, 2018 8:29 pm

Haha, you could ask those things in person! But I guess in theory someone else might be interested. :lol:

I enjoyed the clinic's thing with the rebel/terrorist cell, and it would have been fun to play more with that if everybody's time had allowed. Dealing with the Empire remnant was also a lot of fun with this character (and led to more ways for Yara and Cal to get thrown together; that was probably my most unexpected subplot this game). I also never stopped getting a kick out of doctor-ing people, Cal included. Sucks that Quinn lost her arm, but it was a nice RP hook for me? :lol:

In terms of other people's plots, I think the parts of the Force stuff I enjoyed most as a spectator were actually those from the perspective of the people having to figure out on their own what was going on--Temra, Fey, Jelna, and so on. And in general I really liked watching the crew dynamics develop in some of the groups, where I could really get a sense of these people's shared history and relationships. From the mechanical/plot-development side the crew system turned out to have a few bugs, but it did lead to some neat roleplay.

I wouldn't have minded playing around with Noventa politics around the Republic/independence a little more, but with relatively few PCs interested in in that (alas, poor Jozk), it didn't come up often, and I didn't feel that badgering for NPC scenes would have added that much to anyone else's game but mine, so I refrained. Might have been interesting to see how Yara reacted to learning the secrets of some of the former Imperial PCs, too, but again that wasn't really pushed into the open very much. And it might have been fun to be involved in the Empire invasion plot from an earlier point, but I didn't really have a natural entry point to that, so.
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Re: Dr. Suhr, Medicine Woman

Postby Cefey Raneth » Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:12 pm

Fey never needed the doctor's help, unlike dear captain! :D

Yara was an interesting read though, with her rebel-past and all. So would she had been bothered by the Phoenix-crew's Imperial past if she learned about it? :D
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Re: Dr. Suhr, Medicine Woman

Postby Yara Suhr » Tue Nov 27, 2018 4:54 pm

Haha, it was probably a bit hard for Yara to square Jelna of the unbelievably naive (fake) pregnancy scare with the tough bounty hunter who helped take down the Admiral. :D

Her reaction to the Phoenixes' pasts (or the Strange Charm crew and Kor over at the 12 Parsecs, for that matter) would have depended somewhat on context, I think. Before her Rebel past she'd been an Imperial defector herself, though I'm not sure how much this came across in-game. So she had plenty of understanding of how one could find oneself working for people who turned out to be the bad guys, but, as a corollary, very little sympathy for "I was just following orders when I did those terrible things." (Emotional strength: Trust/Emotional weakness: Condemnation, a.k.a. this character got some of my judgey side, in a particular way ;) )

Based on the way Kai answered my question in his thread, I think Yara would have been mostly okay with his story, depending on how it came out (maybe after a little "you're too nice for a Stormtrooper!"). Fey's even more so, probably, unless she was a much more enthusiastic collaborator with her 'owner' than it sounds like.

Jelna... Jelna might have been a stickier wicket. :lol: But the context of when and how the reveal came about, and how Jelna handled it, would likely have affected Yara's reaction. And I don't have a clear enough sense of Lena's backstory to guess how that might have gone over.
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Re: Dr. Suhr, Medicine Woman

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Nov 30, 2018 4:13 am

Hey, storm troopers can be nice!

Always meant to have another thread with the doctor, always meant to. This game was just a but difficult for me.

Was there anything more you wanted to do with yara though?
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