Crush It! (Kai Q and A)

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Crush It! (Kai Q and A)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:26 pm

I'm pretty transparent, feel free to ask some questions if you like.
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Re: Crush It! (Kai Q and A)

Postby Cal Arcton » Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:28 pm

Kai! It was fun with both of us being a bit more casual guys this time. Not quite bros, but a bit that direction on the bro spectrum.

So, how does Kai feel about each of his teammates? Is he gonna pick one to settle down with?

What was some cool stuff outside your team? Either that you took part in, or just that you saw?

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Re: Crush It! (Kai Q and A)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:44 pm

Thanks. It was nice being able to be causal. Maybe even Bro like, and yes every thread I started this game is a name of a beer. Feel free to try to find them, most are local to me.

So, how does Kai feel about each of his teammates? Is he gonna pick one to settle down with?

I think settling down is a bit far away at the moment. Maybe one day though, will have to figure some things out first though. Like complicated relationships with twi'leks that involve snu-snu in the cockpit, that totally didn't happen. Um...

Cefey is a little bit of the little sister of the ship, as well as a bit of the ho dream girl every guy has at one point or another in their lives. They also get along well in that they are a bit more casual then the other ship mates, it's a prettyy complicated relationship, but he feels pretty protective of her.

Lena is like the girl next door, or that's the kinda vibe I got off her and Kai's relationship. She is a bit mean but really tender under that, a bit scared and uncertain. Could things develop into some sort of relationship for them? Maybe, a lot of stuff would need to be figured out. She is probably the one he is least protective of in the group, as she needs her space to be a kitty, but he always has her back in case of trouble.

Jelna is probably a bit of a strange relationship, she is older and mature and Kai respects this, but he also thinks she is really delicate and weak. Like that girl in school that's a couple years older then you, but feels a bit younger at times. I don't know if that's actually a thing. He follows her lead, but he's not against trying to tell her she is wrong. Though that didn't actually come up, and he is pretty protective over her as well.

Edit: I forgot a couple questions.

Cool stuff this game? I didn't really read much stuff outside what I did. I enjoyed Clem though, and the wookie's codpiece group as a whole. I also liked getting to gamble and chat with some of the down and outs of providence town. The thread ended a bit early, but it was something I enjoyed. Kai got to be a little more Kai then.

the Force si always with me. If you knwo what I mean ;)
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Re: Crush It! (Kai Q and A)

Postby Jelna Vawn » Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:51 pm

How did you come up with the calendar word of the day?
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Re: Crush It! (Kai Q and A)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Wed Nov 14, 2018 9:16 pm

Basically it was something I added when I was typing up itinerary in a post. I was like. "That's not a word Kai would use." So I made up a reason.

Words were picked from big words I used, then the internet.
Day 0: Itinerary
Day 1: Jovial
Day 2: Kaleidoscopic
Day 3: Ludic
Day 4: Magnanimous
Day 5: Nefastous
Day 6: Obfuscate
Day 7: Palification
Day 8: Quillet
Day 9: Reconnoiter

Palification was the only word I picked for a specific purpose. It means to reinforce with stakes. I was hoping to use it in the big fight day 7.

I so forgot to use Reconnoiter day 9....
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Re: Crush It! (Kai Q and A)

Postby Jelna Vawn » Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:24 am

There's still time! You also need one for D10!

Since it never came up, how would Kai react if he knew how often Jelna rewatched clips of Sweetie?
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Re: Crush It! (Kai Q and A)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:37 am

it would of been best used before the last combat day 9. We will see though.

Day 10 word?

Day 10 isn't real!

I suppose I can come up with somethign though.

Day 10: Serendipity

He wild probably be a bit sad, and want to sit down and have a chat with Jelna.

In the back of my head I am pretty sure Kai knew she watched videos sometimes though. The info just never came up.
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Re: Crush It! (Kai Q and A)

Postby Jelna Vawn » Fri Nov 16, 2018 12:23 pm

I fully expect to see you use it now!

Also: I asked Cefey already, but would my Cefey/Kai ship ever take flight?
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Re: Crush It! (Kai Q and A)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Fri Nov 16, 2018 2:23 pm

We will see what I can fit in.

My day 10 is pretty well booked, I have a lot of flexing to f

As for the other question. My answer is pretty similar to feyfey's. I don't know. Kai knows what he wants in a vague sort of way, but he isn't in a hurry. There would need to be another game at least to figure that out, and who knows what exactly would come of that.
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Re: Crush It! (Kai Q and A)

Postby Yara Suhr » Mon Nov 26, 2018 6:30 pm

Catching up slowly on Q&As...

The Phoenixes' past lives never really came up for those of us outside the crew, so alas I didn't get a chance to find out IC, but how does Kai feel about his time as a soldier for the Empire?

(I enjoyed Kai, obviously. Despite confusing him unintentionally with big words :D )
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Re: Crush It! (Kai Q and A)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Tue Nov 27, 2018 4:00 pm

Kai wasnt really impressed by the ways the Empire did things. It was one of the reasons he left. Destroying entire planets and that sort of thing is never good. Really he only joined because it seemed like the most logical way to stop being a farmer and start exploring the galaxy.

Eventually his morality got in the way though and wmhe left.
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