First and foremost thank you so much to the gm team for running a great game and putting up with my shenanigans!
Now *crosses arms menacingly* who has questions for the big man at the bar.
Cal Arcton wrote:So... what's going to happen with the manka cat?!?!
Cal Arcton wrote:Oh, I guess also what's Kor planning to do next?
Cal Arcton wrote:Was there anyone you were surprised that Kor got along with? Or maybe just especially enjoyed hanging out with. Feel free to point to specific scenes!
Kai Wryssald wrote:We should of suplexed the 13th sister.
Cal Arcton wrote:Kai Wryssald wrote:We should of suplexed the 13th sister.
Cefey Raneth wrote:How did you feel Kor worked in the game for you, and how he connected to the setting?
Were there points where he regretted leaving the Empire or briefly considered rejoining them when they showed up?
Kai Wryssald wrote:or was quite a interesting guy.
I wish we had a bigger chance to explore how Kai and Kor reacted, but such is life.
It was fun being able to fight with you though.
We should of suplexed the 13th sister.
Tewzada Star'Ti wrote:*pounces on Kor cause Tew never got to do that*
No really big questions, but would Kor be willing to keep in touch with Tew if she'd offer?
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