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[D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:35 am
by Ender
Lord Nygmus stands over the site of his tomb. Wearing his heavy Sith armor, runes and lines in it glowing an unearthly purple and red hue. Chanting words in an ancient tongue. Raw, aggressive emotions radiating off of him as he seemed to turn part of the planet onto itself, searching for something deeper. An altar, built and hewn from obsidian stone, clearly and cleanly cut by his lightsaber, had been erected. A sickly green glowing flame lit his face. Tremors echoed from the mountain beneath him, as his chanting increased.

What was he planning, what would happen?

This, this was a place calling out to anyone who could feel the Force.

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:19 am
by Sharn
Sharn would arrive promptly, his connection with the powers Nygmus wielded, and Nygmus himself, arguably the strongest. Taking in the magical displays, his reactions were mixed. Glee accompanied distaste, mediated by disciplined curiosity.

"What is the purpose of this, seneschal?!" He shouted strongly as the Dark Side coursed through him with unsurveyed strength.

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:26 am
by Runi Vizsla
Runi arrived promptly, as well, her ax in tow. A situation like this was bound to bring running the sort of annoying people like she and Sharn had met the other day. She rolled her eyes at the thought. Still, she enjoyed the stormy weather this created if nothing else. At the moment, though, she wasn't going to interrupt Sharn's outburst.

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 10:44 am
by Kaneesa Gee
Kaneesa couldn't describe what was getting into him. He didn't even know where he was going, only that he felt an indescribale tug in that direction. It was vaguely like the tug he felt going into his words sometimes, but...the darker, more stressful times. Kaneesa set the "borrowed" speeder (that had chose to improperly park again) down, and began to walk over. He could see people gathering...

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:33 pm
by Cefey Raneth
Not long ago, Fey would not have wanted to seek out something like this. She would've been scared, unable to understand it, and hid away. But these past days, she had begun to understand things more... thanks to Temra and Quinn. It was still a lot of things she did not understand, but knowing her two new friends, they would probably go out here too. And so she would go as well. It seemed... right? It seemed better than hiding in fear, anyway. She was done with being scared.

Parking the speeder, the blue skinned twi'lek approached warily.

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:54 pm
by Quinn Largo
She knew it was a terrible idea to go by herself. But it was also an opportunity she hadn't expected to get. To fight? Maybe. To convince those that walked the dark path to turn to the light? One could certainly hope. She looked down at her new metallic hand, gripping something unseen with it for a moment, before her other hand took her lightsaber in hand. She kept it unignited as she approached the site from whence the feeling came. She reached out through the force, senses expanding around her... but once more the planet's darkness caused her to feel nothing but dread all around her.

Still, she didn't need it. She could see the figures up ahead. A few she recognized. A few she did not. But only one of them was the Seneschal. Performing some kind of ritual.

That could not be good.

She ignited her lightsaber.

"Whatever it is you're doing. Stop."

Sense Creatures: 1eF 2 Dark Side

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 1:07 pm
by Runi Vizsla
Runi looked over at Quinn and raised an eyebrow. In a surprisingly amiable tone of voice, she noted, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 1:21 pm
by Sharn
Sharn took note of the Force-positives aggregating, and the witch-inspired girl taking rash action. But he heeded Rhaina's advice to stay his hand when facing random foolishness, so for now he ignored the juvenile zeolot and waited for Nygmus' answer. Also, Runi seemed to have it covered.

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 2:36 pm
by Kaneesa Gee
"Eeeeaaasy does it bruddas and sistas!" Kaneesa finds himself drawn forward to step between the group. "Weesa seem to be in quite a strange situation. Imma ask ya to please put away your weapons until we know what in the muddy waters is going on here."

There's something in the way the Gungan speaks, something tinging his words as he attempts to calm down the group. He could feel fear, anger...but also curiosity and desire.

Calm down the Assembly-Charm-Sense Emotions-Influence: 2eP+2eA+1eB+1eF 1 success, 4 advantage, 1 Dark Side

(Cool check to oppose incoming Charm check)

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 2:52 pm
by Quinn Largo
Quinn was having none of the Gungan's tricks.

As for Runi's words, well, she knew that it was a bad idea to go up against someone like Nygmus... but she still thought doing nothing was an even worse one.

"You *know* what he is, Runi! You *know* what the dark side does! This is not the way!"

She adopted a defensive Makashi posture, her eyes still on Nygmus; not immediately threathening hostility but ready to counter any sent her way.

Cool: 4eA 3 successes, 1 advantage

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 2:58 pm
by Cefey Raneth
"Kaneesa," the twi'lek said cautiously, unclipping the safety on her blasters but not drawing them yet. The gungan had the right of it so far in trying to talk. "This is bad. Like, really bad."

She looked between Sharn and Runi. "Why are you just letting him do this? Can't you feel what he's doing to this world - how this dark miasma is choking this place?"


D9 LM Cool to keep my cool?: 3eA 1 success, 4 advantage

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:06 pm
by Sharn
D9. Anti-Charm Cool.: 1eP 0 successes

Sharn, on the other hand, was relaxed, elated even. He observed the little sabre-rattling girl with amused condescension. Cefey was at least blue, so she deserved to be answered.

"Choking who? Not I. Why exactly should I be caring what's becoming of this planet? Its energy apparently fuels an interesting experiment. You have a Force display of rare magnitude before you you could learn something from, but all you think of is addressing your apprehensions. Tsk tsk."

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:15 pm
by Temra Zol
Temra eventually found the place that called to him, amongst many it seemed as he saw the assembled congregation.

He saw Quinn's ignited saber and he pulled his ax fron his back, settling into a defensive stance waiting to see how things developed.

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:18 pm
by Kaneesa Gee
There was a strange feeling, almost like an echo as it seems Kaneesa's words rebound on him. "Whoa...that's never happened before." In spite of that, he stays between the two with weapons drawn, slowly palming his stunner.

"Kid, what are you talking about? In fact, what the hell is all this? I don't even know why I'm here." Kaneesa points to Fey. "You're the only one I know, and you always had a weird vibe."

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:21 pm
by Jelna Vawn
Jelna lifted her pistol and wavered as she thought to shoot the so-called "Lord" and be done with it. For all their talk of power, Sith seemed highly reliant on other people recognizing them as superiors.

Perhaps it was curiosity, perhaps it was fear, but regardless, she lowered it for now and put a hand on Cefey's shoulder. "Don't waste your time with those two. They ain't worth even a thought."

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:48 pm
by Runi Vizsla
"This isn't some world-ending cataclysm," Runi said evenly. "Not in the bigger picture. If you're letting fear control you instead of seeing that, well..." She shrugged. "It is what it is."

"As long as you don't attack, I have no interest in violence happening here. This planet is already functioning as focal point for the Dark Side, I'm sure you all could feel that recently as well as I could, so throwing yourselves at this would be kind of pointless anyway."

She glanced over her shoulder at what Nygmus was doing. "Though I do wonder if Mom and your mentor are going to show up as well, Quinn. It'd be interesting to see what happens."

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:51 pm
by Quinn Largo
"I'm not being driven by fear, Runi. But you're afraid of standing up to him. And my mentor is very far from here."

She took a step closer toward Nygmus. She didn't want to fight Runi. Or even Sharn. Or, if she could avoid it, Nygmus. But she didn't want to let any of them distract her from what was happening either.

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:59 pm
by Temra Zol
At the mention of mentors, Temra's mind raced. He was fairly sure that Bamsh wouldn't appear, he didn't seem the type.

But this seemed right up Daen's alley, and while he knew her presence here might tip the balance, he still hoped that she would stay away. She needed to watch over Mirri after all.

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 5:00 pm
by Kaneesa Gee
Kaneesa looks back between the two females who are having a very heated discussion in front of him.

"Alright, could you explain what that in the 'verse yousa talking 'bout? Try small words, as if I understood literally none of what you are saying."

Re: [D9 - LM] - Rituals of Damnation

PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 5:11 pm
by Cefey Raneth
The twi'lek took a deep breath as she felt Jelna's hand on her shoulder. The two of them felt it, she knew, how wrong this was. She didn't know for certain, but maybe Jelna had felt the same too during their time with the Empire. The similar bad feelings like this. "Kaneesa... it's something really bad that's going to affect everyone on this planet. You can feel as much as I do how wrong this all is."

Temra was given a nod. It felt good to see him here too. Strange how she knew almost everyone here except for the red woman.

"But it is something that will harm this world, and for many that is a world-ending, you idiot," Fey shot back to the red-skinned woman. "The Dark Side is bad stuff. Why are you two just standing by like his pets if you know what it is? This has to stop."