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[D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 2:05 pm
by Farkas Lowca
Farkas made his way to Twelve Parsecs. He had been cooped up a while and he wanted to stretch his legs and eat something not made by the crew or pre-packaged. Sharn had to make landfall to talk to someone so the slicer caught a speeder here to the bar to relax. The storm was terrible.

Walking up to the bar, he finds a spot to sit.

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 5:03 pm
by Tewzada Star'Ti
Sitting elsewhere at the bar is a marigold colored Twi'lek with quite the large drink in front of her; One of those fancy ones with the salt around the rim and a toothpick umbrella that played the quiet soothing sound of waves on a shore. You know, for the full experience.

She looked up momentarily when the Farkas sat down, but looked away when she didn't recognize the man, looking back at her drink and wondering how long it would take to finish it.

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 6:49 pm
by Cal Arcton
Cal was there at the bar; he'd just switched in, and hadn't been the one to give the twi'lek her fancy drink. The crowd was middle-sized, the storm having drawn the people who wanted to be indoors, but kept away people who weren't willing to brave it at all.

The lights flickered; Cal glanced nervously at them, unsure whether they heralded power failure or Demona. Or which would be worse. But they seemed to settle. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Straightening his necktie, he walked over, giving both Farkas and Tewzada a smile. "Evening." He said, nodding. "Farkas, right? And Tewzada." He flashed a smile. "Get you anything? Maybe something to keep you warm?" He shook his head. "Gonna need it tonight. Rain doesn't sound like it's gonna let up anytime soon."

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 8:45 pm
by Korvalus Dunbri
Kor was working as usual, he moved around the bar making sure everyone was behaving and having a good time. A Zabrak was getting a bit too rambunctious for The Parsecs and needed a bit of encouragement. As Kor was carrying the struggling man out he caught sight of the marigold twilek at the bar he nodded to her "Tewzada. Let me take this out I'll come back." His voice was lighter than last time she had seen him. He then proceeded to carry the inebriated patron out the door.

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 11:58 pm
by Farkas Lowca
"Yes, Farkas. And you were Cal?" the balding man responded. With the flicker, he slowly looked to the lights. "Will the power hold in this storm? I'd hate to see your crowd put out."

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 12:13 am
by Tewzada Star'Ti
Tew raised her glass briefly at Call before turning to look at Kor, "I'll be here when you're done, Kor~"

Her voice was also lighter. Possibly because of the alcohol, but certainly not because of the weather.

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 12:43 am
by Cal Arcton
Farkas Lowca wrote:"Yes, Farkas. And you were Cal?" the balding man responded. With the flicker, he slowly looked to the lights. "Will the power hold in this storm? I'd hate to see your crowd put out."

"Yes I am." Cal drawled cheerfully. He gave the light an annoyed look. "And yeah, it should. There's some weird things with the electrical system here. Really, really weird."

He shook his head, shaking off the annoyed look with it. "Anyway. Anything you need? Stay as long as you like; I'm not turnin' anyone out into this storm unless they make trouble."

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 12:51 am
by Farkas Lowca
"Whiskey and water, and if you have something smoked and crunchy. Anything will do if it has a smoky flavor," Farkas replies. "And a ghost in the machine isn't always so bad, but it can hide deeper problems. Surges like that... I've seen more explations for than you have different liquors on the shelves."

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 1:24 am
by Cal Arcton
Farkas Lowca wrote:"Whiskey and water, and if you have something smoked and crunchy. Anything will do if it has a smoky flavor," Farkas replies. "And a ghost in the machine isn't always so bad, but it can hide deeper problems. Surges like that... I've seen more explations for than you have different liquors on the shelves."

Cal smiled. "No problem. We got a nerf dry rub that'll hit the spot." He pulled a bottle from the shelf, pouring into a glass with a flourish.

As Farkas spoke again, Cal gave him a sudden startled look. "Don't say ghost! That makes her-"


The light nearest Cal and Farkas suddenly dimmed, and Demona flickered into existence, her hips swaying arrhythmically. "So good to see you again." Her musical voice hissed. "Did you miss me?" She vanished as suddenly as she appeared, ethereal laughter lingering in the air.

A few customers were startled, but most barely looked up. They'd seen her before.

"-appear." Cal said. With a sigh and a wry smile, he slid the finished drink across the table to Farkas. "That's the other weird thing about the electrical system."

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 2:33 am
by Korvalus Dunbri
Tewzada Star'Ti wrote:Tew raised her glass briefly at Call before turning to look at Kor, "I'll be here when you're done, Kor~"

Her voice was also lighter. Possibly because of the alcohol, but certainly not because of the weather.

A small scuffling sound would be heard outside faintly over the sound of pounding rain and thunder. Kor walked back in to the bar, wet despite his time outside being brief. His button up white shirt clung to him in places his shoulders obviously taking the brunt of the assault as his lower torso seemed mostly dry.

He looked at Cal "can I get a towel boss?" The big man rumbled out.

Once said towel was in hand Kor would begin drying himself and sit next to Tew. "Back again I see, come to like our little slice of Noventa eh?"

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 8:11 am
by Farkas Lowca
"Yes. I wonder about her. When is the last time her hadware received maintenance?"

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 1:20 pm
by Cal Arcton
Korvalus Dunbri wrote:He looked at Cal "can I get a towel boss?" The big man rumbled out.

Smirking, Cal casually tossed Kor a towel. "There ya go." He said.

Farkas Lowca wrote:"Yes. I wonder about her. When is the last time her hadware received maintenance?"

Turning back to Farkas, he shrugged. "Don't know. It was only put in a year ago, though. It just... wasn't put in quite right." Cal shuddered. "I had someone take a look at it not long after it... she... was installed. But the original mechanic really did a number on it. Not much as can be done, apparently."

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:20 pm
by Farkas Lowca
"You had a mechanic look at it? Not a programmer?" he asked curiously. "Because it could be a software issue rather than a hardware one. Potential data corruption."

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 8:54 pm
by Cal Arcton
Farkas Lowca wrote:"You had a mechanic look at it? Not a programmer?" he asked curiously. "Because it could be a software issue rather than a hardware one. Potential data corruption."

"Yeah..." Cal said, scratching at his stubble. "See, way it was explained to me, her memory core is jammed up somewhere deep inside the electrical bits. You'd need a mechanic who was both good and willing to risk a fair bit of death before a programmer could even get a look at it."

He shook his head. "The fellow who put it in was some sorta mad genius, I guess. Mad, anyway. I really wonder about the genius part."

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 9:11 pm
by Farkas Lowca
"I've seen similar behaviors in droids that have malfunctions or that have had poorly installed behavioral modifications. I hate to see either go untreated, as generally they don't realize that there is an issue. Much like organics with dementia or brain trauma. There is an issue they simply are not aware of because they can't be. This can make both organics and synthetics hostile or unpredictable. I'm not a fan of any type of modification to a synthetic's mental processes that they don't elect for themselves. But damage should be confirmed and repaired. I'd definitely be willing to look into it if you want, no quid pro quo. If this is the way she was made to be and she wanted to remain this way, I would let you know and I wouldn't make any modifications. If there was damage I'd do what I could to repair it. I became took up droid teching because I think synthetics need more folks looking out for their well being after all."

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 10:04 pm
by Tewzada Star'Ti
Korvalus Dunbri wrote:Once said towel was in hand Kor would begin drying himself and sit next to Tew. "Back again I see, come to like our little slice of Noventa eh?"

Tew had been watching Cal and the bespectacled man, along with the little oddity that had happened. So she was a little distracted as Kor sat down and asked the question.

"Hm? ...oh, yeah."

She turned more towards him with a smile, "Cal offered me a free drink for helping him out yesterday, and I grew up never passing up free things, you know? Though from the looks of things, looks like he has some other problems that are beyond my ability to help with, in thus little slice that is."

She glanced back at the flickering light.

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 11:44 pm
by Korvalus Dunbri
Kor was slightly drier than he had been and was warming back up "oh that's just Demona, she's pretty harmless, just a bit unsettling at times. Most folks that come here often just ignore her or tolerate her. Those of us that live and work here are used to it, in a way she's part of the crew." He said casually.

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:05 am
by Tewzada Star'Ti
"...the lighting system computer is named Demona?"

Tew blinked before taking a long drink, setting the fancy drink back on the bar afterwords, "That seems a bit melodramatic~"

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 3:21 am
by Cal Arcton
Farkas Lowca wrote:"I've seen similar behaviors in droids that have malfunctions or that have had poorly installed behavioral modifications. I hate to see either go untreated, as generally they don't realize that there is an issue. Much like organics with dementia or brain trauma. There is an issue they simply are not aware of because they can't be. This can make both organics and synthetics hostile or unpredictable. I'm not a fan of any type of modification to a synthetic's mental processes that they don't elect for themselves. But damage should be confirmed and repaired. I'd definitely be willing to look into it if you want, no quid pro quo. If this is the way she was made to be and she wanted to remain this way, I would let you know and I wouldn't make any modifications. If there was damage I'd do what I could to repair it. I became took up droid teching because I think synthetics need more folks looking out for their well being after all."

"Huh." Cal said. He frowned for a good long time, thinking.

Finally he nodded, giving Farkas a smile. "If you'd be willin' to take a look, I'd be obliged. Just so long as you're careful with yourself; can't be losing a customer to the weird electrical system we got here."

He glanced up at the light. "And... she's kinda weird, but she's a part of the bar now. Guess if what she wants is to, uh, be less scary, I'm all for it. But if she wants to keep spookin' folk..." He chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, I let Kaylee treat people how she likes, too."

Re: [D4 LE] Getting Out Of The Ship

PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:36 am
by Farkas Lowca
Farkas nodded, before taking a sip of his drink. "I'll bring my tools with next time I come in and you can show me where the hardware was installed. How have things been other than that? Business good?"