Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Local watering hole.

Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Cefey Raneth » Sat Nov 17, 2018 11:25 pm

Fey didn't seem to notice the red hologram as she played, which was probably for the better, as Demona tended to spook her more than anything. And there seemed to be a brief look of peacefulness on her face as she finished the performance.

The clapping at least made her break into a smile and after getting up from her seat, she took a bow. "Hope y'all enjoyed that. Anyone need some to accompany them on the piano, let me know...?" she gave an awkward wave before retrieving her almost empty glass of bourbon and giving up the stage for the next person who felt like going up.
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Sun Nov 18, 2018 1:28 pm

Cefey did have a lovely voice, and he fell silent as she began to sing. It was quite the lovely song after all. The arrival of Cal's Ex on the scene brought a slightly broader smile to his lips, but he didn't comment on it.

As the performance came to end, Kai clapped. Though he avoided the whistles and catcalls. He should of used those on Cal. "Who do you think will head up next?" He asked thoughtfully as Fey left the stage.
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Temra Zol » Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:08 pm

Temra joined in applauding when Cefey finished her performance and nudged Kai with his elbow. "I am certain there will be no shortage of volunteers this evening, although I am personally far too sober to embark upon such an endeavour yet. Will you be offering a song this evening?"
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Kai Wryssald » Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:17 pm

"I'd need more then a few drinks for that myself." Kai agreed with a light laugh, raising his hand to call over the bartender.

"Which means we should both probably move from beer to bourbon. Well, if we want to get there anytime soon."
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Temra Zol » Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:35 pm

"This is not going to end well is it?" Temra asked somewhat rhetorically with a wry chuckle. He was a largish individual, but he didn't handle his strong drink well.

Tonight was a night for letting go and cutting loose after all though, and he was certain that he was regular enough in this establishment that Cal and Kaylee would know when to cut him off.
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Cal Arcton » Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:02 pm

With the stage vacant, the light above the microphone began to flicker...


Between one blink and the next Demona appeared. Her shimmering red arms were raised, her eyes seeming to burn with red light.

"Hello, Twelve Parsecs." She said. The voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere all at once. Off behind the bar, Cal blinked. She'd never used the name of the bar before.

She raised her arms higher, her voice going with it. "I have a song for you tonight! For you, and for that special someone. You know who you are..." She leaned forward, winking; or, at least, one of her eyes briefly stuttered closed, and then opened again. "Now, look upon my performance, and rejoice!"

Music began to play. And Demona began to dance, in her usual sensual sway, with the equally usual unnaturally staccato movements, and sudden jumps.

Of course, for this song, it worked. Her singing began, both beautiful and terrible, echoing throughout the bar in the same manner as her voice.

When it finished, she blew a kiss, and vanished without another word.
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Re: Open Mic Night! (D10LE, OPEN)

Postby Jelna Vawn » Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:41 am

"That's goin' to be hard to beat." Jelna gave the bartender a quick wave before heading up to the stage herself. She thought about Kaylee on the way up, how she felt about her. There was something there, how pretty she was, but it was marred by a certain selfishness.

"Howdy y'all," she announced. She looked around for more signs of Demona. "Ya know, ya might be the one lady out there that I can't find on my own accord." While it had been said in jest, Jelna wasn't so sure if she could actually figure it out.

Jelna then turned her attention back to the audience. "So my day job is trackin' down some varmints. But by night, I'd say I'm very good at puttin' on an act." She took a few moments to stretch, stiffen her posture, and tilt her chin up. "This sector is now under Imperial control," she announced in the iconic accent, "Submit yourselves to our domain or you will suffer the consequences."

She shook out the military persona and scratched the back of her head in a real angry manner. "What's all this rubbish about Imperials being here? Can't the blimey bastards learn that we don't want them here?"

The blonde then leaned back with her arms crossed. She even blew some hair out of her face. "Ello mates. If you have some problems with the Empire, then you should hire me! I'm a Mandalorian!" She held out her hands to show a size. "One time, I fought a huge beast that had teeth this big! Almost got me leg, he did. Now I have his on my wall!"

She then abruptly shoved her hands into her pocket and smiled at the crowd. "Hope y'all ain't hopin' I'll sing too," she said with a wink before walking off stage.
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