[D1, LM] Out Here in the Fields [Event, Twelve Parsecs]

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[D1, LM] Out Here in the Fields [Event, Twelve Parsecs]

Postby Flession » Mon Oct 08, 2018 6:43 am


A young Mirialan farmer named Bamsh comes into the establishment seeking your assistance early in the morning. His Homestead, as well as several others in the surrounding area has been recently been attacked by Manka Cats, killing several of his nerfs in their assaults. Despite the numerous attempts to bring ward them off, they seem to keep coming back day in every evening for almost a week. It's come to the point where the farm's proper defenses are not enough to keep them held off. Bamsh has heard of you from several contacts and wishes for you to go aid him in not only helping to rebuild the defenses around his area, but to help defend the area against their assault until they are finally waivered.

The small farming community has pulled together a commission to help pay for your efforts, should you accept the job, and have agreed to offer you a reward for your efforts in stopping them.

((Have one PC roll one Negotiation check, They will counter the Cool check I have made. The end results will determine how much you are able to negotiate the price for, should you accept the job. Xenology can be made to determine information about the Manka Cats, should you wish, at a Average (♦♦) difficulty. Boost dice can be granted from anyone native to Noventa from probably having to deal with them at some point. Feel free to use this thread to ask any questions ICly and Bamsh will do his best to answer them. If the job is accepted, then he is eager to have you arrive at your earliest convenience to help prep up for the attacks of the evening, though understands if you will be delayed. Further details of the job will be posted in your group forum should the job be accepted.))

Cool Check to Counter Negotiations: 2eP+1eA 2 successes, 2 advantage
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Re: [D1, LM] Out Here in the Fields [Event, Twelve Parsecs]

Postby Quinn Largo » Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:26 am

Farmers. Farmers were not Quinn's people. They were stubborn, and distrustful of city folk... and Quinn was like... really *city* folk, since the biggest city on the planet was barely more than a village to her. So, with that distrust and stubborness, it wasn't that surprising that Quinn's negotiation skills weren't having too much of an effect. Or maybe the guy just wasn't impressed by the fact the group had put a kid in charge of talking about this stuff.

Negotiation (DESTINY): 1eP+3eA 0 successes, 2 advantage
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Re: [D1, LM] Out Here in the Fields [Event, Twelve Parsecs]

Postby Flession » Mon Oct 08, 2018 11:54 am

Bamsh is grateful for your acceptance of the job and looks forward to your assistance on it. After much back and forth, he manages to haggle the price to 4000 for the assistance of it, curious as to why a young child would be the one to handle the business, but ultimately is more than happy to have you all there for assistance.
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Re: [D1, LM] Out Here in the Fields [Event, Twelve Parsecs]

Postby Cal Arcton » Mon Oct 08, 2018 12:26 pm

"Manka cats?" Cal said, scratching at his stubble. "I recall my parents having some trouble with those from time to time. Nothing on this sort of scale, though. Doesn't seem natural, if you ask me." Well, not really unnatural. It was more a figure of speech.


Manka Cats?!?! D1LM, unskilled Int, boost from Noventa native: 2eA+1eB+2eD 1 success, 1 advantage
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Re: [D1, LM] Out Here in the Fields [Event, Twelve Parsecs]

Postby Korvalus Dunbri » Mon Oct 08, 2018 12:43 pm

Kor had just come in from his morning work out, the back door to the bar slamming shut as he entered the establishment. Kor had heard enough of the conversation as he was walking to the main room. He entered clad in a slightly sweaty tank top and loose pants. The big man was toweling off his head as he entered, he finished and slung the towel around his neck his hands holding onto each end of the towel "Manka cats huh? Shouldn't be too hard of a job I imagine."
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Re: [D1, LM] Out Here in the Fields [Event, Twelve Parsecs]

Postby Flession » Mon Oct 08, 2018 1:31 pm

Cal recalls that manka cats were something of a nuisance, no matter where you found them in the galaxy. They were fierce predators, always hunted in packs, and their favorite prey has always been nerfs, though they are also known to eat other animals, including humanoids. On Noventa during the CIS/Republic days they were seasonally hunted to control the population. After which, their meat was given to the poorer areas of Noventa to help feed the population, as their meat is known to be quite tasty. During the Empire's control and shortly thereafter, this practice was discouraged and dropped off, causing the cats' population to start increase to what it is today.

((Advantage can be used to boost next roll on the subject))

"I certainly hope so. These things are simple on their own, but can be quite the terrible to deal with when there's a lot of them." Bamsh seems quite relieved at the sight of the big bulking man entering. Having someone that strong would be good to have around should they be able to enter thru the fence once more.
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Re: [D1, LM] Out Here in the Fields [Event, Twelve Parsecs]

Postby Quinn Largo » Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:33 pm

"How many of them are we talking about here?"
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Re: [D1, LM] Out Here in the Fields [Event, Twelve Parsecs]

Postby Flession » Mon Oct 08, 2018 4:03 pm

Bamsh gives a small shrug at the question. "Depends on the day. Some days have been a few, though yesterday was well over a dozen. I can't say I've ever seen so many band together in one assault, but I don't...think that is too unusual."
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