Player Characters

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Re: Player Characters

Postby Tewzada Star'Ti » Tue Oct 02, 2018 1:58 am

Tewzada Star'Ti

Gender - female
Age - 23
Height - 1.65m / 5'5"
Build - curvy, toned, jiggly
Skin - yellow-orange
Eyes - green


Tewzada doesn't remember her parents; She doesn't remember anything before the orphanage, frankly. She was told her parents were slaves for a billionaire named Romskog Ender, head of a major pharmaceutical company on her home planet of Danon. But they weren't in her life, so so what?

Tewzada chose her own name; After all, she was her own person, and no one could tell her who to be. After all, everyone else only looked out for themselves, so why shouldn't she? This viewpoint took over her thinking as she grew up; She became obsessed with showing the duplicity in everyone else, how those in power abused it and how those without power did dreadful things to get it. Still, she knew how to play by society's rules. Outwardly, Tewzada fit in as a charming girl, all be it a slightly contrarian one with headstrong tendencies. That just made her seem powerful and tough to some of the other kids, and she certainly had a way of swaying them to see things the way she did.

As Tew got old enough to leave the orphanage, she dreamed of becoming a reporter; After all, what better way to show what she'd always known about society than over the holonet to billions of people? Still, she found the job market in journalism for poorly educated Twi'lek teenagers to be a little... scant. Not being able to read or write and having no vehicle were all big barriers. Tewzada was determined though, and she did odd jobs (mostly dancing and prostitution) to afford night school.

It was enough; After two years, at the age of twenty-one, she got a job at Galaxy Nuze Network, a rather infamous holonet news network known for hiring it's reporters based more on their looks than anything else. Despite the half-naked anchors, they were well known for their entertainment news and gossip department, so Tew saw it as an opportunity. It wasn't long until she was moving up in the network; From intern to office to wardrobe to administrative assistant, mostly on charm. And the network executives were keen to get her in front of a camera.

Tew's charm came in one more time when she talked them into letting her do coverage rather than anchoring. It was the sort of thing she'd been waiting for. So for the past year, she's been traveling off planet, covering everything from battles to galas, natural disasters to bank heists. Sure, she doesn't usually get to choose her assignments, and GNN mostly has her doing the sorts of things the network is known for. But ratings are up, and and Tewzada is semi-famous in certain circles. This is getting her name out there, getting experience... And if she should happen to drag some hypocrites names through the mud in the process? So much the better.

Now she's found herself on assignment to Noventa. A backwater world, she's not sure how much here could really be of interest to those in the galaxy at large. But she has a local contact through the company, a printing business called "The Association for an Improved Tomorrow" that gathers information and prints pamphlets and magazines. It's not much, but perhaps this could lead ~somewhere~ interesting, hm?

- follow entertainment news and gossip? Tewzada has walked the red carpet and talked with the stars in her coverage, so you just might recognize her.
- a fan of smut and tat? GNN's lingerie calenders and "nighttime nuze" broadcasts have featured Tew, so you could recognize her from there too.
- does your character participate in any chats about people's rights, anti-corruption, and small government? You may have run into Tew on a computer then.
- Grow up on the city-planet Denon? Who knows, mighta run into Tew then!
- Need something printed, 3d printed, or screen printing? GNN's parent company own AFAIT Press on Noventa, a newspaper and printing company. So you might run into her at the offices.

AC1201 - camera droid
Tewzada's camera droid is often nearby, floating somewhere behind it's mistress. As a fifth-degree droid, it really doesn't have much intelligence or personality, but it's quite like a loyal puppy. 1201 tends to get kind of lonely without Tew around, and has a quirk of filming things without being told to. Tew doesn't mind though, since it's utterly reliable otherwise.

That and it's hidden blaster has come in handy more than once.
Twi'lek | reporter for Galaxy Nuze Network | Smokin' Hot | camera droid AC1201 | holo-costume with 10 outfits
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Tewzada Star'Ti
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Lena Arcturus » Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:00 am

Gender - Female
Species - Human
Age - 24
Height – 176 cm
Weight – 54 kg
Build - Lithe
Hair - Red
Eyes - Green

Lena is the pilot and chief mechanic of the Ivory Phoenix. Those who know something of Corellia might recognize her last name as belonging to one of the larger merchant families from the planet who deal in starships. In manner and dress, she is crisp and sharp, though there's a frosty air surrounding her most times. She is well educated and displays knowledge in a smattering of topics, all seem to be either military ot starfaring related though.

* Are you from Corellia? So is she!
* Been to Coruscant about 6-10 years ago? Lena was studying there!
* Interested in military history or tactics? So is she!
* Starships are both an occupational and familial interest to her, so she's always interested!
Ivory Phoenix * Pilot* Mechanic * Keeps things afloat * Dear
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Lena Arcturus
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Hin'biki » Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:57 pm

Gender - Male
Species - Twi'lek
Age - 19
Height – 175 cm
Weight – 74 kg
Build - Slight
Skin - Blue
Eyes - Blue

There is no good reason someone should know Hin'biki, and yet most people have probably met him at least once. A clandestine meeting at the Wookie's Codpiece, an afternoon booze up with your fellow scum, or just an ill conceived night of slumming it in Lower Providencetown. He was that twi'lek who gave you your drink. He's the one cleaning the next table over. He's the one mopping up the blood from a row. He's the one going into the back room with some patron or another. He might even be the one idly contorting himself on one of the stage boxes for a few spare credits. He's that twi'lek everyone expects to be in every bar, and for that exact reason nobody cares who he is or why he's there.

No one asks about his past. No one would think to ask. They just let him do his work, and maybe, just maybe, on a slow afternoon, or just after last call, someone will look up from their drink. In that moment they might see the young twi'lek cleaning the bar with a bland expression, and in those moments they may give thought to asking him his story. It's always short, and it's always the same. He just got here from [random planet on the Rim] and is just here long enough to make the money for his next transport. It doesn't matter that he's been here for almost a year. The patrons never noticed.

* A fellow Twi'lek might be more likely to notice another Twi'lek at the bar.
* Maybe you happened to hire the young server for the evening. What it was for doesn't matter.
* You saw some of the tell-tale welts he keeps mostly hidden on his back one day. Souvenirs from his time as a slave.
* You could just be a bleeding heart looking for a poor, downtrodden charity case to pour your attention into healing from the wounds of the past.
Twi'lek | Nobody | Just Another Twi'lek | Unimportant | Token Twi'lek server
"Of course, ser, right away." - Hin'biki
Profile | Equipment: Com, performers attire, vibro blade x2, molecular stilleto x2
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Sailee » Sun Oct 07, 2018 12:52 am


Gender - Female
Age - 35
Height - 5'11"
Build - Powerful
Fur - Tan
Eyes - Hazel


Sailee was a bounty hunter, from shortly before the end of the clone wars until shortly after the Battle of Jakku, usually in the employ of the Empire. Now, she's a pilot and security for some shoestring news rag. But whatever; it pays the bills.

She's a powerfully built and toned Cathar, who often carries an astonishingly large gun, often seen sharpening her claws. And by all accounts, she is averse to sleeves.

A born spacer raised by outcasts, she has few connections to her people's heritage. Or manners. Her priorities tend to be simple. Food, violence, cash, comfort. She doesn't get terribly hung up over ideals and agendas, and tends to get annoyed when people try to inspire her to a cause.

- Bruh, you even lift?
- Loves a tussle.
- Guns are cool.
- You an outlaw? Got on the wrong side of the law in the last twenty years? We might have "met."
- You a bounty hunter? Sailee's been freelance the last few years. Maybe you roped her in on a job that went badly.
- Has a Hell of a sweet tooth, but it's so hard to find places that cater to carnivores' tastes. Some days, she'd kill for a honey blood latte, or a nice scoop of pisteakchio ice cream.
- Easily manipulated by beautiful women.
Cathar * AFAIT * Ex Bounty Hunter * Pilot * Security * Strong * Likes Big Guns
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Re: Player Characters

Postby Runi Vizsla » Sun Oct 07, 2018 10:43 pm

Runi Vizsla
Gender - Female
Age - 25
Height – 5'8"
Weight – 150 lbs
Build - Athletic
Hair - Black
Eyes - Cyan
Notable Features – Scarlet skin, black quarter sleeve tattoo with the Mandlorian war banner and the Clan Vizsla symbol as featured parts

Runi is the gregarious bartender at the Twelve Parsecs, a fixture of the bar since she arrived on Noventa a few months ago. She wears her black hair long and the bright smile she gives everyone who comes in reveals slightly sharp teeth, and her cyan eyes are vivid and bright. She moves with energy and always serves drinks with a little flourish. She chats in a friendly way but always a little impersonal, hearing others troubles with a sympathetic ear but never sharing any of her own.

She is quite handy with a vibroax, and serves as a backup bouncer if the other one is out.

* Force Sensitive? You might have sensed something around Runi.
* Always happy to serve a drink and a smile at the 12 Parsecs.
* Interested in digging into a mysterious past? It might take some effort, but she might eventually share.
* Humans might think she's a Zeltron, but others of that species know better, as well as the more observant.
Zeltron, maybe...? | Mandalorian | Bartender | Twelve Parsecs Crew | Bounty Hunter | Force Sensitive
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Runi Vizsla
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