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Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:37 pm
by Kai Wryssald
The duffel bag full of blaster Carbine's wasn't exactly light, and Kai could feel it in his shoulder as he strolled through the Bazaar, someone pretty and blue by his side. This seemed the best place to offload some of the extra weapons they had recovered yesterday, and hopefully turn a bit of profit on it, a far better guess then the farmers market. "I'm glad it's not raining." Kai mused as he looked around at the stalls.

"This would be a pretty miserable load if it was."

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 2:56 pm
by Cefey Raneth
"Mm," Fey nodded, stifling a yawn as she did. "Finally the weather's looking up."

Finding some 'varmints' to do a little under-the-table dealing was more Jelna's strong suit, but it was the Brains and the Brawn taking a gander this time. "Would be nice to get some money from all that heavy lifting, eh?" she smiled, but her mind seemed a little preoccupied. She was certainly being a lot more thoughtful than usual.

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 3:24 pm
by Kai Wryssald
"Yeah." Kai replied simply, eyes on the twi'lek for a few moments. "Means we might even be able to get out and enjoy ourselves. Well, provided everything dries out enough."

"Money would be good though." He reached over to tickle the twi'leks ribs with his free hand. "Something up?" He asked, rather innocently. It was odd to see the blue one anything less then chipper.

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 3:53 pm
by Cefey Raneth
"Ah!" she flinched away from the merciless tickle-attack. Ticklishness, her arch-nemesis!

"I... Hmm... I've just been thinking a lot. On a lot of stuff." Fey looked away as she tucked her hands into the pockets of her duster. "... Do you think I flirt too much?"

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 4:06 pm
by Kai Wryssald
He grinned at her reaction but didn't continue, tickle attacks could turn into naughty things if not controlled after all.

"Hrm, I think if I said you did, I'd have to admit that I flirt a bit too much as well." Kai offered after a thoughtful moment, stepping a bit closer to the twi'lek, so they could have more privacy. "I suppose it's easy though? Kinda like smiling. The folks at the orphanage always told me to smile. People want to adopt happy kids after all."

"Flirting can put folks at ease, make them a bit happy. I guess it can also make the wrong impression though."

"Is it the second part you're thinking about?"

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 4:16 pm
by Cefey Raneth
"Heh," she chuckled awkwardly at that little bit of info. "I was always told to smile too. Funny how we got those things in common... though for different reasons."

The long duster flapped a bit about as she moved her pocketed hands. "But yeah... I was thinking more of the second part there."

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 4:33 pm
by Kai Wryssald
He slid in a bit closer, wrapping his free hand around her waist as they walked, hopefully she wouldn't mind the gesture. "Then I'll say maybe. I know sometimes you flirt because it helps you get closer to people, the type of people that may be able to help us in one way or another, and that's probably because it's how you've always done it. Doesn't make it wrong really, but I suppose it does come with risks."

"I suppose the real question is, if that's the way you want to continue doing things? I mean, I won't let any man or woman force you into something you don't want to do. At least I'll do my best in that regard, but if you want to find a different way, well you should then." He smiled. "None of us are required to do things just because it's what we're good at, or what we know. We can stumble through all this learning together, right?"

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:48 pm
by Cefey Raneth
Fey leaned against Kai as he put his arm around her waist. This way they probably blended in better too with the crowd, but in truth, she considered Kai her closest friend among the crew. And there was a lot she felt she owed him.

"I know you won't," she smiled up at him and relaxed a little bit. "I guess you're right... it's just a bad habit to lose, in a way. When you've been taught to act a certain way, and have done that for such a long time. It's like for you too, no?" Not that Kai had ever struck her as the type who had been a bloodthirsty and heartless Stormtrooper. He had left, after all.

It was why she had pitied that trooper they had caught alive yesterday so much. Who knew how many others like them was still in the Empire's clutches. People who wanted to leave but didn't know how?

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 9:37 pm
by Kai Wryssald
"Yeah, though I suppose I'm a bit better then some. You know Kor, that big guy so willing to break arms the other day? He used to be in the same business as us." A small frown made it's way onto his lips. "They used to call him the Butcher. It seems he hasnt changed much."

"I suppose that just proves how hard breaking those habits can be though." Kai continued fighting off some of his own bad habits when it came to having a beautiful woman in close proximity. "Not like we have to be like that though, were all still young. We haven't had those habits as long."

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 9:58 pm
by Cefey Raneth
She shuddered a bit. It wasn't a man she had encountered, but she had heard some talk about some Butcher pretty early on when she was brought to Corellia, from when she would overhear what the guards and troopers were talking about. "How long is too long, though? You got your habits from before... that time. As do I."

Her steps slowed for a moment. "You knew him back then?" Her frame leaned a bit more against his. To onlookers, it looked like a pair stopping for a little closeness and public displays of affection.

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 10:39 pm
by Kai Wryssald
"Any time past thirty-five maybe? Really not too certain on that account." He hadn't given it all too much thought after all.

"Yeah, not well but we were stationed in the same places." Kai explained. "For at least a little while, so I've met him a number of times." He took a slow breath enjoying the scent of the woman in his arms. "Never expected to see him again honestly."

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 10:48 pm
by Cefey Raneth
Fey closed her eyes for a few moments, trying to ignore those penetrating feelings of fear that permeated the air of this planet.

"... Can we trust him?" she asked quietly.

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 11:28 pm
by Kai Wryssald
"Yeah." Was the simple answer, as he tugged her in a little closer. "He left too after all, and came all the way out here to get away from it all."

"Though, its probably wise to be careful regardless."

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 11:44 pm
by Cefey Raneth
The motion of her nodding could be felt against him. She trusted that what Kai said was true.

"... That's good to know. I mean... he seemed to be a decent sort, when I met him." And he had helped her out of that sea of foam.

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 2:46 am
by Kai Wryssald
Kai let the bag drop so he could fully wrap the twi'lek in his arms, the little pit stop would last a little longer at least. "That's the impression I got as well." He said quietly, head ducked in to be nearer to Cefey's ears. "I think the same can be said of most of the people from the twelve parsecs. Cal seems to surround himself with good people."

At least of the one's he had met, which hadn't been all that many honestly.

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:24 pm
by Cefey Raneth
"Mm," she nodded again. Cal seemed alright. Quinn didn't seem bad either, even if the girl had taken her money at the card-tables... though she knew that was also just the risks that came with risk-games.

"Might be a potential place to lay low, in case something bad happens," Fey sighed. "I don't know, I just have a bad feeling that something's gonna happen that will be really bad."

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 1:24 pm
by Kai Wryssald
"Might be best if we just up and leave then?" Kai asked, they had nothing keeping them here after all. "Finish off this job and just leave?"

There was a small pause. "I do trust your instincts after all." Cefey and Jelna both had good instincts.

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 2:19 pm
by Cefey Raneth
"Maybe." She was unsure, and the feelings of not wanting to run away came back again, like it had when Jelna had wanted to leave the planet right away.

Fey took a deep breath, collecting herself and her resolve. "... Let's focus on this for now, ok?"


D6 LM Knowledge: Underworld to find the right place to sell carbines. Boost from Kai. Unknown difficulty: 4eA+1eB 2 successes, 6 advantage

Illegal Market!: 2eD 0 successes, 3 threat

((2 suxx, 3 advantages))

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 3:02 pm
by Kai Wryssald
"Sure thing, Honey." Kai agreed, reluctantly releasing the Twi'lek from his arms. "We might start to get funny looks if we start making out in the streets anyways." He added with a bit of a teasing tone.

"You think we'll be able to find a buyer?"

Re: Mind on my Money (Day 6 Late morning)

PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 5:31 pm
by Flession
Surprisingly enough, it seems rather easy to find someone to offload some weaponry too. After taking some corners, diving around thru places, you come across a strange man who seems to know a thing or two about buying and selling weaponry.


"Hello there, outsider. What is it that brings you here to me today?"