No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

The main trading point within Providencetown. Most things can be found here... or you might know somebody who can get you what you need...

No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Hin'biki » Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:52 pm

The fake gold ring looked dull and worthless, which, to be fair, it more or less was, but that didn't stop a small part of Hin from wanting it. A decoration for his lekku, he saw all the "fine" wares as the rain came down turning the pathways to mud. Many vendors had just stayed closed today, but some of the more dedicated, or just desperate remained open, and with a little time before work and nothing to do or anywhere to go he just wondered.

He put down the ring with a sigh, covering his head with a jacket as he darted to the next stall with its awning.

"Hey, D'sam," he said in a friendly enough tone to the young man behind the counter. He was really just looking to get out of the rain but thought it would be rude if he didn't at least pretend not to be using the human just for his shop.
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Ender » Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:05 am

As the Twi'lek shopped, or browsed, two men, with clipped short hair, dressed in long coats, looking about the bazaar, moved down the pathways. Duffel bags were slung over their backs, looking at though they had just stepped off a transport. Their steps were in sync with each other, moving almost in perfect time. They weren't hassling anyone, or pushing past.

But it was noticeable just how much they looked at everything.
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Yara Suhr » Tue Oct 16, 2018 3:21 am

Yara had heard a rumor about a cargo of stripped ship's parts hitting the P-town bazaar that supposedly included a couple of decommissioned bacta tanks. Supposedly. Whether they exist at all is questionable, and the likelihood of anything that makes it to market here being functional is even lower. But even a non-working tank may have some parts worth cannibalizing, and when your main suppliers are several systems over, keeping spare parts on hand is never a bad idea. However, with the rain continuing even heavier today, custom is scarce and the big junk sellers seem mostly not to have bothered unlocking their containers. She's beginning to suspect this may have been a mostly-wasted trip.

Ducking under the awning of the costume jewelry stall to avoid a particularly heavy squall, she turns around to brush off her coat just in time to spot the... soldiers? Are those soldiers?
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Ender » Tue Oct 16, 2018 1:09 pm

The two men stopped as the squall picked up, ducking into an awning over a door into a building. They seemed to engage in small talk, one of them laughing. One reached into his coat, pulling something out, and bringing it close to his face. Likely a communicator of some kind.

They waited for the rain to pass, chatting quietly to each other.
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Hin'biki » Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:30 pm

With few people on the streets, it was hard not to think it odd that the two would have gotten off a transport and went straight to the bazaar. Then again, maybe not having people around was precisely the point. Hin continued his browsing, though out of the corner of his eye he kept watch on the two as they moved.

It was half out of habit, half out of paranoia. He had stayed alive more than one knowing when to run. It was only when he caught a shadow out of the other corner that his attention was broken. was the doctor from the other day. His brow furrowed as he gave her an appraising look through the rain. He made it a point not to deal too much with capital types, but then that was also because capital types didn't deal with P-town, and especially not 'down-hillers.'

He might have flagged her down, but with two strange men around, jovial though they seemed, Hin wasn't about to bring any attention to himself. Instead he just continued to look her way.
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Yara Suhr » Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:59 pm

Yara catches Hin looking at her, and after a moment recognizes him as the Twi'lek boy from that bar, the one with the bruises. Truthfully, it's more his clothing and something about his manner that tips her off rather than his actual features; he does a very good job of not standing out that way. She raises an auburn brow at him and shifts her eyes to indicate the two men they've obviously both noticed."Interesting people you see shopping down here," she says quietly, a good percentage of her attention still focused on the men across the way.

D3 MA--eavesdrop on and/or observe some dudes, Perception with unknown difficulty: 1eP+2eA 3 successes, 1 advantage
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Ender » Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:50 am

Can Yara Hear Them?: 2eC+1eD 2 failures, 2 threat

Total: 1 Success, 1 Threat

"Place looks like a market. Lots of goods coming through..."

"Might be a good place to get infor..."

There was a pause, as the two looked over at Hin and Yara, noting the way the doctor was watching them (threat to pick up they've been made). Chortling, one moved away from the other, heading down the way they came. The other paused, looked about, and started the opposite direction. Their pace began to pick up.
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Hin'biki » Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:41 pm

Now was the time to figure out whether he was curious enough to risk notice for something that might be nothing. With a trinket in hand he sighed and looked at the human

"All kinds here," he said simply waiting to see how invested Dr. Suhr was in these two men.
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Yara Suhr » Wed Oct 17, 2018 10:31 pm

"The kind that walk as if a cadence is playing and talk like advance scouts... that's rather less common, as far as I know." The doctor's gaze flicks from one to another, as if she's considering following but can't decide which is the better bet. "I may be jumping at shadows, of course."

The thing is, jumping at shadows has kept her out of worse trouble more than once. Subjective bias being what it is, the times her this is a problem-sense turned out to be right weigh heavier than the times nothing came of it.
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Hin'biki » Thu Oct 18, 2018 4:03 pm

"In most places like's sometimes better to just leave it alone. Whatever it is, I don't need to be a part of it."

He looked down the road at the one that seemed to be going away from where they'd came. "But while I have you make house calls?"
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Yara Suhr » Thu Oct 18, 2018 7:56 pm

"You may be right. More to the point, anyone I tried to follow would see me coming from three klicks away, I'm sure." Yara shakes her head, suppressing frustration. Perhaps I'll ask Cal, next time I see him. He hears things.

"Sometimes I do," she says, turning to look at Hin more fully. She raises an eyebrow a little, but the smile at the corners of her mouth is touched with warmth. "If it isn't practical for someone to come in to the clinic, or if I happen to be in the neighborhood."
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Hin'biki » Thu Oct 18, 2018 7:58 pm

The twi'lek shook his head, mildly embarrassed, "Nevermind. Forget I said anything. It's really not important."

He continued to look in the direction the one man had gone, "Still, don't get too many of you capital types slumming it here in downtown P-town."
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Yara Suhr » Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:14 pm

"Slumming?" Her lips twitch with amusement. "You may have too high an opinion of me. Or of the capital, for that matter." Shaking her head slightly, she adds, "Noventa City is a bit optimistic. It's a frontier-world town with a few hundred thousand people and a dead factory at its heart. A little more lawful than here, but hardly a paradise of order."
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Hin'biki » Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:26 pm

"I wouldn't really know," Hin admitted finally turning his attention back to the good doctor. "I hitched a ride from off-world and got offloaded in P-town. No money, meant no leaving. I've been here ever since."
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Yara Suhr » Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:31 pm

"But you want to leave?" The doctor's green eyes become shadowed with a hint of concern.
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Hin'biki » Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:43 pm

"I don't think anyone would want to be here forever," his voice wasn't sad or judgmental. It was matter-of-fact.

He looked at his mud speckled boots, "But there are worse places in the galaxy."
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Yara Suhr » Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:56 pm

"I can't argue with that," Yara says, clearly amused. "Even the weather here is half-decent... most of the time." She glances again down the street, where the mystery men have more or less vanished and the salvage dealers she was hoping to find today are still nowhere in evidence. "Well, I do have some connections offplanet, depending what your plans happen to be when you're ready to move on."

She smiles at him slightly. "The galaxy is changing. There's room nearly everywhere, these days."
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Hin'biki » Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:04 pm

"Room enough to hide, I hope," he muttered quietly under his breath, the sound almost entirely swallowed up by the rain. There was a definite melancholy to the young twi'lek, though it might have just been his complexion. Either way, he seemed only half present.

"I don't pry, but you never said what you were doing in low town. Would have figured you could afford uptown."
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Yara Suhr » Thu Oct 18, 2018 10:03 pm

"There aren't exactly a lot of salvage dealers uptown," the doctor explains, her smile going wry. "I heard some scrapped medical gear might be coming on to the market and, well, on a backwater like this it really is never a bad idea to have back-up parts on hand." She shrugs. "I may have to try again another day."
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Re: No thanks, I'm just browsing [Day 3, MA, Open]

Postby Hin'biki » Fri Oct 19, 2018 2:20 pm

"Oh, is that all you need? You should stop by the bar," Hin's lekku unfurled and slid down his back then with one returning to about his shoulders.

"The boss can hook you up, easy. Just ask. Now, don't get me wrong the stuff might have fallen out of a cargo bay or two, it it's safe."
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