Character Creation

The Place for Out of Character Communications and Threads

Character Creation

Postby Ender » Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:04 pm

Characters for Noventa Will Be Built as Follows -

65 XP additional after normal character creation
An Additional 2500 credits to start with
All Sourcebooks are allowed
All species in the Unofficial Species Menagerie are allowed (except where the species was officially released in a sourcebook, then the official release supersedes the menagerie)

In addition:
Each group that joins will determine if they will use Obligation or Duty (Duty is only available to groups who opt to play New Republic Military Characters as a group). There will be opportunities to gain one or the other through play. Maximum Group size is 6

Starting Obligation or Duty: 10
You may take up to 10 additional obligation/reduce Duty to 0 for
  • +5 Starting XP (5 obligation/5 duty)
  • +10 Starting XP (10 obligation/10 duty)
  • +1000 additional credits (5 obligation/5 duty)
  • +2500 additional credits (10 obligation/10 duty)

All Force Sensitive Characters will begin with a Morality Score of 50.

Group Resource:
Groups will begin play with a Group Resource which can be one of:

If An Obligation Group:
One Ship valued up to 150,000 Credits, unrestricted. If wanting a restricted vessel, we can discuss it, and it may come with additional obligation, however, I will have final say on whether or not the ship is allowable.


A Homestead or Business (from Far Horizons sourcebook), plus an additional 1000 credits per PC in the group, representing income already generated.

If Using Duty:
A U-Wing (Dawn of Rebellion sourcebook)

A Base of Operations (pg. 111 AoR CRB), and an additional 1000 credits per PC in the group, representing additional resources the New Republic has outfitted you with. This Base can be modified as per the base rules in Desperate Allies

Ender wrote:Sheets and group templates should be submitted to:

Character and group submission is [b]OPEN[b]
GM - The Ashla and the Bogan, The Bendu - "All Is As The Force Wills It"
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Re: Character Creation

Postby Ender » Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:24 am

Format for Character Submission -

Code: Select all
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Species: [/b]
[b]Career: [/b]
[b]Specialization Trees:[/b]

[b]Soak Value: [/b]
[b]Wounds: / [/b]
[b]Strain: /[/b]
[b]Defense (R/M):[/b]

[b]Force Rating:[/b]

Brawn –2
Agility – 2
Intellect – 2
Cunning – 2
Willpower – 2
Presence –  2

[b]General Skills:[/b]
Astrogation (Int) -
Athletics (Br) -
Charm (Pr) -
Coercion (Will) -
Computers (Int) -
Cool (Pr) -
Coordination (Ag) -
Deception (Cun) -
Discipline (Will) -
Leadership (Pr) -
Mechanics (Int) -
Medicine (Int) -
Negotiation (Pr) -
Perception (Cun) -
Piloting – Planetary (Ag) -
Piloting – Space (Ag) -
Resilience (Br) -
Skulduggery (Cun) -
Stealth (Ag) -
Streetwise (Cun) -
Survival (Cun) -
Vigilance (Will) –

[b]Combat Skills:[/b]
Brawl (Br) -
Gunnery (Ag) -
Lightsaber (Br) -
Melee (Br) -
Ranged – Light (Ag) -
Ranged – Heavy (Ag) -

[b]Knowledge Skills (Int):[/b]
Core Worlds -
Education -
Lore -
Outer Rim -
Underworld -
Warfare -
Xenology -

[b]Character Description:[/b]
Gender -
Age -
Height –
Weight –
Build -
Hair -
Eyes -
Notable Features –

[b]Motivations: [/b]

[b]Obligation: [/b]


[b]Morality: [/b]

Credits –
Weapons and Armor -
Personal Gear -


[b]Special Abilities/Force Powers:[/b]

[b]XP Spending:[/b]
GM - The Ashla and the Bogan, The Bendu - "All Is As The Force Wills It"
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Re: Character Creation

Postby Ender » Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:22 pm

If a Force User, when you list your Morality in your sheet, please note the emotional strength and weakness tied to that Morality!
GM - The Ashla and the Bogan, The Bendu - "All Is As The Force Wills It"
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Re: Character Creation

Postby Ender » Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:52 pm

The Noventa Group Template
1 – What is the group supposed to be?
2 – During the Galactic Civil War between the Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, what were the group members up to?
3 – What common experiences do the group members share?
4 – What goals are shared by the characters?
5 – In the era of reconstruction after the fall of the Empire, and the fledgling New Republic looking to restore order, what does the group hope to achieve?
6 – Are there any differences among members of the group that could run contrary to the others? If so, are they publically known, or are they kept hidden?
7 – Is there anything in particular in the history of the group or the PC that the GM should note to include for the plot/sideplot highlights?
GM - The Ashla and the Bogan, The Bendu - "All Is As The Force Wills It"
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Re: Character Creation

Postby Ender » Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:01 pm

Once you have your group PF, two threads are absolutely necessary.

1.) Your group template, this thread will also be used for GM to group communication.

2.) Your group resource. It should list the stats of your ship or how your homestead/business/base of operations is, with amentities and things purchased.
GM - The Ashla and the Bogan, The Bendu - "All Is As The Force Wills It"
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