[Day 7, LA] The New Deal

[Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:42 pm

Kaneesa is a bit more gussied up than usual, his long ears tied back into a more controlled position, and in a pressed shirt and vest, with a black beret on his head, along with a pair of sunglasses. He approaches the bouncer and offers a short, deferential nod.

"I have an offer that the Madam may be interested in." Kaneesa gestures to a small crate that he has brought along with him. He cracks it to show a glint of bottle within its depths. "And some other things to discuss. I wouldn't waste her time."
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Re: [Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby CLL-MT9 » Tue Oct 30, 2018 5:27 pm

Clementine hadn't gone to the spaceport that morning. Not the time for moonlighting, and work was probably scarce with the Imps in town.

The occupation seems to have brought out something subtly different in Clementine. Where usually he moved through the world affably, he had walked behind Kaneesa that afternoon radiating the sense of threat that he usually kept on hold until he was called upon to menace. His necklace of flattened restraining bolts had shifted, looped doubled around his left loading claw, more prominent to both eye and ear, and suggesting a chain wrapped around a human fist. He had also brought along a half-crushed keg, mangled earlier in the month when a speeder had accidentally collided with Clementine on a supply run (the speeder, and the keg, had gotten the worst of it). Heavy and jagged, when left in the Codpiece's storage room it just looked like junk; in Clementine's possession, it has the look of some primitive cybernetic cave-sapient's favorite head-smashing rock. If an Imperial ship flies overhead, he tracks it with his large, black photoreceptor, and keeps his thoughts to himself.

"I have an offer that the Madam may be interested in." Kaneesa gestures to a small crate that he has brought along with him. He cracks it to show a glint of bottle within its depths. "And some other things to discuss. I wouldn't waste her time."

The keg was magnetically clamped to his back, his arms full of stolen alcohol in a crate. He doesn't say anything to the bouncer, but projects impatience on behalf of his boss. Are your really going to make us wait for another second?

[Loom is now 4 advantages; assuming the keg is a large improvised weapon]
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Re: [Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby Honorordeath » Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:10 am

At the door they were greeted by security, three men with one of them taking the lead in the conversation as he broke formation with the others and approached Kaneesa. Looking between him and the droid before speaking, "Who exactly do you think you are?" said the Barabel enforcer. Looking them over, crossing his arms across his chest. A strong, reptilian enforcer common to the work of criminal enterprises.

[Hard Negotiation, Charm, or Persuasion Check, Setback because: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVKySA2-47c ]
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Re: [Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Wed Oct 31, 2018 1:21 pm

"Me? I'm Kaneesa Gee, Force-ful jizz wailer, proprietor of the Wookie's Codpiece, entrepreneur and all around loved businessman." Kaneesa winks at one in the group. "Come on, I know there's a jizz lover around here, amirite? You." Kaneesa points to one of the humans. "My human." Kaneesa offers a short nod, and then looks back at Clem.

"Also, I'm bringing the booze." Kaneesa cracks the lid a little wider, letting the case of Wyern's Reserve be a bit more obvious.

"Like I said, I think your employer might be interested."

Charm the guard-setback-Sense Emotions-Influence-Loom: 2eA+2eP+1eB+1eF+3eD+1eS 3 successes, 3 threat, 1 Triumph, 1 Dark Side

(Loom adds 4 Advantage for net 1 advantage. Triumph on the board)
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Re: [Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby Honorordeath » Wed Oct 31, 2018 1:32 pm

"I hate jizz," said the human, gruffly, getting a bit uppity he stepped forward and went to remind this uppity Gungan nobody who the boss' in town were. However, other plans were formed by his better. Receiving a swift crack to the gut the human toppled over under the force of the punch from the Barabel that was originally speaking with Kaneesa.

"Not," he hissed, "on my watch. No, hiss, trouble on my watch," he says, looking to the man now on the floor and then to Kaneesa himself. "I, ss, didn't know it was you. Heard many things about you, have much of your music. Pleassse, follow me," he said, glaring down the other one who he'd also sensed getting uppity and directed Kaneesa and co. inside.

[Threat Spent to affect only the Barabel, also to make the others hostile to Kaneesa. Triumph offered to make a permanent recurring friend. Success, well, succeeds!]
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Re: [Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Wed Oct 31, 2018 2:06 pm

"Thank you kindly sir." Kaneesa tips his beret to the humans as he goes past, following the Barabel inside and motions for Clem to follow him.
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Re: [Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby Honorordeath » Wed Oct 31, 2018 3:57 pm

Kaneesa was lead into a small office space, passing the open lounge on his way through and seeing the staff and their patrons speaking and enjoying their personal times together. Beyond the main floor they entered through a curtain, a small hallway, and finally the woman in charges office. Within the office the space was lavish, decorated with variations of purple mostly on the darker side of the spectrum. Vida herself sat at a desk with neatly assorted files and a personal computer.

Looking up from her work, lifting glasses and setting them down on the table she stood at her full height, which was on the short side of five and a half feet. Clear skin marked the woman's curvy body with a dress that allowed Kaneesa to make that observation but a demeanor that forbade it.

"Kaneesa Gee," she spoke his name harshly, a smooth and heavy rylothian accent. Letting her Lekku hang behind her, almost like a crown. "To what do I owe this singularly unique pleasure?" she asks, her tone was permissive but held his attention. Had he not a good answer for her he would certainly regret it. That was the air this woman held about her, to most it was intimidating, to a token unlucky few it was utterly intoxicating.

For poor Clementine, however, he would have to remain just outside of the door to Madame Vida's office. While the space was able to be made for him to come through the curtains covering the way to the hall the door was not meant to accept loads or even beings as large as his metallic form was.
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Re: [Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby CLL-MT9 » Wed Oct 31, 2018 4:16 pm

Clementine follows behind Kaneesa. Without stopping, he glances at the fallen man as he passes. He is in the literally sense expressionless but manages to communicate the subtle underworld mix of "I have won" and "this contest was decicreds to me" as he leaves him behind and moves up the food chain.

[To clarify, Kaneesa's roll had net 3 advantages because of Loom -- net 1 threat after the roll, +4 advantages from me. The scene as written is cool, so no worries there, it's just likely to come up again!]
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Re: [Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby Honorordeath » Wed Oct 31, 2018 4:30 pm

"Wait here with me, Droid," said the Barabel when he had escorted Kaneesa inside. Stepping back outside with Clem. Vida wasn't a woman he wanted to risk angering, despite her general welcoming.

[Noting, I saw that from Kaneesa in the Discord. Not sure how to work it yet otherwise but didn't seem sensible to back track the scene as it was. Since, I figured, it ultimately didn't reflect too poorly on you after that. I might come up with something though!]
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Re: [Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby CLL-MT9 » Wed Oct 31, 2018 4:55 pm

Assuming Clementine didn't see Kaneesa signaling otherwise, he took up his posting outside the door. This was familiar, comfortable -- two bosses inside, two goons outside. Kaneesa was moving the crew on up.

Clementine looked over to the Barabel, taking him in. This was what a high-class boss' enforcer looked like. This was where Clementine was heading. He liked the look of it. He gave the Barabel one of his full-body nods, his one-piece head-and-torso tilting forward while his legs bent and straightened.

"Clementine," he said, clanging his chest with his right loading claw, the one without the restraining bolts. He was spared the possible human foible of trying to sound too cool by being capable of more or less only a single tone.

[No worries! My suggestion is that the Barabel's good feelings extend to Clementine, also. Hooray friendship!]
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Re: [Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby Honorordeath » Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:02 pm

[I accept!]

"Do you belong to Kaneesa, Droid?" the Barabel asked, his voice held a low hiss between the occasional word. There was an earnest, honest, uncertainty to the question.
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Re: [Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Wed Oct 31, 2018 6:14 pm

"Madame Vida! It is quite a pleasure. Your reputation precedes you." Kaneesa offers a bow to the famed criminal. Countless of her students had gone on to very lucrative careers. While her reputation wasn't as brutal as others, it would be foolish to waste her time.

"I happen to have come into posession of something that was destined to reach you. I wanted to ensure that you received it, especially considering recent, ahem, complications in the supply chain." Kaneesa places the case of Wyern's Reserve on her desk and opens it for Vida. "It was some rather strange timing too..." Kaneesa shakes his head, but offers a sly smile.. "I don't want to imagine the upcharges we are going to see."
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Re: [Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby CLL-MT9 » Wed Oct 31, 2018 7:20 pm

Honorordeath wrote:"Do you belong to Kaneesa, Droid?" the Barabel asked, his voice held a low hiss between the occasional word. There was an earnest, honest, uncertainty to the question.

Clementine stared at him for a beat, and then crossed his other loading claw, the one wrapped in the doubled loop of flattened metal disks, in front of his chest. They clinked together. "No bolt on me." He lowered his claw. "Kaneesa's my boss. Like Vida." He gave himself an inquisitive tilt by bending one knee slightly. "Right?"
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Re: [Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby Honorordeath » Fri Nov 02, 2018 4:34 pm

"I would hope such is the case, that you have heard of me before, that you have come to my office for your business," she teased.

"So, you have come to me with... a gift?" she asked, desiring certainty.


"I see..." the Barabel said, "it is... a pleasure.." the Barabel elongated his words as he spoke.

[Sorry for the late, and meh, replies. I've been trying to get my head into this thread to move it forward to no avial, so, push it forward I shall and hope it syncs with me.]
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Re: [Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Sat Nov 03, 2018 7:02 am

Kanessa waves his hand in a non-committal gesture. "I wouldn't say...gift. Perhaps more of an "advance delivery".

The Gungan leans in a little. "I am sure you know about our new...Imperial guests. What you might not know is that, in all of the confusion, it would seem that the last shipment of booze to the planet before their incursion has been...tragically misplaced. New customs agents, or new people watching the customs agents. I am sure that it will be a right mess by the time everything is sorted out."

Kaneesa smiles and leans back a bit. "Of course, what it will do to supply and demand around here is enormous. I mean, in my little establishment I can get by with rotgut, but other locations...I imagine you could get away with charging two...three times what you normally do. Beings will do crazy things to keep up their habits, amirite?"

Kaneesa motions to the crate. "That is your order. And I wanted to offer you first buying rights on the remainder of the stock I have available. It could be a very profitable venture for both of us...and perhaps one that could begin a new partnership."
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Re: [Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby Honorordeath » Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:19 pm

"Have you come before me then, to offer that which I have already ordered in exchange for compensation?" she asked, attempting to offer insight and get a grasp on exactly what Kaneesa was getting at.
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Re: [Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:28 pm

Kaneesa offers another laugh. "Forgive me if I wasn't clear. When I say that it isn't a gift, that is because it is hardly a gift to return something to whom it already belongs. I feel comfortable about my operation, but eventually some whispers would come to you and I would hate to have you find out that way. Please consider it a compliment that I absolutely do not want to cross you, or inconvenience you, so I wanted to make sure that you received your order in a timely fashion."

"That said...I have more than what you ordered. A lot more. While I could work my magic to break down the inventory, dilute and reconstitute it for a pretty pile of credits, I thought you might enjoy first buying opportunity on the rest. Especially the with new guests complicating our supply lines."
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Re: [Day 7, LA] The New Deal

Postby Kaneesa Gee » Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:56 pm

"Or, if that's a problem, well...who knows how long the incursion will last." Kaneesa moves to pick up the case.

Come on, make me an offer
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